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明星降温为支招:姚晨秀比基尼 冯绍峰花露水傍身--亲稳网络舆情监控室
Great heat strike,The round-the-clock hot weather,Almost let all people can hardly bear it extremely“enthusiasm”。In fact,Those in the screen and on beautiful field have bright stars,Probably more than we will miserably。yesterday,Our reporter collect enought and inquired about many stars cool summer prescription--
第一招:清凉出镜 First move in:Cool and refreshing the mirror
姚晨大秀比基尼 YaoChen big show a bikini
midsummer,One of the most good way is in the water,Many women are cool and refreshing the mirror,Shooting close water blockbusters,Compared with sun liwei, etc and pure and fresh as lotus summer photo,The most awesome way for a fashion magazine photograph YaoChen cover,See the queen a changed the past the intellectual elegant,Bikini modelling in battle,All exhibit wild side。
吴奇隆搞笑露大腿 WuJiLong funny uncover the thigh
《The new bride with white》Are hot pat,The studio of entertainment channel hengdian micro bo showed a WuJiLong、YeZu new、Lee solution wearing the costume but funny photos show thigh。It is reported,On that day the temperature reached 34 ℃ above hengdian,The handsome boy in this way cool for himself,Can yet be regarded as a kind of fun!
罗志祥放弃扮帅 Show give up dress up as handsome
Do you think that stars wear clothes do not according to season?Skirt can be equipped with boots,T-shirt can match the scarf......But if hot completely can't bear it,You also can do this to boast desperate?Show recently in micro blog display his tough choices:“Summer wear boots should be very hot?Forget it,Or wear shoes go out now!”
第二招:全副武装 The second recruit:Heavily armed
丁子峻采购无线风扇 DingZiJun purchasing wireless fan
No air conditioning in the early set,Electric fan is necessary cooling supplies,But you know what??Popular now wireless oh,DingZiJun introduction:“More than 40 degrees Celsius hengdian should have it,A Popsicle took out a down into the water,How do I cultivated?Magic weapon is wireless electric fan,I also bought a lot of other groups to friends,Already in hengdian pop up。”
冯绍峰花露水傍身 FengShaoFeng toilet water sits near the body
Is shooting hengdian period drama《King lanling》FengShaoFeng said the,His summer cooling equipment,In addition to the green bean soup and small cast electric fan besides,And toilet water,And he strongly recommend this one“artifact”oh,Because toilet water can not only reduce the body feeling temperature,Still can mosquitoes,Take sport can be without it。
甘婷婷冰箱随身带 GanTingTing refrigerator take
Go out with mobile refrigerators,Also is really enough trendy。GanTingTing said,She in addition to the vital qi pogostemon patchouli essential water、Outside the small fan,Will also take a small refrigerator,“This can always drink ice water good......”。sometimes,She also will use a small refrigerator do a watermelon,And the people to share with。
第三招:秘制良方 The third recruit:Secret recipe of
“温太医”的“宫廷药方” “Wen cure too much”of“Palace prescription”
《Screening 嬛 preach》in“Wen cure too much”ZhangXiaoLong,In the special his“Summer Palace for use of prescription”,“Early on health of brother views,RuFu‘With the use,To fill in the’,So FuTian diet aftercare with pure in heart sunstroke prevention、Yin to oneself。Green beans、YiRen kindhearted、lily、Fruits and vegetables are very good!”
安以轩自制绿豆汤 AnYiXuan homemade green bean soup
Green bean soup is good good quality products,AnYiXuan special and everybody Shared her tips:“Buy green beans clean,On the vacuum flask,100 ℃ hot water temperature put,About 20 to 30 minutes,Can put the green beans to drink water away,Sorching summer can be a good,The mood also is very good。”
保剑锋自制汽水 BaoJianFeng homemade soda
The childhood homemade soda,Do you still remember??BaoJianFeng special remind of that experience:“Our teacher let us each a child with a bottle of cold boiled water,And then after school each hair a pack of small saccharine、There is also a pack of baking soda,In the school class do soda,Very good,You have such experience?”
第四招:意念降温 The fourth recruit:Thoughts cooling
张歆艺拼命找动力 ZhangXinYi desperately looking for power
Recently in ningbo ZhangXinYi was filming,In the hot sun“worthier”,Even cried out“Suddenly and violently hot”,but,Her from a female director friends there looking for a full of blood for resurrection,“I have a female director friends,One day take to the late night tired to physical lost everything,Suddenly pulled out his cellphone and after a few minutes see binge:I have electricity!!The original mobile phone screen saver is son as Lebanon!”
苏有朋分享冷笑话 Su yupeng share cold jokes
Listen to people who speak cold jokes,Can help you cool?Su yupeng in micro blog share a picture of this picture:Stay in the home of corn asked just outside come back from the corn:“It's hot??”Has become the hot popcorn out corn hate way:“You give me to shut up!”Su yupeng also special greetings to all:“Hot??”
邓捷用魔术降温 DengJie using the magic cooling
In addition to natural cold end,Still have a kind of method that attention。《Bang JinChan play》Hot shoot the scene,New actor DengJie while at rest took tan yaowen played the magic,also“suddenly”Tan yaowen play magic can drop the said,“Although the magic and can't really put down),But playing up move some attention,Will temporarily forget thermometer to measure out of number。”
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