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    回龙坝一家织布厂处于半停产状态,偌大的厂房内只有一名机修工在维修织布机(8月2日摄)。     Back to ZhiBuChang established a BanTingChan in state,The entire factory in only a mechanic in maintenance loom(On August 2, taken)。

    “眼下正是重庆最热的三伏天,而回龙坝的纺织业却仿佛进入寒冬。”重庆市沙坪坝区回龙坝镇经发办负责人对记者说。     “This is one of the hottest days in chongqing,And back to the established textile industry seem into winter。”Back to the town in sha established the office chief told reporters。

    回龙坝镇是重庆市最大的纺织基地,所生产的中低档白坯布占重庆市场份额的50%以上。回龙坝镇曾经一度有600余家纺织企业,小小的回龙坝镇“家家户户搞纺织,处处可闻机杼声”。     Back to the town of chongqing biggest is established textile base,The production of cheap BaiPiBu chongqing accounted for more than 50% market share。Back to town once has established more than 600 textile enterprise,Small back to town is established“Every family make textiles,Like the smell JiZhu sound”。

    2011年以来,受出口不畅、企业生产条件落后等因素困扰,回龙坝镇的纺织业出现产品积压、资金周转困难、成本居高不下的局面。目前,回龙坝镇80%的企业处在放假、停产状态,行业处在亏损边缘。     Since 2011,Export impeded by、Enterprise production conditions with backward factors,Back in the town of established textile industry appear product backlog、Fund turnover difficult、High cost of the situation。At present,Back to the 80% of the enterprise is established in a holiday、Production state,Industry in the edge of the losses。

    当地政府、企业负责人表示,纺织业是民生行业,能安置大量劳动力,需要政府加大扶持力度,在土地、融资等方面给予实质性支持,帮助企业改造升级,同时引进知名企业形成集聚效应,回龙坝的纺织业才能迎来生机。新华社记者 李健 摄     The local government、The responsible person of the enterprise said,Textile industry is the people's livelihood,Can set a lot of Labour,Need the government increased the support strength,In the land、Financing to substantial support,Help enterprise of the transformation and upgrade,At the same time introduce famous enterprises to form accumulation effect,Back in the textile industry is established to life。The xinhua news agency reporter li perturbation


回龙坝一家织布厂内一名工人带着小孩在上班(8月2日摄)。新华社记者 李健 摄 Back to ZhiBuChang established a within a worker with a child in the work(On August 2, taken)。The xinhua news agency reporter li perturbation
