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    2月3日,部分被告人在法庭上接受审判。当日,备受关注的“3·10”特大跨境电信诈骗案在北京市朝阳区人民法院一审宣判,91名被告人因犯诈骗罪分别被判处8年至1年半不等的有期徒刑,并处8000元至2000元不等的罚金。法院经审理查明,2011年3月至6月间,彭发荣等91人先后在印度尼西亚、柬埔寨、马来西亚等地参加他人组织的针对内地居民的诈骗组织。该组织冒充内地中国电信工作人员或者法院、公安局、检察院等国家机关工作人员,通过电信技术手段向内地不特定多数人群发语音电话、接打电话,虚构被害人名下电话欠费、信用卡透支、身份信息泄露、需要被害人名下存款进行对账或调查、需要对财产进行加密保护、在法院被诉讼、名下的信用卡涉嫌犯罪、需要对其财产进行公证或保全等事由,诱导被害人进行转账或汇款,造成多名被害人财产损失。新华社记者 公磊 摄     On February 3,,Part of the defendant in court for trial.the,Of concern"3 · 10"Large cross-border telecommunications fraud in Beijing chaoyang district people's court first sentence,91 the defendant had committed the crime of fraud of the were sentenced to eight years to 1 and a half years of imprisonment ranging,Impose ranging from 8000 yuan to 2000 yuan fine.The court found the trial,March 2011 to 6 month,PengFa honor and 91 successively in Indonesia/Cambodia/Malaysia to others in the organization mainland residents fraud organization.As the organization mainland China telecom staff or court/Public security bureau/Procuratorates and other national office working personnel,Through the telecom technology inland not qualified majority people send voice calls/call,The fictitious name telephone owe/Credit card overdraft/Identity information leakage/Need to name the deposit reconciliation or investigation/Need to encrypt property protection/In the court is action/Name card suspected criminal/Need the property notarization or security reason, etc,Induced the victim to transfer or remittance,Many of the victims of property loss caused by name.Xinhua news agency reporter and lei perturbation
