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别开生面的“第一考” Entirely new“The first test” 南科大校长就“转正”后首次自主招生答记者问   6月19日上午,南方科技大学2012年自主招生能力测试广东省分试在南科大开考,300多名学子参加复试。图为考生轻松走出考场。CFP In the morning on June 19,,The southern university of science and technology in 2012 independent recruit students ability test points in the south of guangdong province to try KaiKao at hkust,More than 300 students attend a second-round exam。The graph is the examinee relaxed out of the examination room。CFP


June 19, 2012,1307 high school students in the national eight examination site in a special test,They get hold of the first question,With seven minutes was accurate write 1 to 300 these Numbers。Another question is a the teacher take a piece of cardboard,The top write 10 words,To the examinee after 40 seconds,Will these words and write out。


This is south of university“Turn positive ways to raise”'s first“Independent the recruitment of students test”。This recruit students also by the national media attention。


July 16,,The much publicized south university 2012 enrollment work over,The school admissions results released:The south with an average at hkust beyond one this fractional line 69.475 points of high standard admitted to the successful 188 candidates。Among them,Guangdong 40 people,anhui、sichuan、fujian、hubei、Hunan each recruit 20 people,Henan 21 people,Shandong 27 people,Enrollment expansion of eight people。


This recruit students take south hkust is unique“Based on the comprehensive evaluation of the university entrance exam accepted mode”,The university entrance exam is 60%,The high school stage of academic performance at ordinary times accounted for 10%,South hkust to organize ability test accounted for 30%,A comprehensive performance of the final candidates。


“The south is the goal of university educational reform experiment the university entrance exam for the system of a lifelong rid of it。”University President zhu qingshi south said。


recently,Due to the successful completion of the 2012 years of undergraduate enrollment work,The big and good mood and the principal to not only from all over the country to find news reporter announced the news,Also the recruit students work and school of the future development answer their questions to accept the reporter's interview。


“我们的宗旨是不拘一格降人才” “Our aim is not drop talents”


For this“Ability test”,Zhu qingshi introduced said,Looks be like simple,Actually otherwise,Is to test students“In the college entrance examination in can't show memory、imagination、Attention and insight”Four comprehensive ability。“South hkust is‘To answer the question of qian xuesen’As the goal set up schools,The main purpose was to cultivate talents with high innovative ability,So these questions without a need to use a high school classroom knowledge to answer,Pure talent and ability test。”Zhu qingshi added。


In answer reporters“Some question the second-round exam questions were very easy,A bit like intelligence tests or the olympiad”problems,Zhu qingshi replied:“The second-round exam questions,Only six full marks,90 points or more 526 people,Excellence rate 40.7%。And get zero。Our main purpose is to distinguish with the university entrance exam,No longer take an examination of the high school master knowledge,But according to the school training goal,Take an examination of the four kind of ability。Candidates are usually small problems,Easy to show real level。”


Zhu qingshi many times that,South of recruit students must at hkust“To rural areas and some of the key middle school students tilt”。Wondering why do so?Zhu qingshi told reporters,China's college students rural less and less,He in the s when he was in university,60%-70% in the class are rural students,And now some key university the countryside student ratio of 10% or less,“Many students can't enjoy the key middle school education resources of high quality,But they have great talent ability,Usually the students will be buried。We aspire to change this”。


In order to attract more rural and the key high school students,The south hkust have also prepared rich scholarship。however,Due to recruit students time tight,Propaganda is not enough,The university of the south in the new rural students admitted to the proportion of only 15%,Zhu qingshi said:“Next year will make ready。Must let more rural students to enter the south hkust learning。”


Zhu qingshi also has revealed,This year the enrollment eight students,Although their college entrance examination and second-round exam achievement slightly low,But they usually result and comprehensive quality is very good,Such students also say, is have a special talent,So south hkust reduces the admission standards。


after,University officials said the south,If meet the recruit students“Partial to”、“GuaiCai”,2 this can plunge to admit a line。this,Zhu qingshi said,Because the recruit students is late,publicity,And not hit particular slant to、GuaiCai。“But no doubt we will try to recruit some young students,Because the original ecological students is the most innovative ability。”Zhu qingshi added。He revealed,The students of 188 students,A 14-year-old from shandong WangYuChen students,He is the youngest of the 188 students。Zhu qingshi said:“Our objective is not drop talents,Cultivation of highly innovative ability of the students。For young children to have special education method,This method is our south hkust to explore。”


