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重庆人口计生委开展“三下乡”活动 寓教于乐受欢迎--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

重庆人口计生委开展“三下乡”活动 寓教于乐受欢迎

    2月1日,重庆人口计生委当地乡镇干部在“三下乡”活动现场为当地农村居民发放慰问品。当日,重庆市人口计生委深入到当地南岸区广阳镇的乡村院坝深入开展送文化、送科技、送健康的“三下乡”活动。重庆市人口计生委联合当地乡镇干部,结合农村实际自编自导了歌舞、小品、相声等丰富多彩的节目,通过寓教于乐的方式向广大农村居民宣传了科技致富、健康文化生活内涵、计划生育等政策法规和科技、卫生知识。新华社记者 刘潺 摄     On February 1,,Chongqing population family planning and local cadres in villages and towns"A program under which officials"The activity at the site for the local rural residents issue easement.the,Chongqing population family planning into the local nanan distract wide Yang town village in-depth development embanked courtyard to culture/Send technology/Send health"A program under which officials"activities.Chongqing population family planning combined the local township cadres,By combining the actual wrote and directed himself the singing and dancing/sketch/Crosstalk and rich and colorful programs,The way to build the rural residents promote science and technology to get rich/Health cultural life connotation/Family planning policies and regulations and science and technology/Health knowledge.Xinhua news agency reporter liu Chan perturbation

重庆人口计生委开展“三下乡”活动 寓教于乐受欢迎

    2月1日,重庆市人口计生委的工作人员向当地妇女认真讲解优生优育宣传册里的相关知识。新华社记者 刘潺 摄     On February 1,,Chongqing population family planning staff to the local women's serious interpretation of eugenic and superior nurture in the brochure related knowledge.Xinhua news agency reporter liu Chan perturbation
