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    1月31日,在浙赣交界的浙江省常山县春运服务点,几位从温州骑摩托车江西上饶的务工者(前)在休息之后准备继续上路回家。1月30日早上7点,24岁的赵雨兵跟自己的3位老乡一起,将行李绑在摩托车上,从浙江义乌市楼下村出发,准备骑摩托车回江西贵溪老家过年。他说:“今天天气好,过两天可能会下雨,得赶紧骑回去。”跟赵雨兵一样,每年都有数以千计的江西籍务工人员从宁波、金华、温州、台州等地出发,骑摩托车沿连接浙、赣两省的公路返乡过年,他们大多早上四五点钟出发,顶着冬日的寒风,骑行七八个小时,或相约成群或一人单骑,为的就是能够在过年之前回到家中,看望一年未曾尽孝的父母,一年未曾相聚的爱人,或是一年未曾亲近的子女。路上的艰辛不能阻挡他们的旅程,因为家在前方。新华社记者 鞠焕宗 摄     On January 31,,In zhejiang, zhejiang province at the junction of the ChangShanXian travel service point,Several from wenzhou ride a motorcycle to the WuGongZhe jiangxi shangrao(before)After the break ready to hit the road home.On January 30 at 7 in the morning,24 years old ZhaoYu soldier with his three person of hometown together,Will tie the luggage on the motorcycle,From zhejiang yiwu downstairs on the village,Ready to ride a motorcycle to jiangxi guixi home New Year's day.He said:"The weather is good today,After two days it might rain,Hasten to ride back."As with ZhaoYu soldiers,Every year, thousands of jiangxi by migrant workers from ningbo/jinhua/wenzhou/Taizhou left on,Ride a motorcycle zhejiang along the connection/Jiangxi province two road home New Year's day,Most of them are based on four or five in the morning,The top of the winter winds,Seven hours ride,Or meet crowds or one solo,For is to be in the Chinese New Year back home before,Visit a year hoping not parents,A year have not meet lover,Or a year to have children.The way of hard can't stop them in their journey,Because the house in the front.The xinhua news agency JuHuanZong perturbation


    1月31日,在浙赣交界的浙江省常山县春运服务点,一位早上4点从温州骑摩托车回江西上饶的务工者在吃面休息。新华社记者 鞠焕宗 摄     On January 31,,In zhejiang, zhejiang province at the junction of the ChangShanXian travel service point,A morning 4 points from wenzhou ride a motorcycle to jiangxi shangrao WuGongZhe eat noodles in the rest.The xinhua news agency JuHuanZong perturbation


    1月30日,赵雨兵(前)与几位老乡一起跨上摩托车,准备出发踏上回家的路。新华社记者 鞠焕宗 摄     On January 30,ZhaoYu soldiers(before)And several villagers motorcycle together up,Ready to go on the way home.The xinhua news agency JuHuanZong perturbation


    1月31日,江西籍务工人员骑行在回乡路上,他们的摩托车上驮满了行李。新华社记者 鞠焕宗 摄     On January 31,,Jiangxi by migrant workers ride home on the road,They carried on the motorcycle with luggage.The xinhua news agency JuHuanZong perturbation


    1月31日,在浙赣交界的浙江省常山县春运服务点,一位交警向休息后重新踏上路途的返乡务工者挥手告别。新华社记者 鞠焕宗 摄     On January 31,,In zhejiang, zhejiang province at the junction of the ChangShanXian travel service point,A traffic police to after the break to set foot on the way home WuGongZhe to wave goodbye.The xinhua news agency JuHuanZong perturbation


    江西籍务工人员在捆绑摩托车上的行李(1月30日摄)。新华社记者 鞠焕宗 摄     Jiangxi by migrant workers bound in the baggage on the motorcycle(On January 30 perturbation).The xinhua news agency JuHuanZong perturbation


   1月31日,江西籍务工人员骑行在回乡路上,他们的摩托车上驮满了行李。新华社记者 鞠焕宗 摄    On January 31,,Jiangxi by migrant workers ride home on the road,They carried on the motorcycle with luggage.The xinhua news agency JuHuanZong perturbation
