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    7月22日,安立路立水桥路段积水清除后,被困车辆正晾晒车内物品并等待救援。7月21日,北京出现了61年来的最大降水。7月22日清晨,虽然大范围的强降雨已经结束,但暴雨对交通带来的影响仍未完全消除,部分因积水停驶的车辆也无法全部清理出路面。     July 22,,Our LiShuiQiao road sections,Bail after,Trapped vehicles are air basks in car items and wait for the rescue。July 21,,Beijing appeared 61 years of maximum precipitation。Early in the morning on July 22,,Although a wide range of heavy rainfall has ended,But to the impact of traffic heavy rain is still not completely eliminate,Part of the water because they offend cars could all clean up the road。新华社记者 张宇 摄 The xinhua news agency zhangyu perturbation


    7月22日,京港澳高速出京方向大瓦窑桥路段,部分车辆因积水被困了一整夜。     July 22,,The Hong Kong and Macao high-speed out of Beijing great tile kiln bridge direction sections,Part of the car because water trapped for a whole night。新华社记者 张宇 摄 The xinhua news agency zhangyu perturbation


    拼版照片:上图为暴雨中出现严重积水的西三环莲花桥路段(7月21日摄);下图为积水清除后畅通的西三环莲花桥路段(7月22日摄)。     Photos-:The heavy rain for severe water in the XiSanHuan lotus bridge sections(On July 21, taken);This illustration shows the bail XiSanHuan lotus bridge after the open road(July 22,, taken)。新华社记者 张宇 摄 The xinhua news agency zhangyu perturbation


    7月22日,被困在京港澳高速出京方向大瓦窑桥路段的车辆在路边晾晒车内物品。     July 22,,Trapped in the Hong Kong and Macao high-speed out of Beijing great tile kiln bridge section of the direction of the vehicles in the roadside air basks in car items。新华社记者 张宇 摄 The xinhua news agency zhangyu perturbation


    7月22日,一位被困在京港澳高速出京方向大瓦窑桥路段的外国人晾晒自己的行李和电脑。     July 22,,A trapped in the Hong Kong and Macao high-speed out of Beijing great tile kiln bridge section of the direction of foreigners air basks in their luggage and computer。新华社记者 张宇 摄 The xinhua news agency zhangyu perturbation


    7月22日,安立路立水桥路段,积水清除后,被困车辆因无法自行离开而在等待救援。     July 22,,Our LiShuiQiao road sections,Bail after,Trapped vehicles because they can't leave and waiting for rescue。新华社记者 张宇 摄 The xinhua news agency zhangyu perturbation


    拼版照片:上图为暴雨中出现严重积水的安立路立水桥路段(7月21日摄);下图为积水清除后畅通的安立路立水桥路段,浸泡车辆正等待救援(7月22日摄)。     Photos-:The heavy rain for severe water in the way our LiShuiQiao sections(On July 21, taken);This illustration shows the bail after the road sections LiShuiQiao smooth work,Soak vehicles are waiting for rescue(July 22,, taken)。新华社记者 张宇 摄 The xinhua news agency zhangyu perturbation


7月22日,曾出现严重积水的广渠门桥西侧路面还有少量淤泥。 July 22,,Once appear serious guang qu men of water and a small number of silt west bridge road。新华社记者 张宇 摄 The xinhua news agency zhangyu perturbation


    7月22日,暴雨过后的北京市通州区张家湾镇大辛庄村路旁,不少树木被连根拔起或拦腰折断。新华社记者 罗晓光 摄     July 22,,After the rain of the XinZhuangCun zhangjiawan district of Beijing by the roadside,Many trees were uprooted by lazio or broken。The xinhua news agency LuoXiaoGuang perturbation



   7月22日,暴雨过后的北京市通州区张家湾镇大辛庄村路旁,不少树木被连根拔起或拦腰折断。新华社记者 罗晓光 摄 July 22,,After the rain of the XinZhuangCun zhangjiawan district of Beijing by the roadside,Many trees were uprooted by lazio or broken。The xinhua news agency LuoXiaoGuang perturbation
