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    3月5日,重庆市公安局出入境管理总队出国境事务科民警利用休息时间将82岁老人刘玮(左一)及其老伴的新护照送到家,并为他们讲解新护照的特点。当日,重庆市公安局出入境管理总队出国境事务科的年轻民警们开展学雷锋便民服务活动,为老人、带着幼儿的母亲、残障人士等特殊人群开设爱心通道。据了解,近5年来,重庆市公安局出入境管理总队出国境事务科结合岗位特点,通过开设爱心通道、针对特殊人群上门服务、紧急事务特事特办等具体措施,为民排忧解难个案年均超过1万余件,前台群众满意率始终保持在99%以上,先后被重庆市委、公安部、全国妇联和市局评为“群众满意窗口”“全国出入境系统文明窗口”“全国巾帼文明岗”“先进基层党组织”。新华社记者 刘潺 摄     On March 5,,Chongqing city public security bureau exit-entry administration team incoming transaction branch police use break time will be a 82 - year - old liu wei(The left one)And his wife's new passport sent to home,And explain in detail the characteristics of the new passport for them.On the day,Chongqing city public security bureau exit-entry administration team incoming transactions of young police learn lei feng convenient service activities,For the old man/With the baby's mother/People with disabilities and other special channel people who love.We have learned,Nearly five years,Chongqing city public security bureau exit-entry administration team incoming affairs department combining with the characteristics of jobs,Through the channel to open love/Door to door service for special people/Specific measures such as emergency center to do,For the people of custom case by an average of more than 10000 pieces,At the front desk people always maintain above 99% satisfaction,Has been in chongqing municipality/The ministry of public security/The all-china women's federation and the city bureau rated"In the window""National entry and exit system civilization window""The national women's Wen Minggang""Advanced grassroots party organizations".Xinhua news agency reporter liu upon perturbation


    3月5日,在重庆市公安局出入境管理总队业务办理大厅的爱心通道内,一名女民警帮助老年人办理护照。新华社记者 刘潺 摄     On March 5,,In the chongqing municipal public security bureau of exit and entry management team business to deal with the love within the channel of the hall,A female police helping older people deal with a passport.Xinhua news agency reporter liu upon perturbation
