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潘长江嫁女儿“自己哭半宿” 新人通过相亲认识--亲稳舆论引导监测室


We all know,Pan Yangtze river have a beautiful daughter PanYang。July 29,,PanYang and fell in love and three years of her boyfriend,Held in Beijing grand newly-married celebration。The ceremony pictures decorate exposure,Sweet atmosphere。Pan Yangtze river with his wife appear,Happy faces with personally instruct on-site layout。Many coterie and the two sides are to attend the wedding relatives and friends。anecdotal“GaoFu handsome”First public appearance,Older PanYang 5 year old shi lei is President of a club,And music attainments is quite high,Lang lang is the classmates。Because shi lei is Hong Kong nationals,So ErBao ensemble PanYang choose the civilian work,For love give up military status。The promotion of pan Yangtze river site is not forget father-in-law exhibition humor colors,Smile to marry his daughter cry words for a half a minute。


 两人三年前通过相亲认识 Two people's three years ago through to know


The pan Yangtze river to marry his daughter is popular,Natural attracted many circle of friends inside and outside support。巩汉林 JinZhu couples、ZhouWei couple、GuoDa、girls、Li3 qi2、period、Pang long、Sun n ing、SunHao、闫学晶、Ginger chao deng,Congratulations to all with great gift,Many people but also from dusty arrived on set。Many friends see lot,Pan Yangtze river couple grinning from ear to ear,Greet send busy trying。


Fell in love and three years,PanYang boyfriend and hidden in the back of the spotlight is love,Finally defined。Had been very mysterious the bridegroom,And then the mystery veil。It is reported,The groom shi lei from grew up in Hong Kong,The United States after the main piano,Lang lang is with classmates and friends。Shi lei five years older than PanYang,Mainly engaged in the jade business,Now the President of the city for a club,The wedding to ridicule the host asked:“The groom is worth is two hundred million?Three hundred million?Or four hundred million?”Shi lei shy about response。It is reported,Jade club is PanYang in conjunction with her boyfriend,For many years as a sustained“PanShi love”Stand fast to,The two men often visible double SuShuangFei figure。


According to PanYang introduced,Two people's three years ago through to know,A few years to two person feeling stable never fight,Development today is ripe、led。Although no glaring courtship ritual,But PanYang said,In the life of the shi lei very real、kind,Many small things make myself deeply touched。About five years older than his husband will have no generation gap,PanYang said he could laugh is precocious type of girl,So two get along very well。For the old man eager to have grandchildren's desire,The couple said“Everything according to situation”。


 潘长江不满意“他个子比我高” Pan Yangtze river not satisfied“He is higher than me”

  据介绍,潘阳原隶属于二炮文工团,但因为未来老公石磊是香港籍,鉴于团里演员不能与非大陆籍人士结婚的规定,潘阳选择为爱放弃军人身份,在今年正式转业,与男友步入婚姻殿堂。据悉,今年潘阳要结婚的事宜早提上了日程,为此推了4部电视剧2部电影,不过,据知情人士透露,潘阳不会放弃演艺事业。婚礼现场,新郎石磊更是现场大秀炫目琴技,一曲《月亮代表我的心》倾注了满满的爱意,而一段古典钢琴的演奏更是收获掌声无数。潘阳更在老公的伴奏下,深情献唱了一曲《Endless Love》,将婚礼气氛推向高潮。

According to introducing,YangYuan pan belonging to ErBao ensemble,But because the future husband shi lei is Hong Kong price,In view of the group with the mainland actor can't marry nationals of regulations,PanYang choice for love give up military status,This year in formal switch,Married with her boyfriend。It is reported,PanYang this year to get married for the early mention on the agenda,Therefore push four TV play 2 movie,but,According to people familiar with the situation,PanYang won't give up acting。The wedding,The groom is the big show shi lei QinJi glaring,A song of《The moon represents my heart》Pour into the full love,And a classical piano playing is harvest countless applause。More in PanYang accompanied her husband,Deep feeling to sing one song《Endless Love》,Will the wedding atmosphere to the climax。


his“apple”married,Pan Yangtze river with lady with his own hands PanYang daughter to shi lei。As the father of the pan Yangtze river,Without charge son-in-law hit it off from the few words,But don't forget more of its own funny talent。Pan Yangtze river smile said,Virgin daughter of mixed emotions in your heart,The night before“Has been crying for half a minute”,He said to son-in-law hit it off from the very satisfied with shi lei,The only is not satisfied with“He is higher than me”,Pan Yangtze river still so“warned”Son-in-law hit it off from the,“If you made a mistake I will scold you,Of course,You can also scold me;But if I hit you,You never begin...”

