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《白鹿原》首发人物海报 揭示七大角色内心独白--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  中新网7月30日电 改编自陈忠实同名小说,由 王全安执导的电影《白鹿原》于今日首次曝光一组人物海报,片中张丰毅、张雨绮、段奕宏、成泰燊、刘威、吴刚、郭涛七大主演人物造型依次曝光。每一张人物海报都附上了各人物在电影中的经典台词,时代背景与鲜明的人物性格跃然纸上。据悉,电影《白鹿原》将于9月13日全国上映。

Beijing on July 30, adapted from the novel Chen zhongshi,WangQuanAn directed by the movie《BaiLuYuan》In the first time a group of characters today exposure posters,Films of zhang feng yi4、ZhangYuQi、DuanYiHong、ChengTaiShen、LiuWei、WuGang、Guo tao seven main characters in turn exposure。Every one of the characters are enclosed the poster characters in the film classic lines,Background and distinct character from the page。It is reported,The movie《BaiLuYuan》September 13, theaters across the country。

  七大角色造型曝光 人物海报展露情感关系 The seven characters exposure character posters show relationship


The exposure of the seven characters posters,Will the major roles sketch of distinct personalities,BaiJiaXuan of the old guard of、TianXiaoE does the、LuZiLin cunning、Black doll in the flesh、BaiXiaoWen hanhou of、Deer three of the fellowship、LuZhaoPeng the healthy atmosphere of the,Are dripping wet show。Each type of poster was also featured each role in the film a classic lines,Let the audience can preliminarily feel the emotional relationship between character and the fate of the characters to。


In the movie《BaiLuYuan》in,For love of exposition,Also is absorbing。ZhangYuQi plays TianXiaoE with a few of the men emotional entanglements,The movie has become one of the stories。But both she and DuanYiHong plays black doll,Or ChengTaiShen plays BaiXiaoWen produce with love,Can break through the feudal thought and twists and turns the bondage of fate。Characters on the poster TianXiaoE eyes plainly,Look but lonely,a“All said and take me home,Can you home and where?”The heart soliloquy more highlights the weak of women as her helpless,Face the tragic fate of despair and frustration。

  人物命运走向初见端倪 聚散离合跃然纸上 Characters fate of gather under way to break from the page

  《白鹿原》如一轴恢宏的、动态的、极富纵深感现实主义画卷,以田小娥为主线,着力于白鹿两大家族的恩怨纷争, 讲述了几代人的聚散离合。跌宕曲折的故事情节,复杂多变的人物性格,厚重深邃的思想内容,真实的展现了渭河平原历史变迁下的人物百态。

《BaiLuYuan》As the scale axis、dynamic、If very realistic picture scroll,To TianXiaoE as the main line,Focused on white deer between two large family strife, Tells the story of a few generations of gather clutch。Fall the twists and turns of the stories,The complex character,Heavy profound thought content,The real show the history change of weihe river plain of renditions of characters。

  从人物海报上可以看到,张丰毅神情凝重、吴刚悲伤流泪、刘威眉头紧锁,情绪的深刻流露令人震撼。身为族长的白嘉轩, 保守、古板、守旧,见证了白鹿原的历史变迁,因此海报中的白嘉轩 两鬓斑白,脑门上几道深深的皱纹,尽显沧桑之感。 “ 要想在白鹿原上活人,心上就得插得住刀!”的台词,道出了白鹿原上的生存法则,而他与鹿子霖、鹿三正代表了一批 受封建思想影响严重的农民,他们是宗族信仰的支柱,也是传统壁垒最坚定的捍卫者。

Figure from the poster can see,Zhang feng yi4 look dignified、WuGang sad tears、LiuWei frown,The deep emotions with stunning。As the BaiJiaXuan heads, conservative、square、conservative,Witness the BaiLuYuan's historical changes,So in the poster BaiJiaXuan liangbinbanbai,His forehead few way deep wrinkles,All show the vicissitudes of feeling。 “ In order to BaiLuYuan on the living,Heart will have to get live knife!”lines,BaiLuYuan recognizes the survival of law,And he and LuZiLin、The deer SanZheng represents a group of severely affected by the feudal ideology of farmers,Their families is the pillar of the faith,The firm is also traditional barriers of the defenders。

  而片中由郭涛饰演的鹿兆鹏是最具“新思想”的人物,不满其父鹿子霖独揽婚姻大权,受不了逼婚而选择逃离白鹿原,人物海报中“大哉我中华,飞扬自由魂,民主把国建,科学求进步”所组成的一首短诗,也揭示了出他 革命 先进分子的身份。

And by guo tao plays in LuZhaoPeng is the most“New ideas”characters,Dissatisfaction with his father LuZiLin power back marriage,Can't stand BiHun and BaiLuYuan choose to flee,Characters in the poster“Is I the,Soul free float in the sky,Democratic gave the kingdom to build,Science pursue progress”Consisting of a short poem,Also revealed that he revolution the identity of the advanced elements。

  最让人玩味的当属成泰燊饰演的白孝文,海报上成泰燊身着绸缎华服,表情沉迷,一句“人不要脸了,可真舒服”的台词更是惊心动魄地揭示出这个角色的跌宕命运,和复杂的精神动荡。被誉为“民族秘史”的《白鹿原》,正是通过这样的人物刻画,书写民族的精神磨难,也犀利地投射现实社会。当 “宁愿坐在宝马里哭,也不坐在自行车上笑”已然成为一种畸形价值观时,《白鹿原》则铺开欲望的百年长卷,探索国人复杂根性的漫漫来路。

The most let people ponder, when is the ChengTaiShen plays BaiXiaoWen,Posters ChengTaiShen dressed in silk finery,Expression addiction,a“Person shameless the,It really comfortable”Lines is thrilling revealed the role valleys of fate,And the spirit of the complex turbulence。Is known as“National secret history”of《BaiLuYuan》,It is through such a character,Writing the spirit of the nation of hardships,Also brutal projection realistic society。when “Would rather sit in BMW cry,Also don't sit laughing on the bike”Has become a deformity values,《BaiLuYuan》The spread of desire in one hundred scroll,Explore complex root sex americans long background。
