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科学发展成就辉煌:和衷共济 区域合作成绩斐然--亲稳舆论引导监测室

    新华社北京8月8日电(记者 谭晶晶 杨依军)周边是中国面临的直接外部环境,做好周边外交工作对维护和延长中国发展的战略机遇期具有重要意义。

    Beijing August 8,(Reporter TanJingJing Yang in army)China is facing surrounding the direct external environment,Do the work to the neighboring countries to maintain and extend the China development period of strategic opportunities to have the important meaning。


    China pursues the firm“And good-neighbourly,Partnership with neighbors”The foreign policy of peripheral,Deepening and the surrounding countries good-neighborly and friendly and mutually beneficial cooperation。Nearly 10 years,China steadily and Shanghai cooperation organization、Such as asean regional organizations and China-asean(At the 10 + 1)、Asean and the republic of Korea(10 + 3)、The east Asia summit、The China, Japan and South Korea cooperation of regional cooperation mechanism pragmatic cooperation,Maintenance surrounding stability,Promoting regional national common development。According to recent surrounding areas of some of the complex situation there,China's foreign properly deal with it,Always firmly safeguard China's sovereignty and Marine rights and interests。


    historically,China's relations with neighboring countries in development、In deepening,China has made great achievements in neighboring countries。It is also China's participation,Make area multilateral cooperation framework more complete,Which covers a larger range,Thus promoted by the regional multilateral cooperation。


    与中亚合作谱写新篇章 And central Asia cooperation write a new chapter


    June 2001,By the China、kazakhstan、kyrgyzstan、Russia、tajikistan、Uzbekistan composed of six of the Shanghai cooperation organization declared was born,Open central Asia cooperation history chapter。


    Since the date of the establishment of,The sco peace is determined,Advocate cooperation,Promoting development,To establish justice、fair、Reasonable new international political and economic order,To promote regional cooperation、Maintain regional peace、Expanding international multilateral diplomatic built new platform。


    Established 11 years,The sco in several areas and made great achievements:Economic and trade field,China and the sco member other the volume of trade between from us $2001 up to $2011 in 113.4 billion,Increased nearly nine times;Energy field,Crude oil pipeline between China and Russia formally put into operation,China-central Asian gas pipeline realize ventilation and double stable operation;The rapid development of security cooperation,Be maintain peace and stability in the mainstay。


    now,The sco development has entered the second ten years。In June of this year at the sco summit in Beijing,Each member signed a series of important documents head of state,Planning and deploy the next 10 years development and cooperation of the measures,The sco will enter a new period of vigorous development。


    Afghanistan is the sco's neighbour,The development situation in Afghanistan vital central Asian security and stability。China has been an active support and participate in the Afghan peace reconstruction。Since 2009,The sco has held the international conference on Afghanistan and five times the vice WaiChangJi consultations,And established the“The Shanghai cooperation organization-Afghanistan”LianLaoZu,In the fight against terrorism and drug abuse field to Afghanistan offers a lot of help。


    “For the Chinese,The sco not only promoted the Chinese and the central Asian countries political relations and economic and trade cooperation,To stabilize the situation in the frontier、Promote the development of Chinese multilateral diplomacy played an important positive role。”China's modern international relations institute Russia, deputy director of institute DingXiaoXing said。


    推进与东盟面向和平与繁荣的战略伙伴关系 Asean and push for peace and prosperity and strategic partnership


    China actively committed to the development and asean and strategic partnership,With asean countries for mutual benefit and cooperation、Realize common development,Is China has been unremitting efforts goal。


    many“The first”Witness the relationship between China and asean the development process:In China the first in the country to join《Southeast Asia friendly cooperation treaty》;The first and asean build strategic partnership;The first clear support《Southeast Asia nuclear-weapon-free zone treaty》;The first built with asean covering 1.9 billion population of free trade...


    China has always advocated the east Asia cooperation with asean as the leading、With 10 + 1 for the foundation、10 + 3 as the main body、The east Asia summit for important added,Drive above mechanism in economic and trade、financial、Food security、Cultural exchanges all fields of cooperation have made new progress。


    Last year was established relationship between China and asean dialogue 20 anniversary。20 years,China and asean through the mutual benefit and cooperation,Not only the region economic prosperity,Also maintained the regional peace,Is the model of regional cooperation。


    In the economic and trade field,China is now asean biggest trading partner,Asean become China's third largest trading partner。In 2010 China-asean free trade after completion,Both sides to more than 90% of the products implement zero tariff,Fast growth of bilateral trade and investment。


    In the humanities,Both sides are working to achieve 2015 both personnel exchanges reached 15 million goals,Promote 2020 will China-asean foreign students exchanged the size of the extended to 100000 people“Double tenth all plan”。


