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云南镇雄再发山体滑坡 上千群众安全转移--亲稳网络舆情监控室

云南镇雄再发山体滑坡 上千群众安全转移


    这是2月1日拍摄的大火山滑坡山体。云南省镇雄县中屯镇头屯村水塘村民组大火山属镇雄县地质灾害监测点,该灾害点1月28日出现明显的山体地质变化,开始发生山体崩塌和滑坡。目前,山体崩塌和滑坡呈进一步加剧趋势。据初步统计,灾害导致35间民房倒塌、水塘小学和928间民房开裂,共威胁到190户712人生命财产安全。 This is taken on February 1, large volcanic mountain landslide.Yunnan province XiongXian town in tuen mun town head tuen village pool villager group volcano is XiongXian town of geological hazard monitoring point,This ZaiHaiDian 1 month and day appear obvious mountain geological changes,Started to mountain collapses and landslides.At present,Mountain collapses and landslides is further aggravate trend.According to preliminary statistics,Disaster led to 35 homes collapsed/Pool elementary school and 928 homes cracking,A total of 190 households threat to 712 people life and property safety.灾区上千名群众在第一时间得到安全转移,按照国家有关标准,在过渡安置期间,受灾群众每人每天获12.5元生活补贴。事故原因尚在调查中。新华社记者 秦晴 摄 The disaster area in the first time thousands of people get transferred to safety,In accordance with the relevant state standard,In the transition period of placement,Victims by 12.5 yuan per person a day living subsidies.The cause of the accident is still under investigation.The xinhua news agency QinQing perturbation

云南镇雄再发山体滑坡 上千群众安全转移

   这是2月1日拍摄的中屯镇头屯村水塘村民组开裂的路面。新华社记者 秦晴 摄    This is taken on February 1 in tuen mun town head tuen village pool villager group cracking of the pavement.The xinhua news agency QinQing perturbation

云南镇雄再发山体滑坡 上千群众安全转移

   这是2月1日拍摄的受灾群众居住的临时帐篷点。新华社记者 秦晴 摄    It is February 1, the shooting victims live in temporary tents point.The xinhua news agency QinQing perturbation

云南镇雄再发山体滑坡 上千群众安全转移

   2月1日,中屯镇头屯村水塘村民组,由于滑坡和地基下沉造成房屋开裂和倒塌。新华社记者 秦晴 摄    On February 1,,Tuen mun town in tuen mun village head pool villager group,Due to landslide and ground subsidence caused by cracking and houses collapsed.The xinhua news agency QinQing perturbation

云南镇雄再发山体滑坡 上千群众安全转移

   2月1日,中屯镇头屯村水塘村民组,醒目警示牌在大火山前竖起。新华社记者 秦晴 摄    On February 1,,Tuen mun town in tuen mun village head pool villager group,In the big fire warning sign marked up front.The xinhua news agency QinQing perturbation
