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    First manned rendezvous and docking a complete success,The astronauts into orbit for the first time target aircraft,China the first time a woman into space, etc...These make Chinese people proud、remarkable“The first”,The China continuously break the height of the manned space,Also reflects the China manned space engineering 20 years development innovation、Across the development solid steps。


    Starting from 1992,The China manned space engineering steadily、innovation,Walk a exploring space、The peaceful use of space of Chinese road。


    20 years,Through the research and ship and a space laboratory、10 times of flight test,We master the success of the manned space the three basic technology:From heaven and earth、Astronauts to space out of the capsule、Rendezvous and docking technology,For future space station construction in our country to lay a solid foundation。And the shenzhou number one temple nine manned rendezvous and docking the success of the mission,Showing that China's manned space engineering the second step strategic goal made crucial important progress。


    Manned space engineering is the independent innovation of major across。To the shenzhou number nine, as a representative of the shenzhou spacecraft and a series of paradise, target spacecraft successfully finish the mission,A large number of breakthrough with independent intellectual property rights of the core key technology。Just 20 years time,China has realized from no one flight to space flight、A man from a day to many more days、From the cabin experiment to a space activities、No one from receiving rendezvous and docking (RVD) and the important manned across,Fast among the world out of the space powers,To the world space powers goal steadily forward。


    Manned space engineering driven our country's basic science and applied science related field accelerated development,Promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements into real productive forces。20 years hard research、Commitment to innovation,Create more than 900 items national invention patent and the progress of science and technology achievements。energy、information、Control, and other fields of development,electronic、materials、manufacturing、chemical、metallurgy、Textile industry process more than innovation and industrial ascension,Show the great pull and manned space radiation effect。today,Space technology has been widely used in radio、TV、communication、Meteorological observation、forecast、Satellite navigation and positioning、The earth's environment monitoring、All aspects such as rescue and relief。


    The great career has great spirit,The great spirit promote great things。Manned space engineering 20 years,Foster formed a special can endure hardships、Special can fight、Special can research、Special offer manned space spirit。In manned space spirit of self-reliance、inspired,Training in our country is created a promising young high quality manned space talent team,Show the manned space flight business core competitiveness and sustainable innovation vigor。We believe that,Promote manned space,Carry forward the manned space spirit,We are certain to constantly climbing the world science and technology peak,Continue to write to explore the universe、The peaceful use of space of the new chapter。

    6月24日从电视屏幕截取的画面显示,神舟九号与天宫一号再次形成组合体,首次手控交会对接成功。新华社 发

    On June 24, from the television screen capture pictures showed,The shenzhou 9 and number one formed again chaotian combination,First hand control rendezvous and docking success。The xinhua news agency hair

中共中央、国务院、中央军委电贺载人交会对接成功 The central committee of the communist party、The state council、The central military commission DianHe manned rendezvous and docking success

    新华社北京6月29日电 总装备部、工业和信息化部、国家国防科技工业局、中国科学院、中国航天科技集团公司、中国航天科工集团公司、中国电子科技集团公司并参加天宫一号与神舟九号载人交会对接任务的全体同志:

    Beijing, June 29-the general armaments department、Ministry of industry and information、Our national defense science and technology、The Chinese academy of sciences、China aerospace science and technology corporation、China aerospace science and industry corporation、China electronics technology group corporation and participate in a temple, and nine shenzhou manned rendezvous and docking all the comrades of the task:


    It is gratifying to note that a number and nine chaotian shenzhou manned mission rendezvous and docking with success,The central committee of the communist party、The state council、The central military commission to accomplish the mission, the astronaut,To all take part in the task of scientific and technical workers、Staff and liberation army,Congratulations and warmest greetings!

    天宫一号与神舟九号载人交会对接任务的圆满成功,实现了我国空间交会对接技术的又一重大突破,标志着我国载人航天工程第二步战略目标取得了具有决定性意义的重要进展。这是建设创新型国家取得的新成就,是中国人民在攀登世界科技高峰征程上铸就的新辉煌,是中华民族为人类探索利用外层空间作出的又一卓越贡献,对于增强我国综合国力、振奋民族精神,鼓舞和激励全国人民奋力夺取全面建设小康社会新胜利,不断开创中国特色社会主义事业新局面,具有重大而深远的意义。全体航天人建立的丰功伟绩将彪炳史册,祖国和人民永远不会忘记! >>>详细阅读

    And the shenzhou number one temple nine manned rendezvous and docking the success of the mission,Realized our country space rendezvous and docking technology of another major breakthrough,Showing that China's manned space engineering the second step strategic goal made crucial important progress。This is building the innovative country get new achievements,The Chinese people in the conquest of the world's scientific and technological peak race casting new brilliance,The Chinese nation is for mankind to explore outer space and make use of a remarkable contribution,To enhance China's comprehensive national strength、Rouse national spirit,Inspiration and encouragement national people's struggling to seize the comprehensive construction well-off society new victory,Improving the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics new situation,Has the significant and profound significance。All the great things the space a will made history,The motherland and the people will never forget! > > > detailed reading

    6月24日从电视屏幕截取的画面显示,在航天员的控制下,神舟九号与天宫一号的对接机构成功接触。 新华社 发

    On June 24, from the television screen capture pictures showed,In under the control of the astronauts,The shenzhou 9 and a number of the heavenly palace docking institutions success contact。 The xinhua news agency hair

吴邦国接见载人交会对接任务参研参试单位代表 Wu bangguo interview manned rendezvous and docking senate grinds task tested unit representatives

    新华社酒泉6月17日电(记者 霍小光)中共中央政治局常委、全国人大常委会委员长吴邦国17日上午在酒泉卫星发射中心亲切接见天宫一号与神舟九号载人交会对接任务参研参试单位代表。他代表党中央、国务院、中央军委和胡锦涛总书记,向参加工程研制、建设、试验的同志们表示诚挚的问候和崇高的敬意。

    The xinhua news agency jiuquan June 17-(Reporter HuoXiaoGuang)The standing committee of CCCPC political bureau、The NPC standing committee chairman wu bangguo 17, from the jiuquan satellite launch center in the morning a cordial meeting with a number and nine chaotian shenzhou manned rendezvous and docking senate grinds task tested unit representatives。On behalf of the CPC central committee he、The state council、The central military commission and general secretary hu jintao,To attend engineering development、construction、Test of the comrades express our sincere greetings and sincere respect。


    8 35 points,Wu bangguo came to the jiuquan satellite launch center test command building square,With a number and nine chaotian shenzhou manned rendezvous and docking senate grinds task tested unit represents affectionately shake hands、For a photo,Then published the passionate speech。

    吴邦国说,神舟九号飞船的成功发射,标志着天宫一号与神舟九号载人交会对接任务实现良好开局、迈出重要一步。这凝聚着几代航天人的不懈追求和心血汗水,饱含着参加任务全体科技工作者、干部职工、部队官兵的辛勤劳动和聪明才智。大家为我国航天事业作出的卓越贡献,党和人民永远不会忘记。 >>>详细阅读

    Wu bangguo said,The shenzhou nine the successful launch of the shuttle,Marks a temple, and nine shenzhou manned rendezvous and docking good start accomplishing task、An important step forward in the。The condensing several generation of space unremitting pursuit and efforts of sweat,Full of scientific and technical workers in the task、Cadres and workers、Forces of hard labor and intelligence。Everyone is our country to the excellent contribution of the space industry,The party and the people will never forget。 > > > detailed reading