    “China not only and asean whole set up strategic partnership,And and Laos、Vietnam、Thailand、Cambodia asean member countries such as building a strategic partnership。This is the cooperation between China and asean one of the window。”China's modern international relations institute of southeast Asia and South Asia Pacific institute assistant researcher LuoYongKun said。


    For relevant countries in the south China sea and the existing island sovereignty and part of the maritime demarcation controversy,China has always advocated peaceful settlement through negotiation。2002 years,China and asean countries signed《The conduct of parties in the south China sea declaration》。Last year,China and asean countries to carry out《declaration》Guidelines to reach a consensus,start《declaration》Under the framework of our cooperation。


    积极维护东北亚和平与稳定 To maintain peace and stability in northeast Asia


    July,North Korea's foreign minister PiaoYiChun in Cambodia visit said,North Korea has to return to the six-party talks of preparation。Foreign minister Yang jiechi on the asean region BBS series foreign minister will meet with PiaoYiChun during said,China is willing to restart the six-party talks to create conditions。


    Progress on the north Korean nuclear issue is the common effort of all parties,China as advocates of the six party talks and talks, to push for the presidency has long process do a lot of work。


    China in the Korean peninsula affairs always grasps the objective、justice、Responsible manner。Since the 2003 years since the start of the six party talks mechanism,The Chinese side with all the parties concerned to keep close contact and dialogue,Positive endeavoring to encourage talk,To advance peninsula、Maintaining peace and stability in northeast Asia play a unique、The role that cannot be replaced。


    The north Korean nuclear issue and sensitivity of the complexity of the doomed to resolve the process can't all plain sailing。Since early December 2008, to be held in Beijing, after six party talks will be,The six-party talks have been in a state of pause,Failed so far to restart。All the parties concerned serious lack of trust,The overall security situation is peninsula is very vulnerable basic reason。


    Despite the difficulties,The Chinese side never give up through the six party talks a peaceful solution to the nuclear issue of effort,Has been using various occasions do various parties,Actively promote to restart talks。


    SAO experts point out that,Maintaining peace and stability in the peninsula compliance with the common interests of all the parties,Is the burden of all parties joint liability。To solve the problems of the complicated peninsula,Must adhere to mitigate the conflict through dialogue,Give consideration to the parties concerned。And the six-party talks is to realize the effective mechanism of peninsula,Is all the parties concerned to improve relations important platform。


    China and northeast Asia important neighbour South Korea、Japan's cooperation has also made new breakthrough,Presents comprehensive、multi-level、Wide development situation。Three countries from trade has been over $1999 in 1300, jumped to over $2011 in 6900。China has for many years as Japan、South Korea's biggest trading partner。


    In may this year,The fifth republic of Korea leaders' meeting is held in Beijing。Three leaders agreed to start the China, Japan and South Korea free trade area in negotiations。Three countries also formally signed the promotion、Convenient and protection of the investment of the agreement,Is the deepening economic and trade cooperation between The Three Kingdoms provide important basis。


    In northeast Asia regional economic integration faces more difficult situation,Set up the China, Japan and South Korea free trade is expected to become move northeast Asia and east Asia economic cooperation of important leverage,And to enhance the status of east Asia in the global。


    与南亚合作稳步推进 And South Asia cooperation steadily


    In recent years,China and South Asia countries has also made the relationship between positive developments。China has become an important regional cooperation organization of south of the south Asian association for regional cooperation observer countries。


    Relations between the two countries for the Asian powers and development with the great nation。Insist on sino-indian friendship、Deepening strategic cooperation、Promote common development is the permanent policy。In recent years,The two countries maintain high-level exchanges,Deepening economic and trade fields practical cooperation,Strengthen the communication and the folk cultural exchanges,At the United Nations、g20、Compound state and other multilateral mechanisms actively develop communication and coordination,Seek common to cope with climate change、Energy and food security and the important problem。


    As the name matches the reality of good neighbor、Good friends、Good partner、Good brothers,No matter how the international situation changes,And no matter how the two countries domestic change,Relations between China and Pakistan always maintained the vigorous vitality。In recent years,China and Pakistan's traditional friendly relationship forward development。Both parties involved in each other interests of the core support each other,In the economic and trade fields practical cooperation constantly expanding and deepening,In the attack“Three forces”Have close communication and coordination。The friendship between the two countries have a very long history,Constantly strengthen,Thorough popular feeling。


    China is with the surrounding countries continue to deepen good-neighborly and friendly and mutually beneficial cooperation,Actively participate in all kinds of cooperation mechanism around,To promote the regional cooperation further development,To build peace and stability、Equality and mutual trust、Win-win cooperation in the environment。

戴秉国出席庆祝中国与中亚五国建交20周年招待会 DaiBingGuo attend China and five central Asian countries celebrate 20 anniversary of diplomatic relations between the press conference


