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重庆:护照制证员 坚守岗位也是一种快乐--亲稳网络舆情监测室
3月8日,重庆出入境管理局制证中心的制证员秦梦影在对制作完成的成品护照进行装箱清点。当日是“三八”妇女节,重庆出入境管理局制证中心的姑娘们坚守在自己的岗位上,为护照、港澳通行证的申办者们赶制证件。她们的工作往往不为人所知,但是重庆市每一个护照、港澳通行证申报者的证件都是由她们精心制作出来的。今年以来,重庆申办护照和港澳通行证的人数激增,制证中心的姑娘们工作量急剧增加,16个姑娘加上几名男同志每天需要制作近8000本护照和港澳通行证。最忙的时候,她们每人每天需要穿着闷热的防尘服在无尘车间里工作超过10个小时,盯着电脑屏幕核对信息上千次,手上机械地重复单一动作2000多下。在姑娘们的眼中,每本护照的背后都有一个故事,她们希望通过自己的辛勤工作,让这个故事尽快回到讲述者的手中,方便他们能够圆梦。制证员秦梦影说,工作对她而言,不仅仅只有辛苦,还有快乐,那些申办者拿着制作精美的证件走出国门周游列国享受幸福快乐的时候,是她和姐妹们最有成就感的时刻。新华社记者 刘潺 摄 On March 8,,Chongqing entry-exit administration system is the member of the accreditation center MengYing qin in the completed finished product passport packing count.The day is"38"The international working women's day,Exit and entry administration accreditation centre of chongqing girls hold on his post,For a passport/Hong Kong and Macao pass, who rushed bid documents.Their work is often unknown,But chongqing each passport/Hong Kong and Macao pass declarant certificate is made out of them carefully.Since the beginning of this year,Apply for a passport and Hong Kong and Macao pass a surge of chongqing,The accreditation center girls workload has increased dramatically,16 girl with several male comrades need to make every day nearly 8000 passports and Hong Kong and Macao pass.The most busy time,They need every day in the sweltering dusters in dust-free workshop to work more than ten hours,Staring at a computer screen to check information on thousands of times,Hand mechanically repeated a single under the action of more than 2000.In the eyes of the girls,Behind each passport, there is a story,They hope that through their own hard work,Let the story back in the hands of the narrator as soon as possible,Convenient they can interpret a dream.System card member MengYing qin said,Work for her,It is not only hard work,And happy,Those bid with elaborate certificates when go abroad to travel to enjoy the happiness,The biggest achievement is her sisters and moment.Xinhua news agency reporter liu upon perturbation
3月8日,重庆出入境管理局制证中心的制证员秦梦影在护照制作自动化机器前操作电脑进行流程管控。新华社记者 刘潺 摄 On March 8,,Chongqing administration of entry and exit system certificate center accreditation of qin MengYing in passport before automatic machine operating computers for process control.Xinhua news agency reporter liu upon perturbation
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