  因为是玉器鉴赏方面的行家,新郎石磊拿出传家宝、一块未经雕饰的大块玉石,送给爱妻潘阳,希望他们的爱情“像璞玉一样浑然天成”。庆典现场,一对新人更用三种方式称呼双方父母,“爸妈”、“爹哋妈咪”、“爹娘”,而新郎的父亲还朗诵了一段《话说长江》,令现场气氛十分温馨活跃。 (中和)

Because it is an expert in the field of jade appreciation,The groom shi lei took out a family heirloom、A piece of jade vulture act the role ofing without,To PanYang wife,Hope they love“Like a diamond in the same unaware tiancheng”。Celebration scene,A new couple more with three ways call both parents,“parents”、“Dad they mommy”、“parents”,The groom's father also read a paragraph《Words the Yangtze river》,Which made the atmosphere is very warm active。 (and)

  ●八卦有料石磊是个谦虚有礼貌的“高富帅” "Gossip has material shi lei is a modest polite“GaoFu handsome”


According to net friend kept,Pan Yangtze river son-in-law was shi lei(WuShiLei),Beijing is WuShi group President,Hong Kong by。Personal total assets of usd 135 million(Amount to RMB for 860 million),Netizens report 2010 auto show in the first day of the media day,Just one morning on $38 million worth of the Beijing sports car was a super mysterious Chinese buyers income bursa,And the big money is WuShiLei。


According to PanYang found a Hong Kong GaoFu handsome news,PanYang second father and agent PanChangYong explanation:“Her boyfriend is Hong Kong people,To people very polite。We all are very satisfied。But the other side how many possessions?We pan home、Including PanYang I,Don't know how many other assets。From PanYang and his first day up in love,We never ask each other how much richer。PanYang love each other is personality、talent,Not the money!”


“Pan Yangtze river the couple,At the son-in-law satisfaction?”PanChangYong said with a laugh:“Young man polite,modest,Love learning,Great enterprise,And there is sense of responsibility。PanYang already bring him back to pan for several times,Our family together for a few meal。We all think that PanYang pan home of the boyfriend is quite good。Eldest brother pan Yangtze river think,The daughter to reassure him!”


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  欧阳震华难抵潘长江即兴发挥 Au yeung chun wah hard against the pan Yangtze river improvise


Magic big play《Chung kuei legend》At 7:30 tonight landed in hunan satellite TV and love odd art,Au yeung chun wah recently starred in、Pan Yangtze river、JinYuTing、Liu has always appear with the premiere will decryption plot。Au yeung chun wah said although pan Yangtze river many an improvised but did not create difficulties,Can only rely on body movement to understand。Pan Yangtze river is from exploding on 2013 not established。

  《钟馗传说》是《天师钟馗》的第二部,导演加入不少时尚搞笑元素,还有新潮的网络热门语言和动画特技。第一章节中,钟馗(欧阳震华饰)发现清廉捕快程门雪(潘长江饰)被儿狼妖附身,最后以一人之死救回杀虎镇。潘长江透露自己半人半妖,特别武器是一把比自己还高的剑,第一次与欧阳震合作感觉他比传说中要好。欧阳震华也坦言之前很少看内地的作品,向潘长江承认“有眼不识泰山”。对于潘长江的现场发挥,欧阳震华表示:“他并没有故意刁难自己,不按剧本的互动都是在彩排时就设计好。我虽然听不懂但可以看他的肢体语言就明白。潘长江则无奈地称听粤语像是英语,自己只能看眼色行事。日前2013年央视春晚宣布总导演仍为去年的哈文,潘长江坦言并不知情,并表示2013年不上春晚,因为影视作品要拍到过年。 (梁晓雯)

《Chung kuei legend》is《Tianshi chung kuei》second,Director join many fashion funny elements,And trendy network hot language and animation stunt。The first section of the,Chung kuei(Au yeung chun wah act the role ofing)Catch fast door found incorruptible process snow(Pan Yangtze river act the role ofing)The Wolf demon possessed by son,Finally, taking a person of the death of death to save the tiger。Pan Yangtze river has revealed he is half human, half demon,Special weapons is a than you with the sword,The first and OuYangZhen cooperation feel he is better than legend。Au yeung chun wah also said the mainland seldom watch before work,Admitted to pan Yangtze river“An eye don't know mount taishan”。For the scene of pan Yangtze river,Au yeung chun wah said:“He did not intentionally create difficulties,Not in the interaction of the script is designed in a rehearsal。Although I don't understand but can see his body language will understand。Pan Yangtze river is helplessly say to listen to the cantonese like English,His can only see expression of the gun。Established in 2013 by CCTV announced for last year's total director still, wen,Pan Yangtze river said not informed,And said the 2013 on not established,For film and television works to take for the New Year。 (LiangXiaoWen)
