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    新华社北京8月7日电(记者 江国成)国家发展和改革委员会投资司有关负责人7日说,《国务院关于鼓励和引导民间投资健康发展的若干意见》(新36条)出台两年来我国民间投资占城镇固定资产投资的比重明显扩大,成为支撑投资增长的重要“稳定器”。最新数据表明,今年以来鼓励民间资本进入石油和天然气开采、教育等领域的政策措施开始发挥积极作用。

    Beijing, aug. 7 (Reuters)(Reporter JiangGuoCheng)The national development and reform commission and a head of the 7 th said,《The state council about encourage and guide the healthy development of the private investment in some opinions》(Article 36 the new)Come on stage in China in the past two years ZhanChengZhen private investment in the fixed assets investment proportion of hydrocephalus,Become the important support investment growth“stabilizer”。The latest data show that,Since this year,Encourage private capital into oil and gas drilling、Education and other areas of policy measures began to play a positive role。


    In the interview with xinhua news agency in accept,May 2010“Article 36 the new”When issued,Folk fixed asset investment ZhanChengZhen fixed asset investment for 51.2%。After more than two years,Private investment scale greatly increased,The proportion of the investment in fixed assets is on the rise。In the first half of this year,Private investment in the total scale to 9.37 trillion yuan,About 2010 in the same period than doubled,Investment in fixed assets(Do not contain farmers)That accounted for 62.1%。


    He said,In the first half of this year oil and gas drilling、education、Health industry's private investment in the growth of 89.2%, respectively、40.2%、43.1%,Average growth than industry was 85.9、22.8 and 21.5%,this“Article 36 showed that the new encourage private capital into these areas of policy measures have begun to play a positive role”。


    Since May 2010,Private investment growth than in the same period the overall investment growth always,More than state-owned and state holding investment growth。In the first half of this year,Private investment has slowed down,But still amounted to 25.8%,The same period than the fixed assets investment(Do not contain farmers)The high growth of 5.4%,Than state-owned and state holding investment high 12%。


    Since this year,In the domestic and international economic situation influence and macro-control role,Fixed asset investment growth is slowing,Especially in real estate and infrastructure investment year-on-year growth apparent。But private investment kept fast growth,To the stable investment growth has played an important role。


    In the,Since this year,Fixed assets investment in manufacturing investment accounts for more than a third,And manufacturing investment in private investment is more than 80%。Since this year manufacturing investment growth has been stable at 24% to 25%,Is mainly attributed to the private investment in the steady growth。Private investment has become an important support investment growth“stabilizer”。


    At the same time,Private investment structure further optimized,Industry distribution is more balanced。In the,Private investment in the oil and gas drilling、Public facilities、education、Health and other monopoly industries and public career fields the proportion of the investment has been low,As private investment in the new article 36 and detailed rules for the implementation of the related to be implemented,The recent industry folk investment growth quickly,The same period is significantly higher than the industry average growth。


    2005 years,The state council issued the《About encouraging support and guide the individual private and other non-public sectors of the economy development certain opinions》,Comprehensively and systematically puts forward the development of the non-public sector article 36 policy provisions,films“Article 36 non-public economy”。


    Two years ago,《The state council about encourage and guide the healthy development of the private investment in some opinions》issued,Encourage and guide the folk capital into not explicitly forbidden by laws and regulations access industries and fields,Including traffic telecom energy infrastructure、Municipal public utilities、Defense science, technology and industry、Affordable housing construction, etc,By financial institutions,Investment commerce circulating industry,Participating in the development of culture、education、sports、Medical and social welfare。

本网综合:鼓励引导民间投资健康发展实施细则出台 Our comprehensive: encourage guide the healthy development of private investment in the detailed rules for the implementation of the come

