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直击灾后临县 积极重建家园--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

直击灾后临县 积极重建家园

    8月1日,挖掘机在山西省临县武家湾村清理路面上的淤泥。记者8月1日从山西省吕梁市临县新闻办了解到,发生在山西临县的特大暴雨灾害,已造成该县因灾死亡8人、失踪2人、受伤22人,经济损失严重。据了解,灾情发生后,临县迅速启动抗灾抢险应急预案,当地1000多名干部分赴14个重灾乡镇的147个村,组织群众抗险救灾。截至8月1日上午,临县县道已全部打通,基本恢复通行。目前,当地受灾群众正积极重建家园,恢复生产生活。新华社记者 詹彦 摄     August 1,,In shanxi LinXian wu excavator house bay village clean up the road surface for silt。The reporter from Shanxi Province on August 1, LinXian luliang information to understand,Happened in shanxi LinXian of severe storms disasters,Has caused by the county has eight people died、Missing two、Injured 22 people,Economic loss serious。According to understand,After the disaster,LinXian quickly start the disaster rescue emergency plan,More than 1000 local cadres had fanned out 14 most suffered 147 village of villages and towns,Organize the masses to fight risk disaster relief。As of August 1 morning,LinXian county has all get through,Basic traffic again。At present,Local of the people affected by the disaster is actively to rebuild their homeland,Restore production and life。The xinhua news agency ZhanYan perturbation

直击灾后临县 积极重建家园

    山西省临县武家湾村村民武爱蓝的家里摆满了被水浸泡过的衣服(8月1日摄)。新华社记者 詹彦 摄     Shanxi Province LinXian wu home bay village wu love blue house filled up with water is soaked clothes(August 1, taken)。The xinhua news agency ZhanYan perturbation

直击灾后临县 积极重建家园

    8月1日,山西省临县安家庄乡民兵应急分队民兵在武家湾村清理路面上的淤泥。新华社记者 詹彦 摄     August 1,,Shanxi Province in LinXian AnGuZhuang militia unit in wu militia emergency home bay village clean up the road surface for silt。The xinhua news agency ZhanYan perturbation
