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    3月14日,在山东省烟台雷锋事迹展览馆”,一群小学生在老师的讲解下认真阅读雷锋故事。当日,由烟台边防支队筹办的“烟台雷锋事迹展览馆”落成开馆,9天前去世的“雷锋事迹见证者”张峻老人在家乡办展览馆的愿望得以完成,一些有关雷锋的宝贵资料首次展出。这是全国唯一同时展示雷锋和张峻事迹的展览馆,其中不少有关雷锋的展品是首次向世人公开。享年82岁的张峻生前被誉为“雷锋事迹见证者”“拍摄雷锋第一人”,雷锋现存于世的300多张照片中,他拍摄的有225张。在今年3月5日学雷锋宣传日的活动现场,张峻突发心脏病不幸离世。新华社发(方毅 摄)     On March 14,,In shandong province"Yantai lei feng exhibition hall",A group of students under the teacher's explanation carefully reading lei feng's story.On the day,By yantai border detachment organized"Yantai lei feng exhibition hall"Completion of the opening,Nine days before his death"Lei feng witnesses"Zhang Jun XiangBan exhibition hall at home old man wishes to complete,First exhibited some valuable information about lei feng.This is the only show lei feng and Zhang Jun deeds exhibition hall at the same time,Many exhibits about lei feng is the first time publicly to the world.At the age of 82 has been hailed as a Zhang Jun delivery"Lei feng witnesses""Shooting first person lei feng",The living lei feng in 300 photo,He has taken in 225.This year on March 5, learn lei feng awareness day event,Zhang Jun unfortunately died a heart attack.Xinhua hair(Fang Yi perturbation)


    3月14日,在山东省“烟台雷锋事迹展览馆”,雷锋生前战友、书法家房寿大在讲述雷锋故事。新华社发(方毅 摄)     On March 14,,In shandong province"Yantai lei feng exhibition hall",Lei feng was comrade in arms/Life of calligrapher's room is big in the lei feng's story.Xinhua hair(Fang Yi perturbation)


    3月14日,在山东省“烟台雷锋事迹展览馆”,一名市民展示自己写下的参观心得。新华社发(方毅 摄)     On March 14,,In shandong province"Yantai lei feng exhibition hall",A people to show their writing to visit.Xinhua hair(Fang Yi perturbation)
