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    为避开春运,陈岱佳(右一)带着两个孩子提前一个月从长春坐火车到合肥,和从事地铁建设的丈夫郑荣凯住在工棚里(画面左一为工友的孩子)。陈岱佳没有工作,照顾两个孩子是她生活的重心,丈夫郑荣凯则常年在外打拼。采访时,郑荣凯还在为春节期间的地铁建设做准备工作,没能和妻子、孩子一起留影(2月6日摄)。春节是团圆的日子,有这样一群人,却选择在异乡留守,为城市建设与经济发展作贡献,为了团聚,他们的家人来到异乡,与他们相会。近日,记者走进位于安徽省合肥市胜利路街道的轨道1号线土建三标段工程项目部,探访这些城市建设者,见证他们与家人的团圆。新华社发(张端 摄)      To avoid travel,ChenDaiJia(right)With two children one month in advance from changchun train to hefei,And engaged in the construction of subway ZhengRongKai husband living in the barrack(A picture left for the office boy child).ChenDaiJia without work,Take care of two children is the focus of her life,Her husband is perennial ZhengRongKai played out.interview,ZhengRongKai still during the Spring Festival for subway construction make preparations,Can't and his wife/The children were together(February 6, taken).The Spring Festival is the reunion of the day,There is a group of people,But choose to stay in a strange city,For the urban construction and economic development contribution,In order to reunite,Their family members to the foreign land,And they meet.recently,The reporter walks into is located in hefei, anhui sheng li road street rail line 1 three civil contract project,Visit the city builder,As a testimony against them and the family reunion.The xinhua news agency hair(ZhangDuan perturbation) 


    刘文庆(右)是吉林长春人,在合肥轨道1号线土建三标段工程项目部负责现场施工管理,他常年在全国各地出差,很少回家。妻子刘翠云是深圳人,今年带着孩子刘喆来合肥陪丈夫过年,她说:“孩子老不见爸爸都生疏了,趁这机会得让他们爷俩儿好好熟悉熟悉。” (2月6日摄)。新华社发(张端 摄)     LiuWenQing(right)Is jilin changchun person,In hefei rail line 1 civil three section of the project department responsible for on-site construction management,He perennial in all parts of the country on a business trip,Rarely home.Wife LiuCuiYun is shenzhen people,This year 刘喆 took the children to hefei new with her husband,She said:"Children old see dad are rusty,While this opportunity to have to let them YeLia son to familiar with." (February 6, taken).The xinhua news agency hair(ZhangDuan perturbation)


    张静(左)来自吉林长春,在合肥轨道1号线土建三标段工程项目部负责财务工作,妻子徐晓辉和儿子张曦元近日到达合肥,他们住在工地上一个由集装箱改造而成的房间里(2月6日摄)。新华社发(张端 摄)     Zhang jing(left)From jilin changchun,In hefei rail line 1 section three civil engineering department is responsible for financial work,His wife and son XuXiaoHui ZhangXi yuan recently arrived hefei,They live on the site by a container and transforming into the room(February 6, taken).The xinhua news agency hair(ZhangDuan perturbation)
