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张杰送深情短信惹哭谢娜 示爱:杰哥值得我爱(图)--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  荧屏上,她是最不按常理出牌的主持人,是粉丝心中的“马兰坡坡姐”,生活中,她已升级为幸福的“张太太”。近日,谢娜婚后携新书首度接受电视专访,做客由东方风行传媒出品的《超级访问》,对话好友李静戴军,现场尽显“本色”搞怪不断。婚后掌管财政大权,谢娜竟自曝不知银行卡密码。“被离婚” “闰土夫妇”,张杰、谢娜频繁被各种传言及争议包围,谢娜也在节目中首度公开一一回应。

screen,She is the most common in the card of the host,Fans of the heart is“Malan change clearly elder sister”,life,She has been upgraded to happiness“Mrs. Zhang”。recently,XieNa after marriage first accept televised interviews with new books,Visit by the popular media of the product《Super interview》,Dialogue DaiJun li friends,Site all show“Instinctive quality”Wacky constantly。In charge of financial power after marriage,That XieNa's don't know bank card password。“Be divorce” “RunTu couple”,Zhang jie、XieNa frequently by all kinds of rumors and surrounded by controversy,Also in the programme XieNa first time to the public in response to one。

  节目现场,张杰更惊喜送上深情短信,令谢娜当场感动落泪。本期节目将于BTV财经频道7月22日周日晚20:57分播出。据悉,自8月起,内地最早的娱乐访谈节目《超级访问》将华丽变身,于2012年12周年之际全面升级改版,打破以往单纯的明星访谈,将节目形式更多元化,分为“大嘴李戴”、“热点人物”、“超级大来宾” 三大板块,集脱口秀,时下热点事件短评、“草根人物”微访谈,大牌明星访谈等创新元素于一体,话题也将从原先的娱乐类拓展到社会财经领域,更添新鲜感、趣味性及与观众的互动性。

Show the scene,More surprises to deep feeling zhang jie text message,XieNa to cry on the spot。This program will in BTV financial channel July 22, 20:57 points broadcast on Sunday night。It is reported,Since August,The mainland the earliest entertainment interview program《Super interview》Will change gorgeous,In 2012, 12 anniversary of overall upgrade overhauling,Break before simple star interview,Will show more diversified forms,Divided into“Big mouth li wear”、“Hot characters”、“Super guests” Three blocks,Set talk show,Nowadays essay hot issues、“Grassroots people”Micro interview,Star of innovative elements in an interview,Topics will also from the original entertainment class expanded to the social financial field,More add new move、Interesting and the interactive with the audience。


谢娜自曝婚后掌管经济大权“有名无实” XieNa's in charge of economic power after marriage“To carry”


笑称婚后改变:不能乱来了 Smile says change after marriage:Can't fooling around the


2011 zhang jie、XieNa over 5 years long love,In the shangri-la held a romantic wedding,After marriage XieNa and not in the one hundred and eighty-degree change“Little woman”,in《Super interview》Still talk big la la,The scene and DaiJun li big play dance restoring ancient ways,All show wacky colors。When asked by li from single to“A wife”changed,Don't forget XieNa funny,Laughingly called“Is not fooling around。”

  对于家中的经济大权,谢娜自曝是文章劝张杰把钱交给自己,“文章同学建议是由女生来管,他觉得他尝到了甜头,然后他就叫张杰一定要女生来管,我当时心里也非常的开心啊。” 虽有财政大权握手里,谢娜却笑称自己被张杰给“涮”了,“张杰也非常听文章的,就把他的卡给我了,但是没有告诉我密码,他需要的时候,他说你把卡给我一下,我被他给涮了。”

To the home in economic power,XieNa zhang jie's article is to put the money to yourself,“The recommendations are made by the girl students to tube,He think he tasted sweets,Then he called zhang jie must girl come to tube,I was in the mind also very happy。” Although have financial power handshake,XieNa laughing said they were to zhang jie“rinse”the,“Zhang jie is also listen to the article,Put his card to me,But didn't tell me the password,He needs,He said you to me about the card,I was he to rinse。”


谢娜现场回应“被离婚”“闰土夫妇”等争议传言 XieNa field response“Be divorce”“RunTu couple”Etc that dispute


曝曾去网监局报案 Exposure to nets inspect bureau to have


After the marriage zhang jie and XieNa emotional life have been popular with media attention,Frequent be false news and with the dispute,Always sweet two were even from the divorce rumors,Since then by many users to zhang jie a pastime“RunTu”,Two more be crowned“RunTu couple”title,in《Super interview》,XieNa also tells the story of DaiJun li event reasoning,Calm responded that“Would you like to be happy happy”,“Long ago DuHaiTao to WuXin said,Do I look like don't like rain,And then WuXin said,I think you like RunTu,That time is we are a good joke,Five or six years ago it on the past,Now they take this started,To pick up to treasure,Began to use on zhang jie,No problem,Because I think,We open joke,You play it is picking up,ChaoLengFan nothing,The little hero also said,Entertainment: more health entertainment。”


For the time of fake news and all kinds of rumours、attack,XieNa says had to nets inspect bureau reported to the case,“We go to the nets inspect bureau,We probably know who is doing it。”


张杰送深情表白短信惹哭谢娜 Zhang jie send text messages XieNa provoked deep feeling vindicate cry


谈生子:先享受两人世界 And talk about:Two people to enjoy the world


XieNa that《Super interview》,Zhang jie, li's closest to also send a long deep feeling vindicate text messages,Charged XieNa work busy tired of it over the take care of yourself,Make XieNa couldn't help but cry on the spot,And in order to“return”Zhang jie,XieNa also don't fiddle bold and love,“Jacob I is especially happiness to meet him,He is worth I love。”


When DaiJun when asked about li to children,Always dare to say XieNa also“Not sustain”,call“Don't make me”,Dozen tai chi to smooth it over,“To enjoy the two people of the world,Working for yourself if you make one more effort。”
