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   汪勇强,40岁,国家电网四川省电力公司员工,地震当天就从四川眉山市赶至灾区,进行恢复供电,架设安置点临时用电等工作。4月29日是五一劳动节。记者四川省芦山地震灾区看到来自四面八方的劳动者坚守一线,为灾区早日恢复正常而努力。新华社记者 金良快 摄 Wang Yongjiang,40 years of age,State grid electric power company employees of sichuan province,From the same day as the earthquake in sichuan province meishan city rushed to the disaster area,To restore the power supply,Construction site temporary electricity utilization, etc.Is the May 1st Labour Day holiday on April 29.Reporter saw forth the earthquake-stricken area in sichuan province laborers from all directions to one line,Strive for the disaster area back to normal as soon as possible.The xinhua news agency reporters Jin Liang quickly taken


    范成美,43岁,芦山县龙门乡养殖户。地震发生后,她义务承担起养殖场周边消毒防疫工作,并在县农业局的劝说下扑杀了养殖的6万只鸭子。她说,希望将来能得到妥善安置,过上平安的日子。新华社记者 金良快 摄     Fan Chengmei,43 years old,Forth county of longmen township farmers.After the earthquake,Her duty to bear farms surrounding disinfection epidemic prevention work,And under the persuasion of county agriculture bureau culled 60000 duck breeding.She said,Hope can get in the future,Live a peace life.The xinhua news agency reporters Jin Liang quickly taken



   胡林,30岁,芦山县人民医院儿科大夫,从地震发生当天就一直忙碌,平均每天接诊100名患儿。他的爱人也是医生,无心顾家。加上家里的房成了危房,胡林将4岁的孩子送到四川省遂宁市的父母家暂住。他说,希望灾区住宿条件能早日好起来。新华社记者 金良快 摄 Hu Lin,30 years of age,Forth the county people's hospital pediatric doctor,I have been busy from earthquake occurred the same day,Accepts 100 children a day on average.His lover is a doctor,No mood to family.Plus the room became dangerous house at home,Hu Lin will be 4 years old children to parents of suining city, sichuan province home stay.He said,Hope that accommodation in the disaster area can get better soon.The xinhua news agency reporters Jin Liang quickly taken
