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李金早:拓展中非合作领域 实现互利共赢共同发展--亲稳网络舆情监测室
“At present,Central African economic and trade relations to a new stage of development,Need to further enhance their combined central Africa needs the quality and level of the cooperation。”Vice minister of commerce in introduction china-africa cooperation BBS fifth ministerial meeting eve said,Will continue to keep the china-africa cooperation scale,To further expand the cooperation areas,To achieve mutual benefit and win-win and common development。
As a china-africa cooperation BBS Chinese follow-up action committee chairman one of,Introduction said,In the BBS china-africa cooperation fourth ministerial conference,The Chinese government announced the next three years to support the development of Africa“Eight new”measures。In the central African efforts,The implementation of the measures going well,The economic and trade measures on the end of implementation。
Introduction said,2011 years non-trade reached $166.3 billion,Year-on-year growth of 31%,16 times as much as in 2000。With China imported 93.2 billion us dollars,Year-on-year growth of 39%。China's export products to the overall quality、Price good,Meet the African strata of the public consumption demand。The next step,To explore the central African set up short-term and long-term management blow with the combination of linkage mechanism,Try to avoid low price and shoddy goods into the African market;At the same time continue to expand the range of products from duty free,In customs clearance and、Inspection and quarantine areas to strengthen cooperation with the party,China-africa trade balance、Health development。
“Central African investment cooperation presents growing faster、coverage、Wide field、Main multivariate etc. Characteristics,Embodies the resources in both parties、Market and industry structure huge complementary to each other,Also proved is mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation、Helps to economic development。”Introduction points out that,Chinese enterprise to the investment is abide by international practice and market rules,Is normal international competition and cooperation。This cooperation is the comprehensive and the multiple,Not limited in some countries,More not for a field。The next step,Will continue to encourage and guide the Chinese enterprise,Deep processing and other resources to develop the field of manufacturing industry,The development of local employment and positive community development,Attention and protect the ecological environment,Through the local economic and social integration,To realize the sustainable development of common。
Introduction said,The future China will continue to take strong measures to support African development,Including continue to aid to Africa,To help Africa on the improvement of people's life;Continue to expand investment cooperation of both sides,Encourage and support the Chinese companies to expand their manufacturing to Africa、Service industry and other areas of investment,To help Africa improve independent development capabilities;Through the variety of forms of cooperation and financing methods,Support for the African countries to improve infrastructure conditions,Help the construction of integration。(Reporter GuYang)
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