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好声音上演争夺人才战 庾澄庆高举双臂呼选我--亲稳网络舆情监控室


Zhejiang TV《China good voice》Just broadcast a period topic constantly,10 students singing aired video in the video site click of quantity of high whose startling originality。Friday,《China good voice》In the controversy continued,Four star trainer but will stage talent war。

  今晚的节目中,26岁的王乃恩以一身绿帽红裤的潮人装扮亮相,却以一首深情款款的《listen》令现场陶醉。4位导师再次一齐转身,甚至起立鼓掌,学员争夺战一触即发。庾澄庆看重的是他瓷实的低音、刘欢则强调王乃恩是自己所需要的“强力男声”、杨坤依旧走感性路线,因录像时间太长过于辛苦的杨坤眼眶常年湿润,十分利于煽情,“你看着我,你知道你唯一欠缺的是什么,你知道一个歌手的生命是什么……”,那英这次的战略是“搅局”,总是在其他3人说话的时候打岔,在杨坤认真地问“你能给他什么”,那姐给出的答案只有一句:“因为我是那英”,霸气外露……4位明星导师陷入了“抢人混战”中,一同在台下大喊“I want you”,庾澄庆更是高举双臂连呼3声“选我”。此情此景完全超出了王乃恩的预期。

The show tonight,At the age of 26 WangNaiEn green hat with a red pants moist people dress up appear,But with a deep feeling of each《listen》Which made the enchanted。4 again turned and mentor together,Even a standing ovation,Students race in recent days。YuChengQing value is he CiShi bass、LiuHuanZe emphasize WangNaiEn is what you need yourself“Strong hypnotic”、YangKun still go perceptual route,Because the video for too long a time of the year YangKun hard too eyes moist,Very conducive to SOB,“You look at me,You know that the only thing you lack of??? What??,Do you know that a singer's life is what......”,This strategy is the na ying“aggravating”,Always in three other people talk broke,In YangKun seriously asked“You can give him??????”,The elder sister of the answer given only a word:“Because I am a na ying”,Dominance was exposed......Four star in the tutor“Grab people's melee”in,Together in the Shouting“I want you”,YuChengQing is raised his hands even call 3 sound“Choose me”。I liked WangNaiEn completely out of expectation。

  熟悉的面孔平安今晚又来到了《中国好声音》,他选择了一曲《我爱你中国》,这在以现代音乐风格为主的《中国好声音》舞台上显得有些吃亏。但他以却以通俗加摇滚的“美通”唱法惊艳到了4位导师,没有按下“I want you”的庾澄庆坦言,自己不知道能怎样帮到他,“他的唱法不是我理解的范围。”

With the faces of familiar tonight and came to peace《China good voice》,He has chosen a song《I love you Chinese》,The modern music style is given priority to《China good voice》Stage appear some suffer。But he is to the popular and rock“Pr newswire”Singing to mentor jing 4,No press“I want you”YuChengQing said the,I don't know how to help him,“His voice is not I understand the scope。”

  平安的确让人“很难理解”,无论是声音还是形象:他选的歌很传统,但唱法了却添加了摇滚元素;他长得很文静,却又留着光头的叛逆发型;他穿得像学生,却又胡乱系着领带……这么多相互矛盾冲突的特质在平安身上得以和谐共生,令人惊讶。平安告诉大家,如此出场一方面是想挑战自己,另一方面也是借此方式承载父辈们的音乐梦想。平安的父母是高级研究员,上海知青,被分配黑龙江。小时候,父亲送了琴给他,让他去追寻音乐梦想,而他的这首《我爱你中国》正是自己献给父辈们的礼物。这种音乐传承令刘欢感触颇深,但他并没有最终按下“I want you”,理由也颇令人费解,“我怕转过来某人会后悔。”刘欢究竟言下何意?平安这位难得一遇的优质学员到底被谁带走?悬念还要等今晚21:15分《中国好声音》节目中揭晓。

Peace did make people“Is hard to understand”,Whether voice or image:He chose the song is very traditional,But singing at the rock elements added;He looks very gentle and quiet,The but again with baldheaded of rebellious hair style;He dressed like students,But he and his tie......So many of the contradictions in the characteristics in each other on peace to harmonious coexistence,surprising。Peace tell everyone,So on the one hand is to want to challenge their appearances,On the other hand is also take this way of carrying fathers are music dream。The parents of a senior researcher at peace,Shanghai educated youth,Was assigned the heilongjiang。When I was a kid,Father sent the harp to him,Let him go after the music dream,And he's the first《I love you Chinese》It was his parents' generation to the present。This music inheritance to liu joyfully think a lot,But he and no final press“I want you”,Reason also quite puzzling,“I'm afraid I turn to someone will regret it。”What words what meaning under liu joyfully?The rare peace in a high quality of students who take away what was?The suspense is still so points tonight《China good voice》Program announced in。
