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61年最大暴雨 群众守望互助--北京特大暴雨实录--亲稳舆论引导监测室


    Beijing, July 22 (xinhua)--(Reporter ZhangMiaoMiao、LuGuoJiang、LiYaGong)For the days of the high temperature was suffering from Beijing residents who had thought,A be ambitious“Cooling rain”Should come so fierce!


    21 June 10 to 22,Severe storms in lightning capital for 20 hours。Ten people died、Pavement in landslides 31、57000 mass transfer、80000 people are trapped the airport......The city into the emergency state flood control,traffic、Public security、fire、Flood control、drainage、More than 100000 cadres and emergency departments for fighting、To disaster relief,Myriad people tossing and turning、Mutual watchman,Deduce the most compelling“Beijing spirit”。


    61年最大暴雨 63处道路积水 In 61 the most torrential rain in 63 road water


    “The rainstorm warning orange,Beijing is really has its own meteorological warning system after starting。”The Beijing meteorological station chief forecasters SunJiSong engaged in meteorological forecast business for many years,In the impression of him,Beijing didn't's rain。


    At 21, when 22,Beijing 20 countries the average rainfall climate observatory has reached 163.7 mm,This is the Beijing meteorological observation records since 1951 have observed since the maximum。The Beijing meteorological bureau, director of the center for climate GuoWenLi said,Has more than 10 years of rain of Beijing encountered records began in the most fierce、The most lasting a strong rain。


    Data shows,21 June 10 to 22,Beijing with an average rainfall of 170 mm in the city,City 215 mm,The biggest rainfall appeared in hebei town fang shan magmatic,Up to 460 mm。


    Part of the capital area with water“appalling”describe。63 road in water,Water 30 centimeters of above sections have 30 sites。Reporter 21, at around 19 in Ephraim treasure way to see,Crossing the street people in waist-deep water on,And the south of the city LiShuiQiao water is formed a natural“Swimming pool”。


    22 at about 10,Blue sky breeze,sunny,But the influence of the raging storm is not over yet,Beijing road,、Six to Hong Kong and Macao near the high speed loop、Water still amounted to an inferior railway district 2、3 m,Also need time to recover to traffic。For emergency rescue,The Hong Kong and Macao highway take temporary containment measures,Lead to out of Beijing in the direction du camp and sections appear toll house long time congestion。


    The Hong Kong and Macao in rainfall highway 16 kilometers a railway bridge serious water,Many vehicles are flooded,22 morning have found the body of the three victims。Reporters on the scene at about 14 to see,Water sections about 1 km,The deepest water more than 2 m,More than ten faintly visible a flooded the roof of a vehicle,One side only reveal a roof。According to the introduction of staff,Don't rule out certain be submerged,Don't rule out workers are still in the submerged car。


    20小时奋勇救灾 大爱温暖雨夜 20 hours and disaster relief and great love warmth rainy night


    Heavy rains fierce,Beijing great love warmth rainy night。


    Face disaster,Is worried、For more than 20 hours fighting in a line of the rescue people,Is public security、Traffic police、power、firefighters、Drainage workers、Emergency medical personnel grassroots workers offer thousands upon thousands zone。


    21 and when xu 20 points,Exposed to the director of the Beijing public security bureau road police station LiFangHong into the water again serious phoenix pavilion village to help others,Be a root fell into the water of the wire back down,Unfortunately sacrifice。From the day noon,He has led the police rescue has more than 50 trapped the masses。Many a sleepless night、Brush the bo, the news first time for LiFangHong Internet users“point”Light candles。


    Beijing city is 21 precipitation quite centralized regional one。City xinan village north several villages,Water once more than 50 cm road,The deepest water up to 2 m,Some old people、Children were trapped inside。Beijing fire department ChongFengZhou emergency dispatch,Emergency rescue trapped people in the village。


    “Village rough terrain,Some water shallow place ChongFengZhou pass,Fire fighter is high on foot,Put the siege of the old man、The child back out,More on ChongFengZhou,They don't aboard,Pushing the boat in the water away。”Witnesses say,Road uneven,Plus to worry about manhole cover is water push aside,Soldiers can only walk while exploration,Often slipped in the water。


    21 and when,Guang qu men railway bridge a vast expanse of water。119 command center rescue team to the scene。A young woman was trapped deep water area north of the roadside tree,The rain has flooded to women's neck。Mid-team leader ChengYuan health、The monitor and grey ZhuanQin member in the WangHui of emergency rescue groups immediately,Using ropes and life jackets QiuDu to women's position,The final will be saved。This rainy evening,The temporary relief group composed of has been around in the deep water detection,To confirm that the car without flooded in trapped workers。


