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    云南省迪庆藏族自治州德钦县第一小学的藏族教师斯那农布带着六年级学生在舞蹈教室里跳民族舞蹈(3月12日摄)。 Deqin county, yunnan province the diqing Tibetan autonomous prefecture, the first Tibetan primary school teachers, the farmers of cloth with grade 6 student in the dance dance folk dancing in the classroom(March 12 is taken).


    云南省迪庆藏族自治州德钦县第一小学位于滇藏交界处的梅里雪山脚下,记者日前专门来到了这所海拔3300多米的高原小学校进行采访。学校里篮球场、足球场、计算机室、舞蹈教室、美术教室、实验室、课外活动室一应俱全。 Deqin county, yunnan province the diqing Tibetan autonomous prefecture, the first primary school is located in the yunnan-tibet border meili snow mountain at the foot,Reporters recently traveled to the plateau, 3300 meters above sea level by the primary school to interview.In the school basketball court/Football field/The computer room/Dance class/Art room/laboratory/Extracurricular activity room.


    据德钦县第一小学校长龚曲取扎介绍,该学校现有1260名学生,绝大多数是藏族。新学校于2012年9月开学,是当地通过集中办学合并了4所乡镇小学校之后成立的,所有的教学设施都是新建的,学生的食宿完全免费,学校还为学生统一配发学习用具和生活用品。该学校全面推进素质教育,在保留传统课程的同时,还开设了藏文课、民族舞蹈课间操及丰富的课外活动等。 According to deqin county is the first primary school principals take Mr. Gong qu,The school has 1260 students,The vast majority of tibetans.The new school starts in September 2012,Is merged by focusing on local schools formed after 4 township primary school,All of the facilities are new,Student's accommodation completely free,School uniform for students with learning tools and supplies.The school comprehensively promote quality education,At the same time of traditional courses,Tibetan has also taught/National dance lesson hold and rich extracurricular activities, etc.


    记者从迪庆州教育局了解到,当地政府每年向农村学生发放高原农牧民子女学生生活补助和营养餐补助,每名学生每个月补助300元,全州共有5万多名农牧民子女从中受益。 The reporter understands from DiQingZhou education bureau,The local government grant plateau children of farmers and herdsmen to rural students students every year living subsidies and nutrient food subsidies,Each student subsidy 300 yuan every month,A state of more than 50000 farmers and herdsmen children benefit from it.


    这些藏族农牧民孩子可以享受到优质的教育资源,在现代化的教室里专心学习,健康快乐地茁壮成长。 These Tibetan farmers and herdsmen, children can enjoy high quality education resources,In modern learn in the classroom,Grow happily and healthily.新华社记者 蔺以光 摄 The xinhua news agency reporters LinYiGuang perturbation


    云南省迪庆藏族自治州德钦县第一小学的一些藏族小学生在打篮球(3月12日摄)。     Deqin county, yunnan province the diqing Tibetan autonomous prefecture, the first primary school of Tibetan students are playing basketball(March 12 is taken).新华社记者 蔺以光 摄 The xinhua news agency reporters LinYiGuang perturbation


    云南省迪庆藏族自治州德钦县第一小学的几名藏族女学生在新建成的藏式教学楼前(3月12日摄)。     Deqin county, yunnan province the diqing Tibetan autonomous prefecture, the first primary school of the built in several Tibetan female students in the new Tibetan teaching building(March 12 is taken).新华社记者 蔺以光 摄 The xinhua news agency reporters LinYiGuang perturbation


    云南省迪庆藏族自治州德钦县第一小学的学生在食堂里享用免费午餐(3月12日摄)。     Deqin county, yunnan province the diqing Tibetan autonomous prefecture, the first primary school students enjoy free lunch in the dining room(March 12 is taken).新华社记者 蔺以光 摄 The xinhua news agency reporters LinYiGuang perturbation


    云南省迪庆藏族自治州德钦县第一小学的一些藏族学生面对镜头露出笑容(3月12日摄)。     Deqin county, yunnan province the diqing Tibetan autonomous prefecture, the first primary school of Tibetan students smile face the camera(March 12 is taken).新华社记者 蔺以光 摄 The xinhua news agency reporters LinYiGuang perturbation


    云南省迪庆藏族自治州德钦县第一小学的一些藏族学生在新建成的足球场上玩耍(3月12日摄)。     Deqin county, yunnan province the diqing Tibetan autonomous prefecture, the first primary school of Tibetan students in the new play football(March 12 is taken).新华社记者 蔺以光 摄 The xinhua news agency reporters LinYiGuang perturbation
