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  宁夏银川一社区门口,宁夏中医研究院的医护人员在为小区居民做免费身体检查(2012年11月14日摄)。记者从宁夏卫生厅获悉,在已开展的儿童先天性心脏病和急性白血病两种大病医疗保障的基础上,3月起,宁夏将全面推开终末期肾病、妇女乳腺癌等6个病种的医保工作,并试点进行肺癌、食道癌等12个病种的医保工作,城乡居民大病医疗保障将增至20个。据介绍,这20种大病将实施按病种付费或限额付费方式。在大病医疗费用报销方面,宁夏正在推动城乡大病保险工作,到2013年底,宁夏将实现城乡居民重大疾病住院实际报销比例达到75%。新华社记者 彭昭之 摄 At the gate of the ningxia yinchuan a community,Ningxia institute of traditional Chinese medicine of the medical staff in do free physical examination for community residents(On November 14, 2012).The reporter learns from ningxia province health department,In children acute leukemia and congenital heart disease has been carried out based on two major health care,Since march,Ningxia will be fully opened the end-stage renal disease/Women of six diseases such as breast cancer health care work,And pilot for lung cancer/Esophageal cancer such as 12 kinds of health care work,Medical treatment of a serious illness allowances for both urban and rural residents will increase to 20.According to introducing,The 20 kinds of to pay will be implemented according to the disease of a serious illness or limit pay way.In the aspect of medical expenses of a serious illness,Ningxia is promoting urban and rural insurance work of a serious illness,By the end of 2013,To realize urban and rural residents in ningxia major disease hospitalization reimbursement ratio reached 75% in real terms.Xinhua news agency reporter Peng Zhao of perturbation


   在宁夏银川一家药品超市内,顾客在选购药品(2012年1月8日摄)。新华社记者 彭昭之 摄    A drug supermarket in ningxia yinchuan,Customers in the choose and buy medicines(On January 8, 2012).Xinhua news agency reporter Peng Zhao of perturbation