    Beijing emergency centers responsible told reporters,Emergency center from 21, when receiving the first three points and a strong winds houses a ceiling,Hit five rescue after more than 20 hours of the phone,The phone didn't stop,Answer the call for help with all kinds of 7214 times,The ambulance 648 trains were represented more than 650 relief,Most of the injured were injured in the storm。Emergency center staff continuous fighting,Many people from 21 to 22 at noon on the day and night has been in the rescue。


    21 to 22 June 12,The fire army out of police run number 1867、13096 people,save、Evacuate trapped the masses。To 22 at noon on,Still 651 fire officers and soldiers fighting in 82 rescue site。


    21 days late,Qinglong lake county fangshan district besieged by flash floods of 390 people、The teacher and the children's safety clench all of people's heart。Received alarm hind,Fire corps quickly seconded corps and fang shan magmatic team of 50 crucial group of players the rescue team to the scene。Rescue way,Commandos overcome highway interrupt,Vehicles can't go in difficulties,On 30 kg per capita equipment,In under the leadership of the local people,Mountain hiking prowl about 10 km rushed to the site。At about 4,Day just before dawn,Rescue workers began to through the small boat to the shipping mineral water、bread、sausage、Milk and other foods。June 15 minutes or,There are three students take the lead in be being ship grounded out。By noon 22,,The trapped 351 students and including six foreign teachers, staff of more than 60 all out of danger,No casualties。


    危急中的“守望相助” Critical of the“Watchman help”


    In the rain of the severity of the night,Lots of ordinary people with their behaviors light ourselves and others in the heart of the candle warm。


    From 21 to 22,The blog has been the hot topic“Beijing heavy rains”。From the original forwarding all kinds of Internet users“Beijing to see the sea”photos,To later turn information,Finally become a lot of help information,Leave telephone number、The zeal of the car number citizens,Provide free reception restaurant in the hotel、KTV,Many public and even make his home let trapped people living in the rain。


    The age of the Internet changing a city of flood control and traditional ways,And in critical of exhibits“Positive energy”compelling、Strong appeal。


    When that 80000 passengers were stranded the capital airport,Micro bo Internet users“Spinach X6”Along with wangjing nets spontaneous organizations“Beijing to airport free emergency”team,Rally more than 20 car,To the capital airport pick up person。Wangjing nets release micro bo said:The team has arrived in the capital airport terminal T3 to layer,Police have help organization,More than 20 car in 4、5、6 near export,Play double flash,Please the stranded passengers find our love free on the team!


    “ocean”Guang qu men bridge in the,Five car stranded。water,A policeman on the crowd shouted:“Who to help pull a”,Dozens of people rushed together the rope,Efforts will vehicles to water shallow place tomorrow。In the section of deep water,Traffic police with their own bodies do benchmarks,Guide vehicles through the;In taiping north,Several manhole cover is hydraulic push aside,Each covers all have a sanitation worker guarded,Take the body for warning signs。


    AnDingMen near the bridge,With water before、Wave after,Vehicles have been blocked up the 200 meters,A young man active take up side of children、lady,Will they send to cross the road;A restaurant of the little boy had been standing in knees in the water,Tell l have a manhole cover is top up;A more than 80-year-old woman call telling her to radio Beijing of the heart moving,She walks with a cane stood in the wind and rain,A stranger will she sent to the house......

    “一个堵在车上临产的母亲;一个趴在水里疏通下水道的大爷;一个死在二环路上的兄弟;一个牺牲在救援前线的派出所长;一群挡在没了井盖的排水沟前的环卫工人,一群被大雨淋透的交警,一群搭载路人的好心朋友,一群招呼无法归家者留宿的爷们!加油北京!这一群小人物创造了历史!” 短短几个小时,这条微博被转发了近万次。

    “A birth mother plugging in the car;A lie prone on the water the sewer dredge ye;A die in the second brother;A sacrifice in the front of the rescue sent;A group of blocking the didn't of the cover before the drain the sanitation workers,A group of by heavy rain drenching the traffic police,A group of carrying the kindness of passers-by friends,A group of called can't come home stay the yes!Come on Beijing!This group of people made history!” In just a few hours,This article is to forward the micro bo nearly ten thousand times。


    Face disaster,The people living in Beijing the heart companion。maybe,Critical of the“Watchman help”,Is the most compelling“Beijing spirit”。 
