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    2013年“两会”期间,由中国民族语文翻译局着手组建的大会秘书处民族语文翻译组,让少数民族代表委员能够用本民族语言履行职责、参政议政,及时把党和国家的声音传递到民族地区和少数民族干部群众中。截至3月14日,翻译组已用7种少数民族文字翻译了人大会文件45份,政协会议文件13份,委员发言33份,翻译字数达220.2万字;用7种少数民族语言为大会会场提供同声传译14次,共计同传54.6万字;完成16000份民族文文件的印制工作,与汉文文件同步提供给少数民族代表和委员。同时,翻译组还担负着向新华社、中央人民广播电台、中国国际广播电台以及8个省、自治区的25家地方新闻媒体提供大会主要文件民族文译稿的任务。3月15日,工作人员将印刷完毕的大会文件做裁边处理。新华社记者 金良快 摄     In 2013,"The two sessions"During the period,By China's national language translation bureau to the conference secretariat ethnic Chinese group,Let the ethnic minority representatives to perform their duties in this national language/Participate in,In a timely manner to the voice of the party and the country is passed to the ethnic regions and minority cadres in the crowd.As of March 14,,Translation group has seven kinds of ethnic minorities text 45 copies of the National People's Congress meeting file,CPPCC 13 copies of documents,Committee spokesman 33,Translation of 2.202 million words;With seven ethnic minority languages provide simultaneous interpretation for the conference hall 14 times,Total with 546000 words;Print of the 16000 national documents,With Chinese file synchronization for ethnic minority representatives and members.At the same time,Shoulders translation group, told xinhua/The central people's broadcasting station/China Radio International and eight provinces/Autonomous region of 25 local news media conference of the national main file translation task.On March 15,,Staff to do the printing finished assembly file cutting edge processing.Xinhua news agency reporter Jin Liang quickly taken


    3月5日,翻译组工作人员在人民大会堂对人大开幕式进行维吾尔语同声传译。新华社发(阿力木沙比提 摄)     On March 5,,Translation group of workers at the great hall of the people for the opening ceremony of National People's Congress Uighur simultaneous interpretation.Xinhua hair(Eric wood of fly was taken)


    3月15日,翻译组工作人员用蒙古文翻译大会文件。新华社记者 金良快 摄     On March 15,,Translation group of staff with Mongolian assembly file.Xinhua news agency reporter Jin Liang quickly taken


    这是用蒙古、藏、维吾尔、哈萨克、朝鲜、彝、壮等7种少数民族文字翻译的政府工作报告(3月15日摄)。新华社记者 金良快 摄     This is in Mongolia/hide/uygur/The kazakh/North Korea/yi/Strong of 7 kinds of minority language translation of government work report(Taken on March 15,).Xinhua news agency reporter Jin Liang quickly taken


    3月15日,工作人员在印制少数民族语言大会文件。新华社记者 金良快 摄     On March 15,,Workers in printing minority language assembly file.Xinhua news agency reporter Jin Liang quickly taken


    3月15日,翻译组工作人员用彝文翻译大会文件。新华社记者 金良快 摄     On March 15,,Translation group of staff with yi language assembly file.Xinhua news agency reporter Jin Liang quickly taken
