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Soldiers o(alias)Graduated from university this year,Major is software programming and application.He went to the other LuYangOu hefei a enterprise to apply for programmers,Round interview down,Front several professional problem feel good,The last question and throw the interviewer:"How do you know how many hefei mouse?"O a soldier to say.This kind of interview questions is for what purpose?How would you answer?


求职面试 遭遇怪题 Job interview encounter strange questions

  10月末,阿兵接到庐阳区一家中外合资企业的面试电话,应聘高级java程序员岗位。 “java和.net的区别是什么? ”第一个面试问题正是自己的专业,阿兵对答如流。随后几个问题也与专业有关,没想到,最后一个问题让他不知所措。 “怎么知道合肥有多少猫和老鼠?”阿兵非常诧异,跳跃性太大,也超出了专业知识范围。愣了几秒钟,大脑一片空白,“给我1分钟思考”,阿兵说要考虑考虑。

At the end of October,O LuYangOu soldiers received a sino-foreign joint venture enterprise interview telephone,Apply for senior Java programmers post. "Java and.net what's the difference? "The first interview questions it is their own professional,Answer up soldiers o.Then a few questions and relevant professional,Didn't expect,The last problem let him at a loss. "How do you know how many hefei mouse?"O soldier is very surprised,Narrative is,Also beyond the range of professional knowledge.Leng a few seconds,The brain a blank,"Give me 1 minute thinking",O soldier said you should consider.


答了一堆 没被录用 Answer a heap of is not employed

  “第一种方法:抽样调查,调查相关区域老鼠和猫的数量,再计算出整个合肥的;第二种,到宠物店调查哪些年龄段的人喜欢养猫,再结合合肥的人口结构算出猫的数量;到从事捕鼠的人群中调查,依据他们的经验估算出合肥老鼠的数量。”思考之后,阿兵这样回答。阿兵不知道这样的回答能否让对方满意,但结果是这家公司没有录用他。 “合肥的公司很少问这样的问题,都是开门见山式的。这样的问题一般都是一些比较知名的企业问的,可能是考察一个人的思维方式和创新能力。”阿兵说,经历了不少场面试,这样的遭遇还是第一次。以前用人单位多是给一份笔试题,做完了能达到要求就来上班,最多再有个面试,问问为什么辞职、薪资要求什么的。再好一点的公司,会考察应聘者做过的项目和专业技术水平。问这样的问题没有必要,而且“不实用”。

"The first method:Sampling survey,Survey area associated with the number of mice and cat,Then calculates the whole of hefei;The second,To the pet shop survey which age paragraph the person like cats,Recombination of hefei population structure calculate the number of cat;To engaged in rats of the people in the survey,According to their experience estimate the number of hefei mice."After thinking,O soldier replied.O soldiers do not know such answer could let the other party satisfaction,But the result is the company didn't hire him. "Hefei company seldom ask such a question,Are come straight to the point type.This problem is usually some of the more well-known enterprise asked,May be on a person's way of thinking and innovation ability."Soldiers said, o,Experience a lot of field interview,This encounter is the first time.Before the employing unit is to give more than a pen questions,Finished can meet the requirements will come to work,Most have a interview,Ask why resignation/What salary requirement.To better company,Will be inspecting applicant done projects and professional technology level.No need to ask such a question,and"Are not practical".


谷歌招聘 怪题百出 Google recruiting a strange questions


Google company recruitment threshold high as is known to all,A science and technology writer's new book[Want to go to Google work,You are clever??]in,Mention many strange interview questions"10/9/60/90/70/66,The next number is much?""Clock of/points/Seconds pointer day overlap how many times?""How many toilet paper to cover Texas?""You will be in the water than in syrup middle reaches fast?""Why the sewer lid is round?""How many piano tuner?""The global one year how many Taiwan produce vacuum cleaner?"

  英国牛津大学也曾公开过一份由导师提出的面试题样本:“为什么人有两只眼? ”“为什么很多动物身上有斑纹? ”“诗是否应难懂? ”南宁一论坛上也有网友发帖称,去某公司求职面试时,被问了这样一个问题:“你有什么办法可以准确数出南宁的所有路灯? ”

Oxford University also has publicly put forward by a teacher interview question sample:"Why people have two eyes? ""Why many animals have stripes? ""Whether poetry should be hard to understand? "Nanning a BBS also netizens Posting said,To a company for a job interview,Asked such a question:"You have what method to be able to be accurate to count the nanning all street lamp? "


专家支招 Experts move


没标准答案,“确切、确定”并不讨巧 No standard answer,"exact/determine"Does not choose the

  “在内资企业应聘,这样的问题较少,通常是简单提问,包括自我介绍,对岗位、企业的了解程度和远期规划。外资企业则会考量应聘者的言行细节及应变能力。 ”国家职业信息分析师、合肥市人社局职业介绍中心的林云涛说,比如用人单位考察观察力时,常在室外放一件较显眼的物品,问应聘者进来时有没有注意到是什么。

"In applying for domestic enterprises,This problem is less,Usually a simple question,Including self-introduction,To post/Enterprise understanding degree and long-term planning.The foreign capital enterprise will consider candidates, the words and deeds of details and strain capacity. "The national occupational information analysts/Hefei people club bureau profession introduction LinYunTao center said,Such as unit of choose and employ persons on the observation,Often in the outdoor put a more conspicuous goods,Ask applicant come in when there is no attention to what is it.

  “这样的问题没有标准答案,应聘者既要让对方感觉到回答了,也不能有确切、确定的答案,以免被面试官找到错误,落入陷阱。 ”林云涛说,可以尝试回答:随着社会经济发展,楼层增高,老鼠肯定在减少,如今养猫也不是为了捉老鼠,而是当宠物……林云涛提醒,结构性面试少了,随机性面试多了,可能导致偏题、怪题、新题增多,但这样的题目确实能考量求职者的一些能力,求职者一定要准备充分,具备多方面能力。

"This problem no standard answer,Applicant should let the other side feel answered,Could the exact/Sure answer,To avoid being the interviewer found the mistake,Fall into the trap. "LinYunTao said,Can try to answer:Along with the social economy development,Floor heighten,The mouse must be reduced,Now the cat is not in order to catch mice,But as a pet……LinYunTao remind,Structural interview less,The randomness of the interview,May lead to trick question/Strange questions/The new topic increase,But such topic can really consider some of the ability to job seekers,Applicant must be ready to fully,Have abilities.
