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    3月6日,困难居民于孝芹凭街道发放的“慈善救助证”领取“慈善优惠券”。她家每个月的油盐酱醋基本都能凭券解决。2012年以来,青岛八大关街道每月都会给符合帮扶条件的困难居民和重点优抚对象发放60元至100元不等的“慈善优惠券”,居民可以凭券在街道设立的爱心市场购买生活必需品。据悉,优惠券的资金都来自于驻街企业的爱心捐赠,政府不用出资,通过街道办的协调和管理让这一惠民举措多方受益。2013年,青岛市还将开设多家类似的爱心慈善市场。爱心市场的运作方式不尽相同,但宗旨都是力所能及地让困难居民的日子过得好一点,让温暖的阳光照到他们。新华社记者 李紫恒 摄     On March 6,,Difficult issue of residents in filial piety qin on the streets"Charitable aid certificate"get"Charity coupons".Her family every month basic necessities sauce vinegar can coupons to solve.Since 2012,Qingdao badaguan streets every month to comply with the requirements for helping residents difficulties and key entitled groups issued 60 yuan to 100 yuan"Charity coupons",Residents may establish the love of the coupons in the street market to buy necessities.It is reported,Coupons money donations from enterprises in street, love,The government need not paid,Through the streets to coordinate and manage benefit the huimin measures in every way.In 2013,,Qingdao will open several similar love charity market.Love the way the market works is not the same,But purpose is helps to make residents have a good day a little difficult,Let the warm sunlight to them.The xinhua news agency reporters Li Ziheng perturbation


    3月6日,青岛八大关街道爱心市场经营户范仲海在清点收到的“慈善优惠券”。他可以用收到的优惠券到街道办理结账,按面值的120%冲抵租金、水电等经营费用。新华社记者 李紫恒 摄     On March 6,,Qingdao badaguan love street market enterprises received Fan Zhonghai in inventory"Charity coupons".He can use a receive coupons to the streets to handle the invoicing,According to the rent shall be offset 120% of face value/Such as management, water and electricity fee.The xinhua news agency reporters Li Ziheng perturbation
