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Quiet little in the movies in recent years on the big screen,And once again leading actress,The challenge is never tried a comedy movie,In LiXiang、WangYueLun cooperation of husband and wife shooting《Music a》Shown in the“shrew”MengJingHua。


Peace in the play not only powerful,The movie also have“Play the”title。this,She forgave,Still insist on your role to the opinions and pursuit,And no secret that China of the movies ills。Recently accept the yangcheng evening news exclusive interview with reporters,Quiet and easy to share her movie、The feeling of life。She said the life you actually is“Little woman”,Just long a pair of not little woman's shape。

  羊城晚报记者 余姝 通讯员 李婷

Yang cheng evening news reporter YuShu LiTing correspondent


【谈喜剧】 【Talk about comedy】


“我特讨厌挤眉弄眼,跟小品似的” “I really hate make faces,Like with sketch”


in《Music a》in,As with a quiet MengJingHua JiangWu as old money in middle-aged suffering emotional crisis,Which has caused a series of black humor farce。First take comedy,Peace have what kind of feeling?


Yang cheng evening news:《Music a》Is your first time making a comedy movie,What is the feeling?


quiet:Because comedy is too difficult,Can't easily to try。Also hasn't been people looking for before I play a comedy。In fact I love watching the super comedy,Because life is too tired。The main is a play well,Very attract me。To tell you the truth,Now many movie script all pretty bad,So let the audience is very disappointed。In fact this gives us the alarm bell-don't knock the film when TV to pat,Also don't hurt the movie,The movie is already poor!Should let would make a film to shoot,Don't what person all to come to the crowded!


Yang cheng evening news:You know why the director for you to play this role?


quiet:Don't know,Maybe it is because I say what is also a what(smile)。You know,The present situation of Chinese movie is very sad,Don't look for the,Look only for expensive。If I when the director,Only certain right,Don't look for expensive。But this film I really didn't make money,Because I just shouted at play。At that time the call me and said no money,I said nothing,They just over there“Thank you!,Thank you!”......In fact even in Hollywood,Also have special famous star to play a few small to make movies。If all the money to pick up play according to the word,It will miss a lot of good play。


Yang cheng evening news:Director WangYueLun said you comedy special talent,Would you consider later take many comedy?


quiet:Director speak thus I?I want to know how to tell the audience,This is I compare to be afraid of(smile)。So terrible,Play into what I haven't dare to see。I acted in 20 years of play to have a bit of a result,Comedy is the first one,Still need to learn,But I later will consider take many。In fact, I hate that make faces to make the audience of music and comedy,Like with sketch。China is short of comedian,I feel really good comedy is I stand there talking acting,Don't make faces,Can let the audience laughed at my desk。


Yang cheng evening news:WangYueLun first two comedy film《Perfect nine beauty》、《Panda master》Is the more exaggerated style,So exaggerated show you can put away?


quiet:Afraid put too open。This is very bad master degree,Because comedy is another show category。


【谈戏霸】 【Talk about play the】


“有句话叫以讹传讹,所以我不解释” “There is a word for age,So I don't explain”


Peace was regarded as“Play the”,Because when she and director opinions are different,In order to struggled to get the role。But such adhere to the understanding of the director can change?


Yang cheng evening news:Vote before“Play the”,You into the top 10。Do you think what the reason?


quiet:Because I will strive to for role。In fact I don't lose his temper,But once the director can't persuade me,I'll lost his temper。I especially want directors can convince me,But if a director than I,That I'm sure will be very insist on my opinion。So I went to a crew was filming,The first few days a everyone is afraid of me,No one spoke to me,But get along with a few days,You'll find that I get along fine。There is a word for age,So I don't how to explain。In fact to stick to your own idea not wrong,Every person should have his own ideas,But conflict in,There must be a party to convince the other party。Can you some places than me,Pull pull! What,Then as I come!


