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天籁之声实力选手曝光 王腾戊等选手受一致好评--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  中新网7月19日电 近日,山东卫视《天籁之声》全国总决赛第二场24进12的比赛已完美落幕,全国12强已实至名归。此次,《天籁之声》采用全新赛制,组内1对1PK赛,由带队导师选出最终晋级的选手。当晚,全国24强中有4位选手受到了大咖评委们的一致认同,成功进军全国12强。

Beijing on July 19, recently,Shandong TV《Sounds of nature》The national finals for the second game 24 into 12 games already perfect ending,The national 12 strong already deserves。the,《Sounds of nature》The new format,In group 1 on 1 pk ",Before the teacher select a final promotion player。That night,The national and strong in four of the players is the coffee, the judges consensus,The successful national 12 strong。


“小清新”童鞋:王腾戊 “Small and pure and fresh”Children's shoes:WangTeng amyl


To seek their own music dream life,14 years old start a man lived a life of north drift,He is a Beijing bar in singing hand WangTeng amyl。That night,A mat orange bud silk skirt collocation hollow out black silk stockings,Change always holding the guitar played situation,And in liberal arts sing in the na ying《Better meet you miss》。On the performance of the atmosphere from the audience cheers。After a song,WangTeng amyl won four big coffee judge's consistent high praise。Xiao tutor is praise:“Today night who amyl performance is really great,Can behaved so really unexpected。”Everyone needs according to its own characteristics to go his own way,Xiao for WangTeng amyl chose the singer's road。Also let with pure and fresh style for WangTeng amyl,Success won the national 12 strong crown。


情歌王子”童鞋:樊博 “Love song prince”Children's shoes:FanBo


A small“Love song prince”Said the FanBo since I joined《Sounds of nature》since,playoffs,With excellent singing that their strength,Got love song prince qi qin affirmation and successfully joined under its umbrella。That night,FanBo small white suits tie-in black trousers appearance,Handsome dress but also draws the screaming fans。He and JinGuiSheng sing a song《Fisherman's wharf》,FanBo with an almost perfect singing songs and the deep interpretation won four big coffee panel of judges unanimously。Generation of class of the judges winnie hsin to him but also admire:“You are singing this song time very deep feeling fine”。finally,Love song days winnie hsin small“Love song prince”FanBo succeed to the throne of the 12 strong。


霸气御姐童鞋:李丁丁 The elder sister show children's shoes:LiDingDing


The dark skin、Sex appeal is very and with some mystery show LiDingDing the elder sister,Play as the dark horse,With only a“Grand slam”Players into the national and strong。On Saturday 24 into 12 of the game,She and DongCan chorus a mayday《stubborn》。Her singing of extremely rich individual character、Natural's ruggedly voice,As well as to the stage of super control ability,Successful deduce a LiDingDing version《stubborn》,The same successful won the admiration of four judges,Be GaoXiaoSong tutor as the most powerful field、The most satisfactory player。The elder sister LiDingDing attitudinal eager to live up to expectations,The successful promotion 12 strong。


阳光帅气童鞋:邹旻诺 Sunshine handsome children's shoes:ZouMin's


In the last game,Once the cause GaoXiaoSong and gaza specialists“Get into a fight”,Big each other blog sunshine handsome male ZouMin's。Last Saturday night's game,He and“The poet singer”The same ZhaoBoWen deduce classic folk《The flowers》。That night,With a mat on the edge the suit jacket is tie-in black trousers appearance,Playing his never bass small guitar。Lively style and unique and will beat transformation,Let a person shine at the moment,Songs with completely different feeling present,Every capture four panel of judges“heart”。Have to let teacher GaoXiaoSong very reluctantly give up what one favours to let go has always been good at folk song class“The poet singer”ZhaoBoWen,The national 12 strong olive branch thrown to the handsome lively ZouMin's。


Shandong TV《Sounds of nature》The third game will be the national finals on July 21 night broadcast 22:30。
