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北京现代车头撞烂气囊未开 厂商回应“因没撞对位置”--亲稳舆论引导监测室

北京现代车头撞烂气囊未开 厂商回应“因没撞对位置”

    此次事故中车头撞烂气囊未开的北京现代汽车(2月28日摄)。辽宁抚顺一消费者新买不足三个月的现代汽车不慎撞到路灯杆,车头撞烂、车主受伤,安全气囊却纹丝未动,厂商回应气囊未弹出因撞击位置不对。对此辽宁省消费者协会2月28日表示,此种说法严重藐视消费者生命安全,知名厂商应积极改进、正视问题而非一味逃避责任。新华社记者 潘昱龙 摄     Car in the accident bruised airbag not open of Beijing hyundai(On February 28, taken).Liaoning fushun new consumers buy less than three months of the modern car accidentally hit a light pole,A car bruised/The owner injured,Airbags have budged,Vendor response airbags did not pop up on impact position is not correct.This consumer association of liaoning province said on February 28,Serious despise this kind of view of consumer safety,Vendor should actively improve/To face the problems rather than simply evading responsibility.The xinhua news agency reporters Pan Yulong perturbation

北京现代车头撞烂气囊未开 厂商回应“因没撞对位置”

    2月28日,车主在被撞坏的汽车前向记者介绍车辆的受损情况。新华社记者 潘昱龙 摄     On February 28,,In the crashed car vehicle to reporters before the damage.The xinhua news agency reporters Pan Yulong perturbation

北京现代车头撞烂气囊未开 厂商回应“因没撞对位置”

    2月28日,北京现代汽车有限公司出示的关于事故车辆气囊未展开情况说明。新华社记者 潘昱龙 摄     On February 28,,Beijing hyundai motor co., LTD., show me about the accident vehicle airbag not case.The xinhua news agency reporters Pan Yulong perturbation
