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深圳修改乞丐上街城管扣分条例 考核内容简化--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
南方日报讯 (记者/李荣华)昨日,深圳市城管局公布了全市市容环境综合考核方案,记者注意到,备受关注的涉及流浪乞讨人员的条例已被修改,和广受争议的初稿相比,此次方案大大简化,重点强调救助和劝导。
Southern daily news (Reporter/LiRongHua)yesterday,Shenzhen ChengGuanJu announced the city's appearance environment comprehensive evaluation scheme,Reporters noticed that,Of concern and beggars involves the ordinance has been revised,And controversial than draft,The scheme greatly simplified,Emphasis on the assistance and advice。
According to the urban management department related parties,Shenzhen urban management department is beggars joint salvage team linked units,Shenzhen won't ban and driven a real difficult beggars,But the focus in the joint salvage team work of the department not as a performance to carry on the point deduction。
流浪乞讨考核一项一笔带过 The beggars assessment a one has brought
July 2,,Southern daily《“Street someone begging,Urban management will be given”Reasonable??》Shenzhen city environment the disclosure comprehensive examining preliminary scheme。The program will beggars aid into the city's appearance order assessment project,The provisions,The beggars、Sleeping personnel appeared in the trunk road(Road shall)、sub-road(Important sections)And other city road(Control section),Were given two points/person、1 points/and 0.5 points/man's penalty points。
The reporter was survey learned,The scheme in the implementation of the plan last week,Some area,For example the lo wu,According to the assessment standards has conform with the inspection plan in the streets,Its about beggars in the project management points content is not changed。
This newspaper reported cause social attention after,Original appearance environment comprehensive inspection plan announced the plan was postponed。On July 5,,Shenzhen urban management science research institute says HuZhenHua response,Beg free anyone has no right to interfere with,But beg behavior should by regulations。He said,The index had been issued,Just is the internal assessment measures,After implementation will also be constantly improved。
Yesterday the scheme officially announced。But and past of widespread controversy than content,Yesterday the scheme to determine the beggars assistance management contents relatively general fuzzy,The evaluation content reduced to a sentence:“Fails to persuade relief,According to one point/people possessed”。
The regulation will be dark inspection of city appearance order scheme evaluation project for will modify inspection items and random project,The beggars relief just appearance in random order dark inspection plan one of the project。Each items with corresponding weights points,Single point deduction shall not exceed weight points limit,The beggars relief is 10 points。
不定时暗查每季度公布结果 Timing AnZha quarterly report results
“We should adjust the methods of work,We welcome the urban management work under supervision pack in public。”HuZhenHua introduced,Southern daily report caused the urban management department concerned,This unit is carefully studied the scheme,The examination of the beggars project focuses on modification。He introduced,City's appearance order for leading group dark assessment of each quarter organization in the city streets in the office two dark inspection,Every quarter after to media announced,Will have to southern daily examination results published scores。
HuZhenHua explain,At present the beggars way to work,Urban management roughly divided into three categories,One is really have the economic difficulties、Body invalid,Should try to salvage;Professional beg,Can't forced to beg for、Interference public order,Urban management would tell、advice;The third type is organized to beg gangs,Urban management will and public security departments in accordance with the cooperation blow。
“The beggars relief work also not urban management of the family。”HuZhenHua introduced,The law of solution to the streets as the main body,Involving urban management、Civil administration、health、The public security, and other department。He introduced,This is the government for the first time in quantitative management mode will assess administrative department operation,reduce“Lazy administration、Without government”。
遵纪守法乞讨考核不会扣分 The law beg appraisal not possessed
The law of scheme involving beggars only one word,Will let the law enforcement officers don't feel too clear?
this,HuZhenHua introduced,Urban management department according to law,Can only timely advice,Examination personnel also can not timing secret spot checks,“Examination personnel met(Urban management not deceived beggars)It points,Don't run into is not possessed。”
“Shenzhen won't ban and driven a real difficult beggar beg,But according to related departments are not as penalty points。”ChengGuanJu supervising detachment zhang vice ZhiDuiChang introduced,Some people understand before wrong,The assessment is beggars to the salvage persuasion assessment,This work by public security、Civil administration、Urban management and other components of the joint salvage team execution,The team in ChengGuanJu ports。
A detailed examination of the in the future,Examination personnel if the normal order in effect of road traffic find beggars,Will first told neighborhood timely assistance,And then, according to joint salvage team's work advanced performance,Penalty discretion。
“Aid group should persuade beggars or leave the sidewalk driveway,Ask the willing to accept aid,If they don't want to,Will told they may not affect traffic and others。If these told deceived relief work didn't do,Will be given。And as for the discipline of beggars,No persuasion is not possessed。”Zhang vice ZhiDuiChang explanation。
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