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深入落实和不断完善基层群众自治制度 In-depth implementation and improvement of their autonomy system
李立国 LiLiGuo 



    Their autonomy system is a basic political system of China。Since the party congress,Cities will be promote the masses autonomy system construction as a socialist democratic politics construction foundation engineering to grasp,Has made remarkable achievement。Along with the economic development mode change speed up、Accelerating transformation social structure、Interest structure adjustment deep、Ideas profound changes,Their autonomy to face the new situation and new requirements。In-depth implementation and improvement of their autonomy system,Ensure that urban and rural residents have more significant democratic rights,Is to adhere to the path of political development under socialism characteristic of the important task。


    一、基层群众自治制度在中国特色社会主义民主政治制度体系中的地位和作用  a、Their autonomy system in socialist democratic politics with Chinese characteristics in the system of status and role


    The party congress will“Their autonomy system”Established as the socialist democratic politics in China of the basic political system,Put their autonomy, stick to and perfect the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics as insist on the road to political development the important content。Comrade hu jintao's at celebrate the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese communist party conference speech notes,The people's congress system is China's fundamental political system,The leadership of the communist party of China's multi-party cooperation and political consultation system、The system of regional ethnic autonomy and their autonomy system is China's fundamental political system,To further clarify the grass-roots autonomous system in socialist democratic politics with Chinese characteristics in the system of status and role,For we deepen their autonomy system to the understanding of the new horizons opened。


    Their autonomy system is socialist democratic politics in China development foundation。Development of socialist political civilization,Must expand orderly citizen politics participation,To mobilize and organize people's management according to the laws of the state affairs and social affairs、Manage economic and cultural undertakings。The people through the elected deputy to the National People's Congress of the people's congress and the local people's congress at all levels,Exercise the power of the masters;At the same time,Through the set up and perfect the basic autonomous organization of the people and the democratic management system,The management according to the laws of their own thing。The people in urban and rural directly exercise their democratic rights and a representative democracy organically,The security of the people's congress system the basic political system in basic get extension。The people in their autonomy in practice,To study and improve the democratic consultation、Democratic supervision and participating politics ability,For in the high level、A wider scope for political consultation、Participating politics laid solid foundation。Socialist democratic politics with Chinese characteristics of the system in the foundation,At the grass-roots level relying on,Implement in basic。


    Their autonomy system is the people directly involved in the construction of socialist democratic politics main position and important platform。In our country the urban and rural masses autonomy,To ensure institutional way urban and rural directly exercise their democratic rights in accordance with the law,Democratic election in、Democratic decision、Democratic management and democratic supervision and practice,Realize self management、Self service、Self education、Self monitoring,Participate in the management of public affairs and public welfare undertakings,Millions of people's participation in urban and rural areas is socialist democratic politics construction the important content。long,The grassroots people's use of their autonomy, the main position and important platform,Exercise their democratic rights according to law,Deepening democratic practice,Express the intention and the appeal,Strengthened to democratic political identity,To participate in the socialist democratic politics construction the enthusiasm。Their autonomy system is gradually becoming promote socialist democratic politics construction is the most widely、The most reliable、The solid foundation for the masses and power source。


    Their autonomy system in China is the most direct、The most widely、The most vivid socialist democracy practice。Emphasizes practice、Highlight the practice、Expand the practice is their autonomy of the distinctive characteristics of the system。Implement their autonomy system,From the start to do things,From the people care about most of the things,solid,Step by step the development of democracy at the grass-roots level,Is to develop the socialist democratic politics with Chinese characteristics practice of important ways。At present,The national directly involved in their autonomy of the rural population to 600 million,More than 300 million urban residents。Millions of people through the wide range of democracy practice to participate in activities,Create your own happiness life according to law,To further promote the socialist democratic politics construction in the process。


    二、党的十七大以来我国城乡基层群众自治的新实践和新成就 two、The party congress in urban and rural areas in China since their autonomy, new practice and new achievements


    Since the party congress,Our country basic unit masses autonomy system improvement,Organization carrier constantly improved,Content enrich,Form more diverse,Primary party organization of full of vitality under the leadership of their autonomy, further improve the mechanism,Their autonomy system in socialist democratic politics with Chinese characteristics of increasingly system plays an essential role。


    The system construction made new progress。Implementation of the revised villagers committees,Local regulations constantly revising perfect。The central committee is community residents' committees construction、Community service system construction、The village committee general election、Village organization operation funds guarantee mechanism, issued a document,For urban and rural masses autonomy practice provides the more powerful legal and the system guarantee,For the farmers to protect the right to vote、Right to know、Decision-making authority、Government control and supervision has played an important role。