    改革开放以来,我国民间投资不断发展壮大,已经成为促进经济发展、调整产业结构、繁荣城乡市场、扩大社会就业的重要力量。在毫不动摇地巩固和发展公有制经济的同时,毫不动摇地鼓励、支持和引导非公有制经济发展,进一步鼓励和引导民间投资,有利于坚持和完善我国社会主义初级阶段基本经济制度,以现代产权制度为基础发展混合所有制经济,推动各种所有制经济平等竞争、共同发展;有利于完善社会主义市场经济体制,充分发挥市场配置资源的基础性作用,建立公平竞争的市场环境;有利于激发经济增长的内生动力,稳固可持续发展的基础,促进经济长期平稳较快发展;有利于扩大社会就业,增加居民收入,拉动国内消费,促进社会和谐稳定。 >>>详细阅读

    Since the reform and opening,Our country folk investment company development,Has become to promote economic development、Adjust the industrial structure、Prosperous urban and rural markets、Expand employment important strength。In unswervingly consolidate and develop the public sector of the economy at the same time,Unswervingly encourage、Support and guide the development of the non-public sector,Further encourage and guide the private investment,To insist on and perfect our country's social basic economic system of the primary stage of socialism,In the modern property rights system basis the mixed ownership economy development,Drive a variety of ownership economy equal competition、Common development;To improve the socialist market economic system,Give full play to the basic role of the market in resource allocation,Establish the market environment of fair competition;To arouse the endogenous economic growth power,The sustainable development of solid foundation,Promote long-term stable and rapid economic development;To expand employment,Increasing household income,Boosting domestic consumption,Promote social harmony and stability。 > > > detailed reading

温家宝主持召开国务院常务会议 Wen jiabao presided the standing committee of state council
Listen to encourage private investment in formulate detailed rules for the implementation of the report
Encourage and support the deployment enterprises to strengthen technical reconstruction work


    The state council premier wen jiabao 30, chaired the standing committee of state council,Listen to encourage private investment in formulate detailed rules for the implementation of the report,Encourage and support the deployment enterprises to strengthen technical reconstruction work。

    会议指出,改革开放以来,我国非公有制经济从无到有、由小到大,快速发展,在经济社会发展中的地位和作用日益突出,已经成为促进经济发展、推动科技创新、调整产业结构、繁荣城乡市场、扩大社会就业的重要力量。坚持“两个毫不动摇”的方针,鼓励和引导民间投资健康发展,直接关系坚持社会主义初级阶段基本经济制度,关系维护平等保护物权的法律制度,关系真正建立公平竞争的市场环境,关系激发社会活力、促进社会进步。2010年《国务院关于鼓励和引导民间投资健康发展的若干意见》印发实施以来,特别是今年以来,各有关部门贯彻落实国务院部署,着眼于降低准入门槛、创造公平竞争条件,制定出台了42项“新36条”的实施细则。这些细则涉及与经济社会发展和人民生活相关的各行各业,在消除制约民间投资发展障碍方面迈出了实质性步伐。 >>>详细阅读

    The meeting noted that,Since the reform and opening,The non-public sector of the economy in our country from scratch、From small to large,Rapid development,In the economic and social development in the position and increasingly prominent role,Has become to promote economic development、Promote science and technology innovation、Adjust the industrial structure、Prosperous urban and rural markets、Expand employment important strength。Insist on“Two not be moved”policy,Encourage and guide the healthy development of private investment,Direct relationship between the primary stage of socialism basic economic system,The equal protection of the real right relationship maintenance legal system,Relationship really set up the market environment of fair competition,Stimulate social vitality relationship、Promoting social progress。2010 years《The state council about encourage and guide the healthy development of the private investment in some opinions》Issued since the implementation of,Especially since this year,The relevant departments under the state council to implement the deployment,Focus on reducing barriers to entry、Create a fair competition conditions,Formulate issued a 42 items“Article 36 the new”Detailed rules for the implementation of the。These rules related to the economic and social development and people's life of the relevant industries,Eliminate the factors in private investment development disorder made substantive steps。 > > > detailed reading
