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    上图:2月1日,胡昌胜夫妇在新居前合影;下图:2月1日,胡昌胜夫妇在旧居合影(拼版照片)。“过去每逢恶劣天气,我总担心老房子会倒。如今,我们全家住进了结实的新房。”近日,江西南丰县洽湾镇洽湾村43岁的低保户胡昌胜住进了新居。胡昌胜是南丰县实施农村危房改造工程的受益者之一,在政府的帮助下,这个平时靠吃低保维持生活的残疾人家庭终于建起了自己两层楼的新房。截至目前,南丰县共有约1000户困难群众的“忧心房”变成了“安心房”。据了解,从2009年6月到2012年12月,江西省共完成30.4万户农村危房改造任务,近120万农村困难群众住进了安心房。新华社记者 周科 摄 the:On February 1,,HuChangSheng couples in new photo before;the:On February 1,,HuChangSheng couples in the old home had a group photo taken(Makeup photos)."In the past every bad weather,I always worry about old house will fall.now,My family lived in a strong bridal chamber."recently,Jiangxi NaFengXian contact bay town contact bay village 43, low HuChangSheng families live in a new house.HuChangSheng is NaFengXian implementation of rural dilapidated building renovation of one of the beneficiaries,With the help of the government,This usually eat subsidies to maintain life of the disabled family finally built his two floors of the bridal chamber.So far,There were about 1000 homes NaFengXian the needy"Anxiety room"became"Secure room".It is understood,From June 2009 to December 2012,A total of 304000 households in jiangxi province complete rural dilapidated building reconstruction task,Nearly 1.2 million rural difficult people live in the room at ease.The xinhua news agency ZhouKe perturbation




     2月1日,胡昌胜在新居厨房向记者介绍自己目前的生活。新华社记者 周科 摄  On February 1,,In the new HuChangSheng kitchen introduces to the reporter his present life.The xinhua news agency ZhouKe perturbation




    2月1日,胡昌胜(左)在介绍朋友为新居落成送来的当地特色的傩面具。新华社记者 周科 摄 On February 1,,HuChangSheng(left)In this paper, the new friend for completion of delivery of the local characteristics of nuo masks.The xinhua news agency ZhouKe perturbation