    Strengthening the organization construction。Their autonomy organization basically achieved complete coverage,New urban and rural autonomous organization emerge。Currently there are more than 590000 rural village committee,2.333 million members;The city has 89000 community residents' committees,439000 members。In recent years,All cultivating and developing service、Public welfare、Mutual community social organization,And guide the organization plays in the development of production、Provide service、Participate in supervision and the role of BSFLP, etc。


    “Four democratic”Practice comprehensively promote。Since the,Urban and rural democratic election、Democratic decision、Democratic management、Democratic supervision wide practice thorough development。Rural engaged in more than eight rounds of committee general election,More than 98% of the village committee shall practise the direct election,Secret ballot、Open the vote by using common method,Secret XiePiaoChu common Settings,JingZhi speech、Put to village form such as a common speech,The villagers turnout reached 95%。In the city of residents' committees more than 6 round general election。village(in)People meeting and the village(in)People often held on behalf of the meeting,Village public、Democratic appraisal、Village cadres regular report work、Village cadres term and departure of economic responsibility audit activities such as general begin。Autonomous expanded,Field constantly expanding the,The form of their autonomy, increasingly rich。


    Guarantee mechanism further to improve。The national urban and rural community service facilities continuously strengthen,Community service full-time personnel quality promotion、Treatment improve,Urban and rural social management services to further improve ability。The reform of the rural authorities further implementation,The street and urban community system reform active exploration,The functions of the government further transform,Autonomous organizations of charimas whose problem solved step by step。At all levels for finance to the steady growth of the village organization subsidies,Village organization construction activity place was strengthened,Dissolve the village-level debt making headway,Village cadres' remuneration and village office expenses increases year by year,Village organization operation funds safeguard mechanism set up。


    三、党的十七大以来落实和完善基层群众自治制度的重要经验和启示  three、Since the party congress implement and improve the system of their autonomy, the important experience and enlightenment


    The party congress grass-roots self-government system since the development of practice,To promote the deepening our masses autonomy to the regularity of the system construction,For the continued in-depth implementation and constantly improve the system provides important experience and enlightenment。


    Must always adhere to the party's leadership。The leader of the party is the people are the masters of the country according to law and the fundamental guarantee,Their autonomy is the fundamental guarantee of to adhere to the correct direction,Cannot be moved。In the thorough implementation and improvement of their autonomy system process,Should adhere to the party's leadership,The party's leadership position reflected in the democratic process、Democratic aspect of,The party's leading role throughout their autonomy of each work。One is the guarantee of the party organization in the democratic election leadership。We must promote according to democratic procedures,Will village(in)Party elected village head(in)People, director of the election committee,Presided over the village(in)"The election committee work;Advocated village(in)Secretary of the party organization in accordance with the democratic process for elected village(in)Council member candidate,Through the election concurrently village(in), director of the council of。Two is to ensure that the democratic leadership of the party organization in the decision。Advocate the party member through legal process was elected village(in)MinXiao leader、village(in)On behalf of the people,Directly organize、Participate in village(in)Affairs democratic decision-making。Adjust measures to local conditions promotion“Discussion LiangGongKai four”GongZuoFa,To enrich and perfect the village-level party leadership, democratic autonomy mechanism。Three is to guarantee the party organization in democratic management and democratic supervision of the leadership。In the formulation and perfecting the village(in)People of self-government, rules、self-restraint、village(in)People meeting and village(in)People on meeting rules、The financial management system and other rules and regulations,To ensure that village(in)Party organization's proposal rights、leadership。Village the financial expenditure、Collective assets management, etc,To ensure that the village party organizations' right to know、Audit right。Democratic appraisal of village(in)cadres、village(in)Major affairs activities such as democratic hearing,To ensure the village(in)Retaining control of the party organization。Sound basic-level party organization of full of vitality under the leadership of their autonomy mechanism,Their autonomy is an inexhaustible source of development。


