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    2月10日,在江西省南昌市滨江豪园小区内,清洁工在清扫烟花爆竹残渣,旁边,一位居民在继续燃放。当日是大年初一,南昌的各大小区弥漫着硝烟,在楼道、街道、绿地内处处堆放着燃放过的烟花爆竹残渣,许多早起外出拜年的居民都要从成堆的残渣中穿行而出。“我们平时清扫楼道和小区只要4个多小时,而每次过年,为了清扫这些垃圾,要比平时多花3个多小时。”专门负责滨江豪园小区清洁工作的李师傅指着一堆残渣说,因为她要和同事在这里干8个多小时才能基本清扫完毕,所以本来要去亲戚家拜年的行程只能取消。新华社记者 彭昭之 摄 February 10,In nanchang city, jiangxi province riverside garden house in the district,Cleaner in cleaning the fireworks residue,side,A residents continue to set off.That day is the first day of the lunar year,Nanchang each big area filled with smoke,In the corridor/street/Green everywhere in the pile of set off fireworks and firecrackers residue,Many of the early New Year out of the residents are from piles of residue through out."We usually cleaning the corridor and village as long as four hours,And each time the Chinese New Year,In order to clean the rubbish,More than normal spend more than three hours."Specialized in binjiang district garden house cleaning work master li pointed to a pile of residue said,Because she and her colleagues working here more than eight hours to complete the basic cleaning,So was going to relatives pay New Year call schedule can only cancel.The xinhua news agency reporter PengZhao perturbation



    2月10日,在江西省南昌市滨江豪园小区,居民从烟花爆竹残渣中走过。新华社记者 彭昭之 摄 February 10,In nanchang city, jiangxi province riverside house garden district,Residents from fireworks residue through.The xinhua news agency reporter PengZhao perturbation



    2月10日,在江西省南昌市滨江豪园小区,清洁工人在擦洗一处单元楼玻璃。昨夜,因居民在附近燃放烟花爆竹导致玻璃被熏黑。新华社记者 彭昭之 摄 February 10,In nanchang city, jiangxi province riverside house garden district,Cleaning workers in scrubbing a place ChanYuanLou glass.Last night,For residents in nearby to set off fireworks and firecrackers glass is smoked black.The xinhua news agency reporter PengZhao perturbation



    2月10日,在江西省南昌市滨江豪园小区一栋单元楼的电梯内,清洁工在清扫擦洗楼道内燃放爆竹后留下的残渣。新华社记者 彭昭之 摄 February 10,In nanchang city, jiangxi province riverside house garden plot a ChanYuanLou building of the elevator,Cleaner in cleaning the scrub corridor inside firecrackers left in the wake of residue.The xinhua news agency reporter PengZhao perturbation