    Beijing, jan. 10 (Reuters)(Reporter HouLiJun)State councilor DaiBingGuo 10 days late in the great hall of the people in China to attend the people's foreign friendship association and China central Asia friendship association of China and uzbekistan held celebration、kazakhstan、tajikistan、Kyrgyzstan, and turkmenistan 20 anniversary of diplomatic relations between and addressed the conference。China central Asia friendly honorary President of the association SiMaYi · YiMaiDi、Chinese people's foreign friendly association President LiXiaoLin、China central Asia friendly association President ZhangDeGuang,And ZhongLianBu、Foreign ministry、The department of defense、The ministry of commerce、On behalf of the ministry of culture and the five central Asian countries ambassadors、Business representatives of more than 260 people attend conference, etc。

    戴秉国在致辞中说,中国与中亚五国建交20年来,双边关系取得全面长足发展。双方高层交往密切,政治互信日益加深,在彼此关切的重大问题上相互支持,各领域互利合作不断扩大。双方在联合国、上海合作组织等多边框架内密切配合,为维护和促进世界和平、稳定与发展作出积极贡献。中国和中亚国家已成为谁也离不开谁的好邻居、好朋友、好伙伴。不管国际风云如何变幻,中国政府都将坚定不移地奉行与邻为善、以邻为伴的周边外交方针,坚定不移地支持中亚五国自主选择的发展道路,坚定不移地推动与中亚国家的传统友好与互利合作,同中亚国家一起,共同为建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界继续作出不懈努力。中方愿与中亚国家密切配合,以庆祝建交20周年为契机,进一步增进政治互信,扩大互利合作,发展传统友谊,共同开创中国与中亚国家关系的美好未来。 >>>详细阅读

    DaiBingGuo said in his speech,China and five central Asian countries established diplomatic relations for 20 years,Bilateral ties to achieve comprehensive progress。The high level of contact closely,Political trust deepening day by day,On major issues of common concern mutual support,Every field and mutual benefit cooperation expands unceasingly。Both sides in the United Nations、The Shanghai cooperation organization and other multilateral framework closely cooperate with one another,To safeguard and promote world peace、Stability and development to make positive contribution。China and the central Asian countries has become one cannot who good neighbor、Good friends、Good partner。No matter how the international situation changes,The Chinese government will unswervingly pursue our good、The partnership with neighbors surrounding the foreign policy,Firmly support the five central Asian countries to independently choose development road,Unswervingly promote and the central Asian countries traditional friendly and mutually beneficial cooperation,Together with central Asian countries,Together to build a lasting peace、Prosperous and harmonious world continue to make unremitting efforts。China will closely cooperate with central Asian countries,To celebrate 20 anniversary of diplomatic relations between as an opportunity,Further enhancing the political trust,Expand mutually beneficial cooperation,Development traditional friendship,China to jointly create relationship and the central Asian countries in the future。 > > > detailed reading

外交部副部长傅莹就中国东盟关系接受新华社采访 China's deputy foreign minister FuYing asean relationship told the xinhua news agency

    新华社北京8月5日电(记者 孙奕)外交部副部长傅莹5日就中国-东盟关系接受了新华社记者采访。傅莹表示,中方将同东盟共同努力,推动中国-东盟战略伙伴关系不断迈上新台阶,使中国-东盟合作更好地服务于中国和东盟国家可持续发展,造福于本地区人民,为促进地区和平、稳定与繁荣做出积极贡献。

    Beijing, aug. 5 (Reuters)(Reporter SunYi)Chinese vice foreign minister FuYing 5, relations between China and asean will accept the xinhua reporters。FuYing said,The Chinese side will with asean joint efforts,Push China-asean strategic partner relationship is continuously to step on to a new stage,Make china-asean cooperation better service in China and asean countries and sustainable development,The benefit of the people in this region,In order to promote regional peace、Stability and prosperity to make positive contribution。


    记者:中国同东盟建立对话关系已超过20年,中方多次表示中国-东盟合作是互利共赢的,这种互利共赢体现在哪些方面? reporter:China established relationship with asean dialogue has more than 20 years,China has repeatedly expressed china-asean cooperation is mutually beneficial and win-win,This kind of mutual benefit and win-win results reflected in what respect?

    傅莹:自1991年中国-东盟开启对话关系以来,双方友好合作走过了不平凡的发展历程。20多年来,无论国际风云如何变幻,中国同东盟始终坚持睦邻友好,始终坚持互利共赢。   >>>详细阅读

    FuYing:Since 1991 China-asean open dialogue since the relationship,Friendly cooperation through an extraordinary development process。More than 20 years,No matter how the international situation changes,China and asean always adhere to the good-neighborly and friendly,Always adhere to the mutual benefit and win-win result。   > > > detailed reading