    Must always adhere to the people are the masters of the country。The people are the masters of the socialist democratic politics is the essential requirements,Also is the core of their autonomy and essence。Not in the laws and regulations within the scope of the full democracy,Not the masses of the basic level social and public affairs and public welfare management rights,village(in)Self-government is no vitality and vigor。Since China's 17 of their autonomy, the system construction of an important experience,Is the party organizations at all levels always adhere to the village(in)The main body status of people,The most widely mobilize and organize the village(in)People in democratic practice activities,Mobilize the enthusiasm of the masses as masters of the country。To further expand the scope of their autonomy,Rich content of autonomy,Widen participation channels,Their autonomy, improve the quality and level。The first is to stick to democratic election system。Perfect village(in)People directly democratic election system,Regulate the election process。Expand the residents' committees direct election coverage,Safeguarding of the masses of urban and rural residents and the democratic rights。The floating population live in in the election、Participate in community management and service of experiments。Two is to promote the coordinated development of the various democratic system、Push to plan as a whole。Constantly perfect the democratic management system,Revising perfect community convention、village(in)Rules turn、village(in)People of self-government, rules,Standard grassroots cadres and the behavior of the urban and rural residents。To improve democratic decision system,Standard's decision procedure,The decision to broaden the channels democratic participation。Involving village(in)The immediate interests of people things,Must through the village(in)People meeting or village(in)People on meeting,By the democratic decision making。To further strengthen the democratic supervision,The full implementation of the party made public、Open government、village(in)Public affairs,Actively carry out village(in)Cadres of QinLian double、Democratic appraisal activities,To strengthen the village(in)Cadre of supervision and management。Three is to respect their initiative,Summarize and promotion to the village(in)The people as masters of the good experience,Perfect village(in)The people as masters of the system。To the most widely mobilize and organize the village(in)People in the practice of democracy at the grass-roots level,In practice, improve self management、Self education、Self service、Self monitoring level。Four is expanding masses autonomy range。Vigorously develop the public benefits、service、Mutual community social organization,Play its expanding public participation、Voicing positive role,To enhance the social autonomy function。The basic people's government and further clear village(in)Council of the functions and duties,Realize the administrative management and effective connection of their autonomy、Benign interaction。Actively explore their autonomy system and other political system effective connection、The coordinated development of the ways and approaches,Their autonomy, the organic in socialist democratic politics construction of total process。

    必须始终坚持依法治国基本方略。依法治国是党领导人民治理国家的基本方略,也是基层群众自治的重要前提。要总结和运用基层群众自治的成功经验,始终坚持依法办事。一是认真贯彻落实《村民委员会组织法》,及时修订《居民委员会组织法》。各地应根据新修订的村委会组织法,修订村委会组织法实施办法、村委会选举办法、村务公开办法,不断完善地方性法规。加大基层群众自治政策创制力度,抓紧制定和完善保障人民群众在基层行使民主权利的法律法规和规章制度,努力做到依法建制、有制可依、按制办事,不断提高城乡社区的法治化管理水平。二是加强法制宣传教育,增强广大基层干部群众的法治观念,不断提高他们依法依规管理社会事务、协调利益关系、开展群众工作、处理矛盾纠纷、维护社会稳定的本领。三是坚持有法可依、有法必依、执法必严、违法必纠,坚决查处破坏基层群众自治的各种行为。健全社区利益诉求表达和矛盾纠纷调处化解机制,引导群众以合法理性的方式表达利益诉求,维护自己的权利,促进基层群众自治事业健康有序发展。  (作者:民政部部长)

    Must always adhere to the law as a fundamental principle。Law is the party leads the people govern the country's basic strategy,Also is the important prerequisite of their autonomy。To summarize and use their autonomy, successful experience,Always insist in accordance with the law。One is implementing《The villagers committees》,Revised timely《Neighborhood committees》。Should be based on the new revision of the all villagers committees,The measures for the implementation of the revised villagers committees、The village committee election methods、Village public way,Constantly perfect local laws and regulations。Increasing their autonomy policy initiative strength,Formulating and perfect protecting the people's basic exercise their democratic rights in the laws and regulations and rules,Trying to make the system according to law、In a system、According to the work,Continuously improve the urban and rural community management level of the rule of law。2 it is to strengthen the publicity of legal system education,To strengthen the concept of rule of law cadres at the grassroots level,Improve their management according to laws and regulations in accordance with the social affairs、Coordinate the interest relationship、Carry out mass work、Handling disputes、The ability of maintaining social stability。Three is to insist there、since、eleventh、Illegal must rectify,We will tenaciously investigate all kinds of destruction of their autonomy behavior。Sound community interest demand expression and disputes mediation dissolve mechanism,Guide the masses to legal rational ways of expressing interest demand,To maintain their own rights,Their autonomy, promote the healthy and orderly development of the business。  (The author:Secretary of the ministry of)