Yang cheng evening news:That if the director not happy?You according to their own methods play?


quiet:Otherwise how?Some actors might say,That do what you play it again,Then as I play it again,See who's good。This is nonsense。The director won't use actors that a ah!Foreign film producer is cut,And the domestic is cut film director。If we here is also cut film producer,The more I also dare to play a few to let him pick,But in home can't。Some directors have revenge mental,He'll see you play to the cut,frightening。


Yang cheng evening news:You met such director?


quiet:The director many,Have like the norm,No out say so-and-so director。This is why the process will be more reasonable abroad。Like I when small actors,Don't say is director,Deputy director is out to me to practise how play。Once I according to the thickness of vice director said,The result was the director scold,And the idea just director with my own idea。Since then,I don't want any vice director told me play,Although I did not famous。And they are over,As long as the director out scold actor,They suddenly disappeared,They are afraid of the responsibility。


Yang cheng evening news:The WangYueLun which kind of director?He ShuiXi than a?


quiet:WangYueLun won't say a lot of play。Actually I have been a little concerns,Because of my face itself a little exaggeration,If I look again a bit bigger,In the big screen version may be too exaggeration。You know,Photographers like pat features,A face is greater than the door,So I always emphasize that--would rather not enough,Also do not want too。


【谈感情】 【Talk about feelings】


“别给自己一个框框,找老公也一样” “Don't give yourself a frame,Looking for a husband”


The role of the shape is more quiet dare to say the big woman dares to do,But she is also to the audience left the impression。What man can capture her heart?Divorced single quiet,To love and marriage have their own ideas。


Yang cheng evening news:You are a strong woman?


quiet:I'm not,I actually quite young woman。


Yang cheng evening news:Why you always play a strong woman?


quiet:Because I look like little woman。You see I this form,How like small woman?So no one find me act。


Yang cheng evening news:In the film JiangWu wallet-proof a“henpecked”Little man,How do you see this man?


quiet:Man afraid of wife nothing bad,I think that is a blessing。Take one example to say,If you have an elder brother to look for a man to borrow money,That the man can take the wife as a shield:“If I lend you,With my wife for divorce!”


Yang cheng evening news:That you hope to find such a small man?


quiet:I might find such,May also find the tough,This is not to say I。I'm a woman,Is water do,In what kind of containers I is what kind of shape。Don't give yourself a frame,The failure is always say they want to,But you met in fact is you can't predict。As I was filming before,Always do a lot of homework at home,The script written dense,Let old artists see feel I especially serious,In the studios will also deliberately air to the somebody else see。I so earnestly to do ten ready,But with often is the first ten several preparation,Is my doing nothing before。To find the husband is the same way。


Yang cheng evening news:JiangWuCeng said between men and women“The man depend coax,Women depend on pet”,How do you see?


quiet:yeah,JiangWu didn't expect such a theory ah!With the two hard to avoid can do for each other some change。I may change hair style ah、Clothing ah、Way of saying it,Cast its place well。


Yang cheng evening news:So do you think you should be how to get along with between men and women?


quiet:I'm in the film, perhaps, that the role of the husband was betrayed,Now the situation is much more special。I think I'm going to be in the days of the humiliation in growth,The man and the woman grow up together,Give each other some time。All three stand before ten,Now 30 who made it?We said forty and stand it。“made”Before many people will flower heart、naughty,But as long as can change is good。A mistake is unavoidable,No one can guarantee not to make mistakes。


【谈青春】 【Talk about youth】


“我出道比较早,都以为我年纪很大” “I early debut,All think I be very old”


Peace has not only the angel of the face,Also has the devil figure,Years of her seems to special care,Leave no trace。Quiet revealed her cosmetology secret,Beauty lady for support。


Yang cheng evening news:The shape of your keep it very well,How is doing it?


quiet:Which is on the eat less。Girls are lazy,Do not adhere to the movement,So which is on the eat much food less,Slowly the stomach is smaller,Will slim down。I was surprised,As long as the shooting is fat,Because sleep too little,Only by eating more to provide energy。So I look in the play is always better than the movie fat。


Yang cheng evening news:Your skin to maintain quite well,What's the secret?


quiet:with“maintenance”The word which means I old now,Ha ha!I just early debut,So a lot of the audience all think I be very old。Some of the age with me,Even older,The somebody else because famous night,The audience is much smaller than I thought they'd。The most important still is actually girls to do prevent bask in,Must use prevent bask in、Segregation frost。Another is to use powdery bottom,We all think powdery cake lead to contain mercury bad skin,But it does prevent bask in function。Before I was filming in Tibet,From the sun, so near,All the people cast were black,Only a few of us actor no black。This is because every day we all painted by thick pink,Separate the sun's radiation。In addition,Every month I have a day off to the skin,Do not besmear anything,Make it a good rest。


Yang cheng evening news:You look really don't like a teenage mother of children。


quiet:oh,You don't remind me,I often forget me is who who who his mom。I don't like a when mom,Just tell people everywhere。When mom is when mom bai,Don't show it everywhere。You are not someone else's mom,You keep it to yourself。Let children long,His long also,Why do you have to make in a piece of?


