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古装剧瞎编穆桂英遭小三插足 专家:糟蹋历史--亲稳网络舆情监测室


recent,《MuGuiYing now》、《Xuanyuan jian》The summer season took over the period drama, TV screens。But with different is,These period drama gone through and make bitter,It's a shocking route,The ancient play took this approach let how ironic。

  【吐槽】 【Vomit slot】

  无厘头 古人满口都是现代台词 Wulitou the ancients are so full of modern lines

  在这些古戏今拍的电视剧中,最受观众诟病的就是剧中现代化的台词。比如《穆桂英挂帅》中,杨宗保和穆桂英私定终身并在穆柯寨举行盛大婚礼。婚礼之前,杨宗保的一番真情告白“雷”倒众人。荧屏上,罗晋饰演的杨宗保与苗圃饰演的穆桂英对视良久,前者终于说出一句话,“我其实不是为了什么降龙木,而是……”这类句式在剧中屡见不鲜,有网友调侃说:“我以为只有琼瑶才擅长这样的造句,没想到《穆桂英挂帅》也是如此,这编剧一定是看琼瑶作品长大的。 ”

In these ancient play took in this drama,The most popular for the audience is modern lines。For example《MuGuiYing now》in,YangZongBao and MuGuiYing white-collar and MuKe village life in a big wedding。Before the wedding,The YangZongBao a confession“ray”Pour all。screen,LuoJin plays YangZongBao and nursery as long MuGuiYing look each other in the eye,The former finally say a word,“I'm not for what JiangLong wood,But.........”This kind of sentence in the case,Netizens to make fun of said:“I think only qiong precious jade to good at that sentence,Didn't expect《MuGuiYing now》Also is so,The writer must have read qiong precious jade works to grow up。 ”

  《轩辕剑》中的部分台词也让观众起了一身鸡皮疙瘩。当主人公一行来到月河城,成功解决了妖怪之后,陈靖仇激动地要拥抱玉儿,玉儿冷冷地推开他说:“男女授受不亲! ”陈靖仇转而投向胡歌扮演的剑痴的怀抱,不料胡歌回了一句,“男男也授受不亲! ”有网友表示,这句台词简直就是“天之雷”。

《Xuanyuan jian》Part of the lines also let the audience up a goose bumps。When the hero a line on the river to the city,After successfully resolved the devil,Jing Chen enmity excited to want to hug YuEr,YuEr coldly push away he said:“Men and women ShouShouBuQin! ”Jing Chen revenge HuGe bentham play sword to the arms of delusion,And behold HuGe back to 1,“Men ShouShouBuQin also! ”Have net friend said,The line is just“The days of thunder”。

  雷点多 刘诗诗座驾如旋转木马 Ray PM LiuShiShi like driving in a merry-go-round


in《MuGuiYing now》in,Not only appear modern lines,Unexpectedly and modern props,Let the audience how ironic。In She too gentleman against MuKe village,Some of the commonly appeared on the same huge glider tarp kite,They therefore be net friend calls for“Ancient air force”。In the ninth and focus on,But also appear advertisement balloons floating in the sky,The big call“advanced”。

  《轩辕剑》中的道具更被网友称为“神器”。陈国国师为了鼓舞灭隋复陈的士气,将陈靖仇每天练功的场景像放电影一样放给陈国的子民观看,令网友大喊“太穿越”。“古代放电影也太先进了,还是直播。 ”从大运河工程中出土的河洛石刻,只有刘诗诗饰演的二公主能识。该石刻形状如平板电脑,有网友戏言,“为什么觉得《轩辕剑》的河洛石刻像iPad?原来乔布斯没死,真的穿越去了!”而刘诗诗乘坐的白龙香车则被网友形容为“不就是公园里的旋转木马吗”。

《Xuanyuan jian》The props of more by net friend called“artifact”。Designed to inspire SuiFu Chen destroyed the morale of the Chen,Every day the acrobatics between jing Chen will go back to the scene like Chen people watching,Make net friend shouted“Too through”。“Ancient a video to also too advanced,Or live。 ”From the grand canal project of HeLuo carved stone unearthed,Only LiuShiShi plays second princess can know。This stone carvings shape such as tablet computer,Netizens jesting,“Why do you feel《Xuanyuan jian》HeLuo carved stone like the iPad?The original jobs didn't die,Really through!”And LiuShiShi ride white dragon cars are net friend described as“The park is not the merry-go-round”。

