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传暮光女斯图尔特怀孕 帕丁森不信是自己骨肉--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  中新网8月2日电 斯图尔特为何信心十足,一直对媒体透露自己信心,赢回帕丁森的心,8月13日即将出刊的《Star》杂志封面抢先透露,因为斯图尔特怀孕了!且她认为是帕丁森的,但男方无法相信。

Beijing August 2, Stewart why confident,Have been to the media has revealed he has confidence,To win back the veil DingSen heart,August 13, will appear《Star》Magazine covers beat disclosed,Because Stewart was pregnant!And she thinks is DingSen palmer,But the man can't believe。

  据台湾“中国时报”消息,当期封面以《Kristen’s Pregnancy Nightmare. Who’ll be the father?》(克莉丝汀的怀孕噩梦,谁会是老爸?)为大标题,令影迷怵目惊心,但该杂志也跟帕丁森同一阵线,不认同斯图尔特肚中的骨肉一定是他的,也就是不相信斯图尔特先前所提,自己和导演只有亲亲抱抱而已,并质疑孩子该去验DNA。且更多偷腥照曝光,其中便有斯图尔特和导演在车中拥吻,男方吻遍女方全身的画面。

According to Taiwan“China times”news,Cover to the current period《Kristen’S Pregnancy Nightmare. The Who’Ll be the father?》(Christine's pregnancy nightmare,Who will be the father?)For big title,To horrify fans,But the magazine also DingSen the same team with palmer,Don't agree with Stewart of his stomach flesh and blood must be his,Also just don't believe that Stewart previously proposed,His only close close hug and director just,And to question the children to check DNA。And more according to steal xing exposure,Among them will have Stewart and director in the car in a kiss,The man through the woman's whole body kiss picture。


《us》Magazine is revealed,Wounded heart DingSen parma,Living in California a person of extraordinary powers curtilage the friends,He is now on what matter all doubt,Make Liz worry buddy psychological state。And the awesome cheating incident,The biggest winner is take photographs of the paparazzi,So make to nt $7.5 million。
