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By2单飞不解散造浪漫婚礼 两姐妹大方香吻(图)--亲稳网络舆情监控室
中新网8月11日电 10日晚,海蝶音乐旗下双胞胎姐妹组合By2在京举行了最新写真EP《2020爱你爱你》全亚洲发布会暨首唱会。当日,公司特意为两姐妹营造多年后的“浪漫婚礼”现场,By2也在镜头前毫不避嫌,大方互送香吻。
Beijing, aug. 11 in the evening of 10,Sea butterfly music its twin sisters combination By2 is held in Beijing the latest photo EP《Love you love you》All of Asia conference and song will be。On that day,The company specially for the two sisters build years later“Romantic wedding”field,By2 also in front of a camera not avoid arousing suspicion,Generous send each other kiss。
Conference on that day,The company according to the two sisters the sun ooze cool image positioning carefully create fashionable elliptic multi-level stage,In order to which a scene show performance link specially from yunnan air Daisy flowers to decorate the stage。Among the audience with white carpet pull out a long wedding channel,Crystal road lead,Bright-coloured crystal ball arch,The audience is the trait candle light。The conference site structures and creative design spend nearly,Is not so much a big conference,Rather than a midsummer outdoor big Party,Extremely romantic。
By2 sisters more will MV scene moved to the conference site,Sister Yumi to dress like a man“married”Wear a wedding dress, sister Miko。
空姐制服闪亮登场 By2跨界涉足影视主持成三栖艺人 Stewardess uniform shining By2 cross-border into film and television host into three habitat artists
活动开场,By2两姐妹一身冰淇淋色空姐制服装扮登台,随着一曲动感的《2020爱你爱你》音乐节奏大跳舞蹈,带给全场一阵冰爽劲爆的High感。在和主持人的互动中得知《2020 爱你爱你》这事EP主题歌曲由By2俩姐妹独立创作完成,今年已开始涉足影视圈,《跑出一片天》、《爱情闯进们》、《未婚妻》、《爱情是从告白开始》、《爱情闯进门》……等多部当红影视剧主题、片尾曲、插曲均由By2演唱。最近还在台湾主持当红时尚节目《时尚小魔女》,和飞轮海成员辰亦儒成同门主持。发布会现场主持人还调侃到:“By2你们这是要抢掉我的饭碗啊!”
Activities the,By2 two sisters a ice cream color stewardess uniform dress up on stage,As a piece of the action《Love you love you》Music rhythm big jump dance,Bring the refreshing a explode of High feeling。In the interaction of host and learned《Love you love you》This thing EP theme songs by By2 sisters to complete independence,This year has begun to set foot in arena,《Run out one day》、《The love into》、《fiancee》、《Love is from white began》、《Love burst into the door》...And so on department crispy film and television play theme、More info、Episode all by By2 singing。Also recently in Taiwanese host crispy fashion show《Fashion the little evil female》,And Fahrenheit members Calvin into biconditional gate host。Conference site host also to ridicule:“By2 you this is take off my bowl ah!”
By2现场高难度动作斗舞 PK 将挑战《康熙来了》 By2 field moves bucket dance PK will challenge《KangXiLai the》
去年一段By2在康熙来了节目中表演的热舞视频在网络疯传,By2姐妹为这次发布会特别精心排练了一段新的高难度舞蹈《Touch me》,劈腿、下腰、跪地旋转等高难度动作,By2姐妹俩样样不惧,迅速抓取来自全亚洲媒体的眼球,也引起粉丝尖叫不断,被盛赞By2是亚洲唯一能PK“韩流”的团体组合。在与主持人的互动中,还得知By2最近又去了台湾最红综艺节目《康熙来了》的录制,这次俩姐妹将突破身体极限,挑战新的难度舞蹈,这期节目将在8月13日、14日播出,希望能给到大家一份意外惊喜。
Last year a By2 KangXiLai in the program performance video features in network crazy preach,By2 sisters for the conference special carefully rehearsed a new difficult dance《Touch me》,Split legs、Low back、Kneel ground and rotated moves,By2 two sisters everything is not afraid,Quickly grab from all over Asia media eye,Also cause fans scream continuously,Be praised By2 is the only Asian can PK“hallyu”Group combination。With the interaction of host,Also learned that By2 recently went to Taiwan's most red variety show《KangXiLai the》recorded,The two sisters will break through the limit of the body,Challenge the new difficulty dance,This issue of the program will be on August 13,、14 broadcast,The hope can give to you a pleasant surprise。
Field should host requirements By2 still put favorable balance of trade difficult Pose,For this to the Olympic athletes hail and cheer them!Asked liu xiang falling things,Two sisters response:“We in the practice of dance also often injured,We know that physical pain and inner unwilling,Here wish liu xiang brother can recover early,Back up again。”
Miko透视婚纱出演 Yumi男妆跪地“求婚” Miko perspective in marriage gauze Yumi male makeup kneel ground“proposal”
singing《You don't know what I》when,Site is designed to become a creative scene show,Sister a perspective ice silk bride marriage gauze dress up appearances,Jing is colourful four seats;Stage below white carpet channel is crystal road led light,Full candle little,My sister is a black suit hat appeared in the flowers under the arch,Handsome stick moustache chaperone men posing as the bridegroom,Hand bouquet kneeling to sister Miko and love,Provoked the fans screaming surprise。
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