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Hunan satellite TV《Perfect release》Broadcast 3 period,In addition to“Reduced pressure”Topics attract audience outside,“Help guest”LiuYan perfect transformation has become one of the stories of each program。Foursquare LiuYan always surprisingly in the show,Surprise to the audience,On July 23, will be broadcast on stage 4 programs,face“To get married in a divorce”guests,LiuYan explosive love affairs--10 years ago has ever want to get married,The results be scum boyfriend abandoned,Make full broke into a sea of Shouting。

  “性感女神”柳岩近年来在影视歌、主持等领域全方位发展,成绩不俗。但感情上一直处于空窗,被称为是演艺圈的黄金剩女。在当天的节目中,柳岩因为无法接受一位倾诉者的婚姻观点,情绪激动将自己的情史脱口而出。原来10年前柳岩就有过结婚的念头,但柳岩却坚持自己是一个感情内向的人。柳岩说:“我妈妈是老师对我管教特别严,18岁以前我对男生是没有什么感觉的,后来我谈恋爱了,交往过的男朋友都不错,只碰到过一个人渣。”柳岩自爆和人渣男之前感情一直挺好的,还到了谈婚论嫁的阶段,“可后来发生了一些事情,我就被甩了。”对于这段不堪回首的感情,柳岩在节目中自嘲地说道:“一辈子那么长,谁不会碰到几个人渣呢,不经历人渣,怎么会成为孩子他妈。”此话一出,立刻赢得全场观众如雷掌声。现场观众说:“以前只是觉得柳岩很性感,真没想到她还有如此让人同情的一面。” 易哲

“Sexy goddess”LiuYan in recent years in the film and television song、Host all-round development, etc,Earned good grades。But emotional has been in the window,Known as the gold is entertainment with female。On the day of the program,LiuYan because can't accept a talk to the marriage of the view,Emotional their love affairs blurt out。The previous 10 years ago LiuYan had the idea of marriage,But LiuYan but insisted that he was a feeling inside。LiuYan said:“My mother is a teacher to me particularly strict discipline,18 years old before I didn't feel it is to the boy,Then I fell in love,Dated boyfriend is pretty good,Only met a scum。”LiuYan explosive and scum male feelings before has been well,To talk about marriage theory to marry stage,“But then something happened,I was dumped。”For this period of wretched feelings,LiuYan in program at said:“Lifetime so long,Who won't encounter several scum,Do not experience the scum,How can be a child his mama。”This a,Immediately won a thunder audience applause。Said the audience:“Just think before LiuYan is very sexy,I didn't know that she had to be so sympathy side。” YiZhe
