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    4月26日,四川芦山县龙门乡古城村的小姑娘高梦思在救灾帐篷前吃晚饭。4月20日四川芦山县发生7.0级强烈地震地震发生当时,芦山县龙门乡古城村9岁的小姑娘高梦思和4岁的弟弟施金豆正独自留守家中。地震发生后,弟弟施金豆被屋顶上掉下的一块木板砸在头上,受了轻伤。姐姐抱起弟弟赶紧从二楼冲下。在一楼门口刚好遇到回来找他们的爸爸。尽管家中房屋坍塌损毁严重,但姐弟俩都平安无事。如今,姐弟俩和家人都住在救灾的帐篷里,吃饭喝水等已逐步得到保证。弟弟也从当时受到的极度惊吓中逐步平复了情绪。目前已有多家媒体对姐姐临危不乱救弟弟的故事进行了报道,一时间成为村里左邻右舍的美谈。新华社记者 鲁鹏 摄     On April 26,,Forth in sichuan county of longmen township gucheng village girl dream high in disaster relief tents before dinner.On April 20, forth county 7.0 magnitude earthquake in sichuan province.When the earthquake,Forth county of longmen township gucheng village high nine-year-old girl dream think Mr Sirkin beans and 4 year old brother is staying at home alone.After the earthquake,Brother Mr Sirkin bean was drop down on the roof of a plank to hit on the head,Suffered minor injuries.Sister picked up brother hurriedly rushing down from the second floor.Encountered in a LouMenKou just come back to their father.Though badly damaged houses collapsed in the home,But the sister are safe.now,The sister and the brother and his family lived on relief tents,Eat bread or drink water and so on has gradually been guaranteed.Brother also from had been extremely frightened mood gradually calmed down.There are various media keep up a save brother to sister's story was reported,At that time become 美谈 neighbors in the village.The xinhua news agency reporters LuPeng perturbation



    4月26日,四川芦山县龙门乡古城村的小姑娘高梦思(左)在和家人一起准备晚饭。新华社记者 鲁鹏 摄 On April 26,,Forth, sichuan county of longmen township gucheng village girl dream high(The left)In preparing the supper together with my family.The xinhua news agency reporters LuPeng perturbation
