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过年不停工 坚守过新春--亲稳网络舆情监控室
2月15日,工人在江苏连云港港口码头卸载货物。春节本是万家团聚的日子,但为了让更多的人度过快乐祥和的节日,许多行业的劳动者放弃了与家人团聚的机会,坚守在岗位上默默奉献。新华社发(耿玉和 摄) On February 15,,Workers in jiangsu lianyungang port wharf unloading goods.The Spring Festival is the thousands of reunion,But in order to let more people have a happy and peaceful holiday,Many industry workers to give up the chance of family reunion,In a position to offer silently.The xinhua news agency hair(GengYuHe perturbation)
2月15日,在山东省枣庄市山亭区华臣果蔬种植专业合作社草莓种植基地,农民采摘草莓及时供应节日市场。新华社发(李宗宪 摄) On February 15,,In shandong province ShanTingOu zaozhuang HuaChen fruit and vegetable planting professional cooperatives strawberry planting base,Farmers pick strawberry festival promptly supply market.The xinhua news agency hair(LiZongXian perturbation)
2月11日,郑州市公安局文化路派出所警察为群众指路。新华社发(刘书亭 摄) On February 11,,Zhengzhou city public security bureau police station for the masses culture road police directions.The xinhua news agency hair(LiuShuTing perturbation)
2月10日凌晨5时许,山东枣庄市公安消防支队市中区大队值班的官兵对消防车辆进行检查确保万无一失。新华社发(孙中喆 摄) 2 October, at about 5 in the morning,Shandong zaozhuang leshan city public security fire control team of soldiers and officers on duty to fire vehicle inspected to ensure no risk at all.The xinhua news agency hair(孙中喆 perturbation)
2月9日,内蒙古通辽铁路车辆段南运用车间检车员在检修过往的货物列车。新华社发(宫文波 摄) On February 9,,Inner Mongolia TongLiao railway car depot south using workshop inspection car member in the maintenance of the past goods train.The xinhua news agency hair(GongWenBo perturbation)
2月9日除夕夜,在江苏省太仓市锦江大酒店,来自四川省德阳市的厨师长代泽敏连续四年放弃春节回家,坚守工作岗位。新华社发(计海新 摄) On February 9, New Year's eve,In jiangsu province taicang jinjiang hotel,From the chef, deyang city of sichuan province generation ze min for four consecutive years give up home during the Spring Festival,Stick to work.The xinhua news agency hair(JiHaiXin perturbation)
2月15日,北京南站的工作人员热情为旅客解答问题。新华社发(赵冰 摄) On February 15,,Beijing south station staff enthusiasm for passenger answer questions.The xinhua news agency hair(ZhaoBing perturbation)
2月9日,江西省南丰县邮政局投递中心员工在分发当日的报刊。新华社发(黎兴旺 摄) On February 9,,Jiangxi NaFengXian post office delivery center staff in the distribution of newspapers and periodicals.The xinhua news agency hair(LiXingWang perturbation)
2月10日,浙江舟山海关金塘监管科关员在定海区金塘大浦口码头集装箱堆场内核对关封,办理通关放行手续。新华社发(姚峰 摄) February 10,Zhejiang zhoushan jintang customs supervision department officer in DingHaiOu jintang dapu port terminal container yard kernel to close seal,To deal with customs clearance formalities.The xinhua news agency hair(YaoFeng perturbation)
2月11日,在广西柳州凤糖融水和睦制糖公司,工人在包装白砂糖。新华社发(龙涛 摄) On February 11,,In guangxi liuzhou chicken sugar melt water peace sugar co,Workers in the packaging white granulated sugar.The xinhua news agency hair(Dragon perturbation)
2月9日,安徽省滁州供电公司电力工人在220千伏定远变电站内巡视电网设备。新华社发(宋卫星 摄) On February 9,,Anhui chuzhou power supply company in 220 kv power workers set far in the transformer substation tour of grid equipment.The xinhua news agency hair(SongWeiXing perturbation)
2月11日,在江苏省赣榆县人民医院新生儿重症监护室,一名护士在给患儿喂水。新华社发(司伟 摄) On February 11,,GanYuXian in jiangsu province people's hospital neonatal intensive medicine,A nurse to feed water in children.The xinhua news agency hair(SiWei perturbation)
2月15日,在江西九江火车站进口处,南昌铁路局九江桥工段的工作人员在为旅客检票。新华社发(胡国林 摄) On February 15,,In jiangxi jiujiang railway station entrance,Nanchang railway administration jiujiang bridge section staff for passenger ticket.The xinhua news agency hair(HuGuoLin perturbation)
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