“让学生学到真本事” “Let students learn skills”


“The most important starting point for the south at hkust,Is that let students learn skills!”Talking about curriculum reform,Zhu qingshi said,“The university reform China facing a huge problem is the curriculum reform,The old teaching syllabus and curriculum often leads to the four years did not learn what skills,South of the university teaching plan is certain to do well the curriculum,Does well the teaching outline。”


According to that goal,South to the first university last year“Experimental classes of teaching reform”45 students set up quite a lot“High gold content”course,Not only have the conventional science and English teaching basic courses, etc,Have arranged such as sociology introduction,An introduction to the economics,Chinese classical literature in the quality of such as education courses。


Zhu qingshi think,Last year,South of the teaching reform of university classes or quite a success,There are quite a number of students in any in the world a great university is all outstanding students,But there are also summarized some experiences need。Zhu qingshi told reporters,Last year the course of lay particular stress on students。Schools have the right amount of required courses and a lot of elective course,Hope that students take interest。But the students are often all elective courses,Cause overburdened。This year the university south syllabus、Courses will be more precise,Students will burden is small,Have more time to think and read、self-study,Let the students can get more sound development。


“我们一定会坚持创新和改革” “We will insist on innovation and reform”


Innovation and reform,Is still zhu qingshi when accepting a reporter to interview the most talked about the topic。Zhu qingshi answer problem of speak slowly,But he thought is clear,Every word show he bright individual character and the confidence to reform。He said,Reform and innovation is the soul of shenzhen,Of course is also the soul of the university。If not innovation,South hkust lost the meaning of existence,To shenzhen will lose value。He swore:“We will insist on innovation and reform!”


Zhu qingshi told reporters:“‘becomes’after,We hope to be able to explore the country to have more promotion value of the teaching mode。Autonomous enrolment、Since the degree awarding,I always think that is the only way for the development of Chinese colleges and universities,But this need long time to go through。This kind of mode once success,China's higher education to the great influence on the recruit students,We accepted the university entrance exam with international standards。”


The reporter asked:“University offered to the south‘One pace reachs the designated position construction into first-class university’,But some think it does not accord with education law。What do you see?”


Zhu qingshi said,really,“One pace reachs the designated position”The idea is controversial。But in the world scope,“One pace reachs the designated position”The success of many running precedent,Such as port for five years at hkust,Recruit students、After receiving the,Soon become the first-class research university。In addition to the United States of Carnegie Mellon university、South Korea's posco of university of science and technology、Saudi Arabia is the building of the university of science and technology of the king,Construction is also one pace reachs the designated position a world-class university。


Zhu qingshi parable:“Education had no single mode,Education should be like gardens in various vegetation,Let all sorts of model equality growth。Such education can do good。Of course,In China into a research university difficult。But built a such university to cultivate high innovation ability talents is very important。We have the necessary to do so,Also are trying to do so。We are‘One pace reachs the designated position’Do many things。For instance in a very short period of time‘Turn positive ways to raise’、One pace reachs the designated position to enter the domestic first-class university admissions ranks,Our teachers is one pace reachs the designated position according to the standard of the first-class university built,We are one pace reachs the designated position walk every step,We are full of confidence。University of south advisory committee we highly evaluation and encouragement,Think south hkust existing teachers,At the beginning of the school than Hong Kong ust poor。We in the‘One pace reachs the designated position’Completes each work,To go through all,Didn't dare say first-class university。And for that I'm full of confidence。”


The reporter bitterly put forward“What the situation,Can say south hkust do failed”problems,Zhu qingshi frank said,If south university into a 2300 universities with China、Nothing special thousands of school side of university,That is the failure。


The reporter asked,Your five years almost half term of the principal,What degree do you can“Old with”?And the principal said:“South hkust was in my whole life most important business,All I think about and decide on how to let in the south to develop better at hkust for base,At present,South hkust is vigorous development,I also did not take into account what two years later。”


Zhu qingshi finally said,This recruit students is a complete success,Next we will take the time to the ministry of education and the guangdong provincial write a summary report,If they accept our success,This kind of try we will continue。In short a little,The south is the soul of the hkust innovation、reform,Or you will lose it the meaning of existence。

  (本报深圳7月20日电本报记者 易运文 本报通讯员 杜 艳)

(The shenzhen, July 20 (Reuters) our reporter, easy to transport our correspondent du colourful)
