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    这是红沿河核电站1号机组常规岛内部发电附属设施(2月19日摄)。辽宁沿河核电站1号机组17日15时9分并网发电。1号机组首次并网成功,标志着辽宁红沿河核电站一期工程1号机组正式进入并网调试阶段,具备发电能力。     This is the red river nuclear power plant unit 1 ChangGuiDao internal power ancillary facilities(On February 19 perturbation).Liaoning red river nuclear power plant unit 1 17 and nine points combined to the grid.Unit 1 first parallel in success,Liaoning red marks the first period engineering nuclear power plant unit 1 officially into parallel in debugging stage,Have the power generation capacity.

    辽宁红沿河核电站是我国“十一五”期间首个批准开工建设的核电项目,也是东北地区第一个核电厂和最大的能源建设项目。它于2007年8月开工建设,一期工程投资500亿元,建设4台百万千瓦级核电机组;2010年5月上马二期工程,再增加2台百万千瓦级核电机组,投资250亿元,从而成为目前全球在建机组最多的核电项目。2016年核电站全部建成后,年发电量为450亿千瓦时。     Liaoning red river is China's nuclear power plant"11th five-year plan"During the first approved the construction of nuclear power project started,Northeast China is also the first nuclear power plant and the largest energy construction project.It in August 2007 to start construction,A 1st phase investment of 50 billion yuan,(4) the construction of mw nuclear power unit level;In May 2010, the second phase of the project,Add 2 sets a kilowatt nuclear power units,Investment of 25 billion yuan,Becoming the world most nuclear power project construction unit.2016 years after the completion of all nuclear power plant,Years of generating capacity for 45 billion KWH.

    辽宁红沿河核电站并网发电后,将优化辽宁省电力供应结构,实现节能减排,改善空气和水质量。据介绍,与同等规模的火电项目相比,辽宁红沿河核电站一期工程4台机组全部投入运行后,每年减少标煤消耗约1000万吨,减排二氧化碳2400万吨、二氧化硫23万吨、氮氧化物15万吨,相当于造林6.6万公顷。     Liaoning red river nuclear power plant after combined to the grid,To optimize the power supply structure of liaoning province,Realize energy conservation and emission reduction,Improve air and water quality.According to introducing,And the same scale compared thermal power project,Liaoning red river nuclear power plant project all four units after the port is put into operation,Each year about 10 million tons BiaoMei reduce consumption,Carbon dioxide emissions of 24 million tons/230000 tons of so2/150000 tons of nitrogen oxides,Afforestation is equivalent to 66000 hectares.

    据介绍,辽宁红沿河核电站是我国自主创新最多、国产化率最高的核电站。其二期工程设备,包括关键设备的国产化比例,均超过80%以上,它的海水淡化系统,开辟了中国内地核电站利用海水淡化技术提供淡水资源的先河。新华社记者 杨青 摄     According to introducing,Liaoning red river nuclear power plant is the most independent innovation/The highest rate of the nuclear power plant.The second phase of engineering equipment,Including the key equipment of the proportion of localization,Are more than 80%,The seawater desalination system,Open up the mainland China nuclear power plant using seawater desalination technology to provide fresh water resources first.The xinhua news agency YangQing perturbation


    这是红沿河核电站2号机组(2月19日摄)。新华社记者 杨青 摄     This is the red river nuclear power plant unit 2(On February 19 perturbation).The xinhua news agency YangQing perturbation


    2月19日,工作人员在辽宁红沿河核电站1号机组主控室工作。新华社记者 杨青 摄     On February 19,,Staff in liaoning red river nuclear power plant unit 1 master control room work.The xinhua news agency YangQing perturbation


    这是红沿河核电站机组模型(2月19日摄)。新华社记者 杨青 摄      This is the red river nuclear power plant unit model(On February 19 perturbation).The xinhua news agency YangQing perturbation 


     2月19日,工作人员在整理红沿河核电站1号机组运行档案。新华社记者 杨青 摄       On February 19,,Staff in finishing the red river nuclear power plant unit 1 operation file.The xinhua news agency YangQing perturbation 


    2月19日拍摄的红沿河核电站全景(下为效果图)。新华社记者 杨青 摄      On February 19 shooting red river nuclear power plant panoramic(For rendering).The xinhua news agency YangQing perturbation 
