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立春到 农事忙--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

立春到 农事忙   

    2月4日,广西河池市罗城仫佬族自治县四把镇思民村的一名农民准备给蔬菜覆盖地膜。     February 4,,Guangxi stream city MuLaoZu autonomous county town of luo 4 people think the village of a farmer to prepare vegetables covering film.当日是二十四节气中的立春,我国南方多地农民抓住气温回暖、雨水充沛的有利时机,投入春种、春收各项农事,田间地头一派忙碌景象。 The 24 solar terms is the spring begins,Many farmers in southern China seize the temperature milder/The rain abundant opportunities,Purchases into/ChunShou various farming,The fields and a busy scene.新华社发(吴耀荣 摄) The xinhua news agency hair(WuYaoRong perturbation)

立春到 农事忙

    2月4日,海南省海口市美兰区灵山镇大昌村村民在大雾中耕田。     February 4,,Hainan haikou meilan district lingshan town big prosperous village in the heavy fog ploughing.新华社发(潘华清 摄) The xinhua news agency hair(PanHuaQing perturbation)

立春到 农事忙

    2月4日,江西省靖安县双溪镇河北村农民在翻耕水田,准备栽种早熟田藕。     February 4,,JingAn county, jiangxi province double brook town in hebei village farmer plowing paddy field,Ready to plant early field lotus root.新华社发(徐仲庭 摄) The xinhua news agency hair(XuZhongTing perturbation)

立春到 农事忙

    2月4日,广西百色市靖西县化峒镇民强村农民在收获冬种的大白菜。     February 4,,Guangxi baise JingXiXian change town portal be strong at harvest all of Chinese cabbage.新华社发(赵京武 摄) The xinhua news agency hair(ZhaoJingWu perturbation)

立春到 农事忙

    2月4日,广西柳州市柳城县马山乡大村屯农民在食用菌规模化种植基地采收黑木耳。     February 4,,Guangxi liuzhou liucheng county rural horse big CunTun farmers in edible fungus scale planting base recovery black fungus.新华社发(邓克轶 摄) The xinhua news agency hair(DengKeYi perturbation)

立春到 农事忙

2月4日,广西来宾市武宣县桐岭镇农民在忙着给蘑菇培土。 February 4,,Guangxi laibin city WuXuanXian tung ridge town farmers are busy to mushroom ridging.新华社发(陈冬梅 摄) The xinhua news agency hair(ChenDongMei perturbation)
