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  王先生在北京从事IT业工作已将近20年,他的晚餐是一份上车前买的快餐,价格为25元(2月1日摄)。在过年回家的途中,舌尖上的美味各不相同。记者北京至井冈山的列车上看到,有的人吃着泡面,有的人吃着盒饭,大部分人吃着自带的干粮、水果和零食,虽然基本只限于饱腹,但因家在前方而显得特别可口。新华社记者 周密 Mr. Wang in Beijing in the IT industry work for nearly twenty years,His dinner is a car before buy fast food,Price for $25(On February 1st shot).In the New Year's day on the way home,The tip of the tongue on the delicious each are not identical.Reporter in Beijing to the jinggang mountains on the train to see,Some people eating instant noodles,Some people eating lunch box,Most people have the own solid food/Fruits and snacks,Although the basic limited to full abdomen,But because of the house in the front and is very delicious.Xinhua news agency reporter careful perturbation


   小周今年22岁,在北京进行毕业实习,他的晚饭是一碗泡面,价格是3.5元(2月1日摄)。新华社记者 周密摄    Small week 22 years of age,In Beijing graduation practice,His supper is a bowl of instant noodles,The price is 3.5 yuan(On February 1st shot).Xinhua news agency reporter careful perturbation


    26岁的小李(右)和同岁的妻子小贾在北京从事文化教育和人力资源工作,他的晚餐是两个烧饼和鸡蛋,价格总计2.6元,小李说:“买得太多吃不了浪费”(2月1日摄)。新华社记者 周密摄     26 year old xiao li(right)And age wife small jia in Beijing in the cultural education and human resources work,His dinner are two baked wheat cake and eggs,Total price is 2.6 yuan,Xiao li said:"Can buy too much waste"(On February 1st shot).Xinhua news agency reporter careful perturbation


   22岁的小姚在北京民航工作,她的晚餐是男朋友在她上车前专门从餐厅打包的,两个菜和一份米饭,价格是60元。小姚说:“这是男朋友专门送的,所以吃不完也要带回家。”(2月1日摄)新华社记者 周密摄    The 22-year-old XiaoYao work in Beijing civil aviation,Her boyfriend is in her dinner on special restaurant before from the pack,Two dishes and a rice,Price is sixty yuan.XiaoYao said:"This is the boyfriend special sent,So eat to also want to take home."(On February 1st shot)Xinhua news agency reporter careful perturbation


   38岁的徐先生和32岁的妻子杨女士在北京一家服装厂打工,他们吃的是自己做的米饭和卤鸡翅,价格约18元(2月1日摄)。新华社记者 周密摄    And at the age of 32, Mr Xu and his wife lady Yang in a Beijing clothing factory jobs,They eat their do rice and pot stewed chicken wing,Price about eighteen yuan(On February 1st shot).Xinhua news agency reporter careful perturbation


   李先生和弟弟、姐姐、妻子4人一起在北京销售土特产,他们的晚餐是自己销售的烤鸭、豆腐干和南昌炒粉,约25元。他们说,过年回家这些特产都会过期,抓紧吃掉既解决了晚饭,又避免浪费。虽然提前20天订票只买到了无座票,但因为想到马上能回家,挤在过道里的4人还挺开心(2月1日摄)。新华社记者 周密摄    Mr Li and his brother/sister/His wife four people together in Beijing sales local products,Their dinner is their sales of roast duck/Dried bean curd and nanchang Fried powder,About 25 yuan.They say,New Year's day home these products will be expired,To eat can resolve the dinner,And avoid waste.Although only twenty days in advance tickets bought without a ticket,But because I want to go home right now,Crowded in the aisle 4 people still pretty happy(On February 1st shot).Xinhua news agency reporter careful perturbation


   10岁的小康(左)和11岁的哥哥小周在北京读小学,这次他们跟着妈妈一起回家。由于没有买到坐票,只好带着小板凳坐在过道上,幸运的是有好心人让了个座位给他们。他们的晚饭是一袋小蛋糕,价格17元。不过两个孩子因为回家太兴奋,都顾不上吃晚饭了(2月1日摄)。新华社记者 周密摄    Ten years old a well-off(left)And 11 years old brother little weeks in Beijing primary school,This time they go home together with my mother.Because do not have to buy tickets to sit,With a small wooden bench to sit on the aisle,Lucky is a man make a seat to give them.Their dinner is a bag of small cake,Price $17.But two children because home too excited,Helping for dinner(On February 1st shot).Xinhua news agency reporter careful perturbation



    22岁的小杨在北京从事装修行业,这次回家买不到硬卧就买了张软卧票。他的晚餐是在餐车上吃的,价格24元。小杨说,价格有点贵,不过在这里吃饭很舒服(2月1日摄)。新华社记者 周密摄 The 22-year-old xiao Yang in Beijing in the decoration industry,This home can't buy hard sleeper would buy a RuanWoPiao.His dinner in the dining car to eat,Price $24.Xiao Yang said,Price is a little bit expensive,But eat here is very comfortable(On February 1st shot).Xinhua news agency reporter careful perturbation
