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福建晋江:提高乡村医生待遇 稳定基层医疗队伍--亲稳舆论引导监测室

福建晋江:提高乡村医生待遇 稳定基层医疗队伍

     8月9日,乡村医生苏培璇在晋江市陈埭镇苏厝村第四卫生所整理药品。40岁的苏培璇已经从医10年,如今她一个月的收入达到3000多元。地处福建沿海的晋江市现有村级医疗卫生机构752所,从业卫生技术人员1078人。为解决长期以来乡村医生收入偏低、工作条件艰苦、医疗队伍不稳定等问题,2011年,晋江市在投入100多万元进行村级卫生所标准化建设的同时,采取“政府购买服务”的方式给予乡村医生适当补助,对于从事农村医疗卫生工作年满40年且在岗在册的乡村医生,每人每月给予养老生活补贴400元;其余在岗在册从业人员根据不同情况也可得到相应的生活补助;经过考核圆满完成农村公共卫生任务的村医年人均补助金额不低于4000元,通过多种措施提高乡村医生的待遇,以解决乡村医生的后顾之忧,稳定基层医疗队伍。新华社记者 张国俊 摄      August 9,,SuPeiXuan rural doctors in jinjiang ChenDaiZhen Sue Cuo village fourth health center consolidation drugs。40 years old SuPeiXuan has 10 years of working,Now she a month of income reached 3000 yuan。Is located in the coast of fujian jinjiang existing medical and health institutions at 752,From health technical personnel 1078。To solve the long-standing rural doctors low income、Work hard conditions、Medical teams not stable,2011 years,Jinjiang in invested more than 100 yuan on the village-level health center the standardized construction at the same time,take“The government buying services”Given the way rural doctors appropriate allowance,For in countryside medical and health work be 40 years the number of rural doctors and engineers,Each every months 400 yuan RMB subsidies give endowment life;The rest of the list on-the-job employees, according to the different conditions can also be obtained corresponding living allowance;Through examination satisfactorily completed the task of public health in rural areas in village doctor per capita subsidy amount not less than 4000 yuan,Through a variety of measures to improve rural doctors treatment,In order to solve the trouble back at home of rural doctors,Stable basic-level medical team。The xinhua news agency ZhangGuoJun perturbation

福建晋江:提高乡村医生待遇 稳定基层医疗队伍

     8月9日,晋江市罗山街道社店村乡村医生柯子明(右)上门为62岁的洪碧霞(左)诊疗。64岁的柯子明至今从医42年,是一名老“赤脚医生”,从2011年起,他每月可领取400元的养老生活补贴,如今每月的收入可达3000多元。新华社记者 张国俊 摄       August 9,,Jinjiang city street club shop roshan village village doctor KeZiMing(right)The door for the 62-year-old HongBiXia(left)Diagnosis and treatment。The 64-year-old KeZiMing working so far in 42 years,Is an old“Barefoot doctors”,Since 2011,He can get 400 yuan a month of endowment life subsidies,Now the monthly income of 3000 yuan。The xinhua news agency ZhangGuoJun perturbation 

福建晋江:提高乡村医生待遇 稳定基层医疗队伍

    这是晋江市乡村医生在接受技能培训(8月9日摄)。近年来,晋江市卫生部门定期对全市乡村医生进行轮训,提高他们的医疗水平。新华社记者 张国俊 摄     This is in jinjiang rural doctors accept skill training(August 9, taken)。In recent years,The health department of the jinjiang regularly for LunXun rural doctors,Improve their medical treatment。The xinhua news agency ZhangGuoJun perturbation
