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    马旭龙(右)和家人在自家的院子里(7月18日摄)。     MaXuLong(right)And family in his own yard(July 18, taken)。

    甘肃省临夏回族自治州临夏市枹罕镇石头洼村的马旭龙今年高考成绩544分(文科),而甘肃省今年高考一本文史类的录取分数线为533分。“尽管分数不错,但仅高出分数线11分,可以选择的好学校非常有限。”马旭龙说。     Linxia hui autonomous prefecture linxia city in gansu province Bao stone in the village of Abraham town) MaXuLong this year the university entrance exam score of 544 points(Liberal arts),And gansu province this year the university entrance exam a history class admit fractional line for 533 points。“Although score good,But higher than the fractional line only 11 points,Can choose good school is very limited。”MaXuLong said。

    受惠于今年实施的“国家扶贫定向招生专项计划”,家庭贫困的学生可以降低20分录取。马旭龙说:“国家贫困定向招生专项计划在甘肃一本文史类的分数线为513,我比这个分数线高出了31分。”最终,马旭龙被中央民族大学教育学专业录取。     Thanks to carry out this year“National poverty alleviation directional recruit students special plan”,The students can reduce poverty admitted to 20 points。MaXuLong said:“The nation's poverty directional recruit students in a special plan in gansu province this kind of fractional line for 513 literature,I the fractional line than 31 points higher。”finally,MaXuLong by the central university for nationalities pedagogy professional admitted。

    今年“国家扶贫定向招生专项计划”在甘肃省投放1494个名额。考生可以以单报志愿、单设批次、单独划线的方式考入大学。这个专项计划对贫困地区的优秀大学生来说是一个绝佳的机会,但也因此带来了激烈的竞争。     This year“National poverty alleviation directional recruit students special plan”In gansu province on the 1494 tickets。The examinee can be in single quote volunteer、Single set batch、Separate the way crossed admitted to university。This special plan in the poor area of outstanding college students is a perfect opportunity,But also therefore bring competition。

    记者采访了解到,一些高校原本是降低20分录取,但由于报考人数过多,而最终招录中并没有降低多少,有的高校录取分数反而提高了。新华社记者 聂建江 摄     Reporters to understand,Some colleges is to reduce originally 20 points admitted,But because the number of applicants too much,And finally ZhaoLu and do not have how much lower,Some college admission scores improve instead。The xinhua news agency NieJianJiang perturbation


    听到马旭龙被大学录取的消息,正在临夏市打工的父亲马春林(左)赶到家里,向儿子了解情况(7月18日摄)。新华社记者 聂建江 摄     Hear MaXuLong acceptance to the university news,Is the father of the work MaChunLin linxia city(left)Arrived home,Son to understand the situation(July 18, taken)。The xinhua news agency NieJianJiang perturbation


    在村口遇到几名邻居,父亲马春林(右三)把装有杏子的篮子递上去,请他们品尝(7月18日摄)。新华社记者 聂建江 摄     Meet some of the neighbors at the entrance,Father MaChunLin(Right three)Put the basket with apricot pass up,Please they taste(July 18, taken)。The xinhua news agency NieJianJiang perturbation


马旭龙和父亲到村子里想办法筹集学费(7月19日摄)。新华社记者 聂建江 摄 MaXuLong and father to the village to think of a way to raise tuition fees(July 19,, taken)。The xinhua news agency NieJianJiang perturbation


    马旭龙和父亲从自家后院里摘了一篮杏子请村里人吃,作为庆贺(7月18日摄)。新华社记者 聂建江 摄     MaXuLong and father from our own backyard picked a basket of apricot please everyone to eat,As a celebration of(July 18, taken)。The xinhua news agency NieJianJiang perturbation
