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林志颖时隔5年拍电影 《一起飞》化身飞行家--亲稳网络舆情监控室
Since last year at the age of 36 in five years after Jimmy was even willing to since the return to the big screen,August 21,“Chinese file”The upcoming romance《Take off a》Is the star's third film works。in《Take off a》in,The role of Jimmy“XuYiFan”A retired commandos、High altitude DongLiSan coach、Love model multiple identities。And in these characters in the side,Is inseparable from the two words:wild、romantic。
第一重身份:退役特种兵 服过兵役的男人才更Man The first heavy identity:Retired military service commando men more man
The movie《Take off a》hero“XuYiFan”Is a veterans,This let Jimmy role has a kind of natural generation into the feeling。From 1994 to 1996,Military force“Small whirlwind”At the time of the encounter was booming career halt,The army-into,But now the experience of Jimmy still can't forget:“I worked as a soldier,Like the life of a soldier。The army regret for two years,A soldier not live to repent。”
1992 years,The identity of the singer Jimmy formal way。The following year,Only 18, he became the first fully to mandarin singing in hung hom stadium the young singer,This record is still no one break。94 years,20 years old lin2 zhi4 ying3 constrained military service,Temporary stage to say goodbye to。At that time the brother just Jimmy army,Two people are very close to the date of the army,In this case may be postponed Jimmy army,But he didn't。
“In a person's life had the history of a soldier,Will be in his life a lasting mark。”Forget army life let Jimmy was born in a motion picture studios director ZhangLi hit it off:“As a small ambition of military veterans,《Take off a》In image in、Especially on performance style new,Appear more‘man’。”
第二重身份:梦想飞行家演艺圈“上天入地”跨界第一人 The second identity:Dream flying home entertainment“heaven”Cross-border first
Familiar with Jimmy knows that,This person may be a foot“Cross-border big players”。In wikipedia,Lin2 zhi4 ying3 reference information source article as many as 137,Categories is multifarious:singer、actor、Photography studio、Shooting field、Formula one driver、Restaurant industry boss......Has only a qualification appraisal of formal license will include diving and race cars。I'm afraid in the entertainment circle is Jimmy most“Uneasiness in the room”artist,The only fit his title,Is probably the micro bo ID wrote“Dream house Jimmy”the。
For his real execution,Lin2 zhi4 ying3 boast himself is“Dream practitioners”:“many people will just want to,But I'll take that first step,Not always stay in place,Maybe it my dream is not too far away。”the,In the reality of Jimmy will limit movement with infinite enthusiasm in the movie《Take off a》in,Show a DongLiSan coach at an altitude of ambition,And from this and rich girl“What QianQian”(TVXQ as)Staged a“Thrilling encounter”,Embarrassed PinChu,Joke constantly。
第三重身份:模范男友 新作《一起飞》甜蜜励志 The third heavy identity:New model boyfriend《Take off a》Sweet spirit
Since 1992,Lin2 zhi4 ying3 his debut for 20 years,Almost no any negative news,Be known as the Taiwan entertainment successful people one of the model。
Not only that,When the father's small ambition is the paragon of performing a father,Are regularly in micro bo upload photos of the volunteers with little son,No secret big sun close feeling of father and son。in《Take off a》And reflected fuchuan international fantasy film festival period,South Korea professional film magazine《Cine21》Its future on track to ask,Jimmy answered:“The elements are action before work,Future want to try to play inside,Like father and son of the feelings。”
in《Take off a》in,As Jimmy“Limit male”Not only to heaven,Still can go into the kitchen,Appearance beautiful heart close、Even a little mouth of a character image popular with girls favour,In and“Jinling male”For the love of PK TVXQ tiebreaker,Director said,The victory will be Jimmy many real life prick the inspirational model silk male。
Directed by ZhangLi,Jimmy、The love light comedies starring TVXQ fashion《Take off a》On 21 August, will be on the landing big screen。
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