【谈搭档】 【Talk about partner】


“跟姜武的很多床戏,我们都删掉了” “With many of the JiangWu bed scene,We all deleted”


Halcyon and jiang、JiangWu brother is years of good friends,And the cooperation with jiang《Sunny day》Had long been a classic film。Why then the two never joined again?Peace is how evaluation“wenwu”Brothers??


Yang cheng evening news:《Music a》First time to JiangWu cooperation,Feel about?


quiet:I JiangWu is with friends for years,Cooperation is very happy。In fact when acting is to see the other side of the character,If the other party is your tastes,It can wipe out some similar spark things,Show if are better。JiangWu is such a person。


Yang cheng evening news:You and JiangWuYou bed scene,When patting will not embarrassed?


quiet:A lot of bed scene all let we both dropped。We Chinese scenes,Can't release their,It looked odd,Also do not take。


Yang cheng evening news:Before you worked with jiang,Think how he director?


quiet:Jiang is not in the director of pantomime to wrangle,His head one night will be looking for me,Let me put the idea to his,Don't to the scene to focal with him。He is very clever,And very painful actor。This is because his own itself is also an actress,So know actor bitter。And he also is itself ideas,So he is the kind that would make actor to learn things director。


Yang cheng evening news:You had play《Sunny day》when,To JiangWenYou?


quiet:Not looking forward to,I which know what he wants?Like right now,If I jump out to when the director,Sure a lot of people I have not looking forward to it。At the time, the cast in a play except me,Others have not played a,This can make me what I expect?


Yang cheng evening news:“wenwu”The brothers give you feel the biggest different??? What???


quiet:Jiangwen for mine feeling is--he's a director,Though he has his acting,But he is a director of the material。I actually didn't seen JiangWu play,Occasionally saw him before《Crane's younger sister more》,He plays the feeling very well。He is the man can act,So will the play more good。


Yang cheng evening news:You hope to cooperate again jiang?


quiet:Also there is no hope。In the nature,If an appropriate role,If forced to calculate。


【谈李湘】 【Talk about LiXiang】


“我特别想知道,她是怎么弄到钱的” “I especially want to know,She is how to get the money”


《Music a》Is LiXiang、WangYueLun couples cooperation the third of the joke comedy,The couple files work of the state?Whether they really like outside the speculation“Female strong male weak”??Listen to peace may be at hand。


Yang cheng evening news:The film,LiXiang is one of the boss,Did she often go to ground class?


quiet:no,LiXiang went to only once,Or WangYueLun said to her daughter,She just take my daughter to ground class。


Yang cheng evening news:That she was relieved to the husband?


quiet:he(WangYueLun)Dare??!So the wife of cattle!Grow worse??Figure sent??Won't be a woman?If this woman also see not the husband said,That is a kick a good husband。Women don't go all day long staring at which woman ever see her husband two eyes,Have this time than to dress up。


Yang cheng evening news:That they have in front of you show conjugal love?


quiet:oh,Which is so exaggerated!It is a feeling、A tacit understanding。LiXiang and WangYueLun is special smart people,Won't be so“two”。The somebody else's natural、Decent had told everyone they very loving。


Yang cheng evening news:Can you comment on LiXiang is a what kind of boss?


quiet:I heard that she is a particularly bad boss,Negotiation skills、Financing capability are very strong。I especially admire her,Want to know how is she exactly,So I want to let her take me to see what it is how to talk about,Money can make back again(smile)。


Yang cheng evening news:You think LiXiang husband and wife isn't with the hero of the movie is the same“Female strong male weak”??


quiet:illusion,Are false appearance。Sometimes you don't believe his eyes,Don't judge others naive relationship。LiXiang or very little bird in the people。


Yang cheng evening news:Do you think what is LiXiang?


quiet:LiXiang speech at ordinary times is especially beautiful,See female friends will say“Good beauty,Good beautiful”,Is typical of the wise。
