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    5月1日,一辆前风挡玻璃上贴有检验合格证的汽车停放在位于北京西城区道路旁的停车位。当日起,由商务部、国家发改委、公安部、环境保护部四部委联合发布的《机动车强制报废标准规定》将正式开始实施。根据规定,已注册机动车“在检验有效期届满后连续3个机动车检验周期内未取得机动车检验合格标志的”将被强制报废。新华社记者 戚恒 摄 On May 1,A front windshield with test certificate of the car in Beijing xicheng district road next to the parking space.On that day,By the ministry of commerce/The national development and reform commission/The ministry of public security/Four ministries jointly issued the environmental protection department[Motor vehicle compulsory standards regulations]Will be the official start of the implementation.According to the regulation,Registered motor vehicles"For three consecutive quarters, after the expiration of the validity of the test vehicle inspection cycle has not obtained the conformity inspection mark motor vehicles"Will be forced to scrap.The xinhua news agency reporters QiHeng perturbation



    图为机动车在北京京顺机动车检测场进行尾气检测(2月1日摄)。新华社记者 公磊 摄 In motor vehicles in Beijing jing shun automobile detection field in tail gas detection(On Feb. 1, taken).The xinhua news agency reporter lei was taken


图为机动车在北京西二环上行驶(4月28日摄)。新华社记者 公磊 摄 In motor vehicles in Beijing west erhuanxi road(On April 28, was taken).The xinhua news agency reporter lei was taken
