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    7月26日,在中国人民解放军建军85周年之际,空军第十次向“春蕾计划”捐款仪式在京举行。在捐赠仪式上,空军捐款1200万元,主要用于资助西藏、新疆等少数民族地区贫困学生、学校建设和“消除婴幼儿贫血行动”等项目。据介绍,自1995年起,空军官兵连续18年捐助“春蕾计划”,共计5485万元,已在全国23个省、区、市资助开办182个“蓝天春蕾女童班”、援建17所“蓝天春蕾学校”,使16410名贫困儿童得到资助。1989年,在全国妇联领导下,中国儿童少年基金会发起并组织实施了一项救助贫困地区失学女童重返校园的社会公益项目——“春蕾计划”。截至2010年底,“春蕾计划”筹集资金累计10亿多元,捐建1000多所春蕾学校,资助200多万人次贫困女童重返校园。新华社记者 何俊昌 摄     July 26,,In the Chinese people's liberation army 85th anniversary,Air force to the tenth time“Spring bud program”Donation ceremony is held in Beijing。In the donation ceremony,Air force, donated 12 million yuan RMB,Mainly used to fund Tibet、Xinjiang minority areas poor students、The school construction and“Eliminate infant anemia action”project。According to introducing,Since 1995,Air force officers and soldiers 18 consecutive years donations“Spring bud program”,A total of 54.85 million yuan,In the country has 23 provinces、area、The city offered 182 funding“The blue sky NvTongBan spring”、Rebuilding 17“Blue sky spring school”,Make 16410 poor children get funding。1989 years,In under the leadership of the all-china women's federation,China children and teenagers' fund launch and organize implementation of a relief poor areas of girls return to school social welfare programs--“Spring bud program”。By the end of 2010,“Spring bud program”Raise money accumulated 1 billion yuan,When more than 1000 spring school,More than 200 person-times of aid poor girls to go back to school。The xinhua news agency HeJunChang perturbation


    7月26日,北京空军某部战士和优秀蓝天春蕾生代表在会议间隙相互交流。新华社记者 何俊昌 摄     July 26,,Beijing air force fighter and a good life in the meeting on behalf of the blue sky spring exchange clearance。The xinhua news agency HeJunChang perturbation


    7月26日,来自河南郑州市精灵少儿艺术中心的孩子们和优秀蓝天春蕾生代表合影。新华社记者 何俊昌 摄     July 26,,Zhengzhou city, henan province from the elves children's art centre in the children and good spring bud was born on behalf of blue sky group photo。The xinhua news agency HeJunChang perturbation
