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    3月13日,工人在宁夏回族自治区西吉县吉德慈善园一家工厂的编织袋生产车间工作。 On March 13,,Workers in the ningxia hui autonomous region XiJiXian guidry charity woven bag factory in production workshop work.


    近年来,宁夏回族自治区在西海固南部山区建设新型慈善工业园区集群,探索出一条扶贫的新模式。春季复工后,记者在宁夏西海固地区西吉县走访时发现,当地的吉德慈善工业园充分利用农产品资源和劳动力资源重点发展马铃薯等优质果蔬精深加工、回族刺绣等优势产业,吸引了大批当地农民来此就业。 In recent years,The ningxia hui autonomous region in the southern mountains of western solid construction of the new charity industrial cluster,Explore a new mode of poverty alleviation.Spring return to work after,Reporter in ningxia west solid XiJiXian found when visiting,Local guidry charity industrial park, make full use of agricultural resources and labor resources to focus on developing high-quality fruits and vegetables such as potato deep processing/The advantages of the hui nationality embroidery industry,Attracted many local farmers to obtain employment.


    据了解,目前整个慈善园区内共安置当地农民就业者近千人。西吉县计划至2015年,引进入园企业50家以上,实现工业总产值约30亿元,吸纳当地2万多人就业。 We have learned,Just now the charity local peasant workers nearly one thousand people in the park.XiJiXian plans to 2015,Introduction of more than 50 enterprises in the park,Gross industrial output value of about 3 billion yuan,To absorb the local employment more than 20000 people.新华社记者 彭昭之 摄 Xinhua news agency reporter Peng Zhao of perturbation


    3月13日,在宁夏回族自治区西吉县吉德慈善园一家马铃薯深加工企业的车间,工作人员在将马铃薯零食装箱。     On March 13,,In the ningxia hui autonomous region XiJiXian guidry charity garden a potato deep processing enterprise of workshop,Staff in the potato snack box.新华社记者 彭昭之 摄 Xinhua news agency reporter Peng Zhao of perturbation


    3月13日,在宁夏回族自治区西吉县吉德慈善园一家马铃薯深加工企业的生产线上,工作人员在挑选刚刚生产出来的马铃薯沙琪玛准备装袋。     On March 13,,In ningxia hui autonomous region XiJiXian guidry charity garden a potato deep processing enterprise of the production line,Staff in selecting just produced potato bagging ShaQiMa preparation.新华社记者 彭昭之 摄 Xinhua news agency reporter Peng Zhao of perturbation


    3月13日,在宁夏回族自治区西吉县吉德慈善园回族刺绣产业中心,工作人员在进行手工刺绣。     On March 13,,In the ningxia hui autonomous region XiJiXian guidry charity center garden hui embroidery industry,Staff in hand embroidery.新华社记者 彭昭之 摄 Xinhua news agency reporter Peng Zhao of perturbation