  洒狗血 穆杨恋竟遭遇小三插足 SaGouXie MuYang love that little involvement in three


《2 different》Just reported tampering with zhou xun《book》,《MuGuiYing now》Appeared let the person is in distress situation of things。On 5,Yang's family were going to sing《Steal the ganoderma lucidum》,But careful attention to the audience,the《Steal the ganoderma lucidum》But the drama of the southern song dynasty,YangGuJiang is the story of the northern song dynasty。Not only that,MuGuiYing and YangZong break-even is a pair of the fairy raised as soon as possible,But the writers but forcefully to add a between them“Small 3”Seven princess,The play therefore are also net friend called“An ancient costume version of the modern city emotional dramas”。


Adapted from the network game《Xuanyuan jian》Plot were also net friend、Especially for the game players,Is considered“Story is not strong,Plot procrastination,Even a look at two sets still not known what happened”。And a large number of new dog blood plot,More let the audience got debauched。

  【回应】 【response】

  主演解释 加入现代元素只为接地气 Add the modern elements in explain for grounding gas

  《穆桂英挂帅》打着古装剧的旗号“贩卖”现代情感,受到观众质疑。记者昨日致电杨宗保的扮演者罗晋,他坦言最初看到剧本时也难以接受,“我当时也觉得台词太现代,而且我的台词有些还比较肉麻,但后来一想,这就是一部轻松喜剧,我们是用戏说的方式来讲述当时的故事,谁也不知道当时穆桂英与杨宗保之间到底是如何相处的,大家看着高兴就行。 ”对于剧中加入的各种现代元素,罗晋表示“只是为了接地气”。“这部剧的主线与其他版本不同,这部剧主要描写‘穆杨恋’,我在剧中的遭遇,比如‘门当户对’、‘姐弟恋’、‘双面胶’等,的确是现代男女才会遇到的。观众在娱乐的同时,还能获得一些领悟,是一件挺好的事情。 ”

《MuGuiYing now》Under the banner of period drama“selling”Modern emotions,Questioned by the audience。Reporters yesterday YangZongBao call LuoJin actor,He said first saw the script when also hard to accept,“I was also think too modern lines,And my lines some are disgusting,But then a want to,This is a light-hearted comedy,We are the way to talk with the story about at that time,Who also didn't know that MuGuiYing and YangZongBao exactly is how to get along in between,Everyone looked at happy will do。 ”For the play of various modern elements to join,LuoJin said“Just to grounding gas”。“The show's main and other different versions,The show mainly described‘MuYang love’,I'm in the play experience,For example‘equal’、‘Chens love’、‘Double-sided adhesive’etc,Indeed is the modern men and women will encounter。The audience in the entertainment at the same time,Still can obtain some insight,Is a good thing。 ”

  专家批判 Experts critical

  古戏今拍是在糟蹋历史 The ancient play this beat is nothing in history

  很多业内人士在接受采访时都表示,近年来影视圈像这样的“戏说历史”和“穿越历史”完全是在糟蹋历史。既借“戏说”来逃避历史学家严肃的审判,又想借此来满足自己恶俗的内心需要,基本上属于没有理念价值观的创造。“现代人穿越到历史中去,可还是现代的价值观,牵扯进去的还是阴谋政治与三角恋。 ”一位业界大腕表示,古装剧就应该有古装剧的样子。 记者梁巍

The personage inside a lot said in an interview,In recent years the Audrey Hepburn children like this“Make bitter history”and“Through history”Nothing is completely in history。By both“Make bitter”To escape the historian serious trial,And they want to take this to meet their own inner needs queenofcatastrophic kitsch,No idea of what is basically create values。“Modern travel to history,Still can be modern values,Involved or conspiracy political and an affair。 ”A big industry said,Period drama should have the appearance of the period drama。 Reporter LiangWei
